«chapter eleven: what now»

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Violet giggles as she looks at her phone and it doesn't take a genius to know Brion is texting her.

I am at Artemis and Wally's and... Will's? They all decided to live together to take care of Lian.

It's been almost three days since I've seen Dick and I think that's how he wanted it. Forager even commented to M'gann about

Instead, I asked Artemis if I could come see Lian and bring Lily with me for dinner.

Now that I am here, I feel bad about asking.

Jefferson, Helga, Violet, Tara, Lian, Lily, Will, Wally and Artemis are all here too, which means it's a very full house.

Lian was excited to see me, she wouldn't leave my side for the first hour I was here, but now she is screaming, "Not me!" and throwing her juice around.

Artemis looks at Violete frantically, "Violet, Lian spilled her juice."

"Not me! Not me!" Lian insists, almost giggly.

"Coming," Violet says levitating to help Artemis.

Artemis walks past trying to get Lian into clean clothes and says, "Tara, it's time for Brucely's walk," She says before realizing that she is walking out the door with him, "Oh, you got him," She laughs, "Thanks."

"Full house, huh?" Jefferson laughs as Wally sets down a tray of coffees for us.

"Yeah, yeah. Never a dull moment," Artemis answers for them as Will rubs the back of his head and Wally looks like he is barely awake, sipping coffee. "But the girls pull their weight, so we make do," Artemis smiles as she kisses Wally's cheek and says, "Caffeine me."

He gives her his coffee and she takes a sip and then looks to Lian, "We'll be right back after I clean up this juice monster."

"Not me!" Lian exclaims.

"Do you want me to-"

"I've got it," Artemis cuts Will off who is sitting across from me and next to Wally.

"You've all built a home full of love. It is
nice to see," Helga smiles at Wally and Will before she frowns next to me.

"Helga?" Jefferson asks, seeing her face fall.

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