«chapter sixteen: brooke's plan»

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"Where is she?" I hear a worried Artemis ask from down stairs causing me to smile a bit.

"I'm confused," Wally follows before I third voice causes me to frown.

"I'm not going on a date with her," Dick says, making me roll my eyes and look at myself one last time in the mirror before I start heading down stairs.

"Cat?" Conner calls, confusion clear in his voice.

"Yeah, yeah," I call back and a moment later I am staring at several very confused people. "Oh, a party." I grin, pretending to not see any problem with this.

Alex, Conner, Artemis, Wally and Dick all stare back at me.

My eyes subconsciously look to Dick, and I mentally curse because he looks good.

I'm guessing that is the stealth suit he has been in for missions off the radar, and I almost feel like I need to thank Barbara and Bruce for designing it.

I need to stop staring at him or he will start to realize why, so I look to Artemis and frown, "What are you doing?" I ask, talking note of the dress in her arms.

"What are you doing?" She asks before Wally cuts her off.

"We thought you needed a dress for date night!" He exclaims before gesturing to my dress I have on, "Clearly not."

I look down at my dress, the black fabric hugging my curves aside from the slit on the side, the neck line a low V and backless aside from a few strips that crisscross.

"Who are you going on a date with then? I thought it was Dick," Wally whispers the last part as he covers his mouth to keep him from hearing.

It obvious didn't work, causing Dick to shot him an annoyed look, "That's why you made me come here?"

Wally grins sheepishly, "Thought you would what to at least know who it is. It better not be the bimbo leech though," He nods to Alex as he crosses his arms.

"Bimbo leech can hear you," Alex glares at him before adding, "And it's not me," He looks me over before he smirks a bit, "Wish it was though."

I roll my eyes at the flirtation in his tone before I say, "Artemis go put your dress on, we are going to be late."

"What?" She questions and Wally starts to shake his head.

"Uh-huh, you aren't taking her out without letting me know what you are doing," I put on an offended face before he holds his hand up to keep me from talking, "I know you Brooklyn Travis and while I love you, you have a talent for ending up in wrong places."

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