«chapter three: keeping the peace»

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'Recognize: Pierce, Jefferson G-01'

"Good, We're all here." I say as Jefferson steps through the Zeta-tube.

"All?" Jefferson asks, looking around with a raised eyebrow, "Where's Conner?"

"Mending fences with M'gann," I explain shortly, feeling a little bad about taking him away from her for a while.

Jefferson raises an eyebrow at my words, "Didn't know their fence was broken..."

"It's not so much broken as left unattended for too long," Artemis says rubbing the back of her neck uncomfortably. 

"Ah. Right," Jeff huffs, "Lynn and I had 'fence problems' before the divorce."

I cross my arms and without thinking I say, "I didn't know I had 'fence problems'."

Before Artemis and Jeff can say anything though, Brion interrupts.

"Must we maintain the "fence" metaphor, or can we find out why we've all been summoned?" He says impatiently.

"Okay. I need you to maintain your cool." I cross my arms over my chest, "We've located someone who might have some intel on the League of Shadows."

"Your ex?" Jefferson questions causing me to grimace.


I don't even know where to look for her. Or if she would help. Not now anyways.

"Meaning we'll finally find my sister?" Brion says, managing to ignore the comment about my ex, which I am thankful for. "That's wonderful!

"Not so wonderful." Artemis says cutting in, "The intel would be from my sister."

"Lian's mother? That's great!" Halo says, clearly not knowing much about Cheshire.

"Not so great. She may not be very cooperative." Artemis explains.

"Not very cooperative? That's excellent!" Forager smiles, causing everyone to look at him confused. His smile falls as he says, "Not so excellent?"

"No." We all say together.

"Forager is good at this game," He responds whisper to Halo, very clearly not understand his game.

"Our understanding is she's wounded. A cornered animal. That makes her dangerous." Artemis narrows her eyes, obviously not super excited about her sister being hurt.

Cheshire did what Catgirl did. She left after trying to live a normal life. Maybe I should have known after she left that Cat would too.

Will tried to talk about it and bond over it when I asked him for help recently. He got the hint that I was less than excited to talk about it. He dropped it, but I didn't miss his glances.

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