«chapter thirty: complications»

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  I gasp, sitting up in my bed, sweat covering my skin.

  I close my eyes, bringing my knees to my chest; it was just a dream.

  Just a dream. Blood covering the floor. Just a dream. My blade cutting through his skin. Just a dream. His body falling to the floor. Just a dream.

  Tear fall from my eyes and I sob threatens to escape, but I hold it back, silently crying over the images that have haunted me for years.

  Ever since Connor, I haven't slept well. I haven't slept well, but when I did, it was usually dreamless sleep.

It wasn't what I just saw. What I just relived.

  And I know why I had a nightmare. It was because I saw him. The Demon Head.

  I just wish he didn't have that power over me anymore. The thought makes me cry harder, my hand covering my mouth. Frustration fuels my tears. He should have that power over me still. He shouldn't. He doesn't deserve it.

  Shaking my head, I force the image out of my head, reminding myself that I saw him a few hours ago. That we talked and joked like old times and that he was alive and safe and that I would never, ever, hurt him like that.

  It doesn't stop the tears. It doesn't stop the tears, because the only thing that ever did calm me down was him. Was waking up next to him and moving closer. It was resting my head on his chest so that I could hear his heart beat and feel his breath.

And now I can't do either.


(a few days later)

  A knock at the door surprises me; I don't get many unexpected visitors. Well aside from Wally when he wants to raid my pantry and have 'tea time'.

  I unlock the door and open it, only to be even more surprised.

"Dick?" I ask, opening the door more.

  He flashes me a smile that makes my heart skip a beat.

  "Hey," He says in greeting, stepping into my apartment as I open the door to let him. "Sorry for the surprise visit."

  "Oh, you are fine," I reassure him as he looks around before turning to me. "I have today off anyways."

  He nods, "And how is that? Working under Artemis has to be a breeze," He teases, a small smirk tugging at his lips.

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