«chapter eighteen: anti-life equation»

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  Lily rests her head against my thigh, her eye lids drooping slightly.

  I run my fingers through her hair, playing with the ends because I know she likes it when I do that. I think it makes her feel safe and almost like everything is normal, so I don't question it.

  Jake doesn't say anything about it either when he sits down next to me, opposite of where Lily's legs are, because this sight isn't new to him.

  He plops some popcorn in his mouth, offering me some out of the bowl that I graciously take because I am starving.

  It has been a few hours since the mission, and because of the time difference, it's Lily's bedtime. She should have been asleep an hour ago, but Jake couldn't get her to go to sleep without me here.

  "Thank you," I mutter to him, resting my head on his shoulder as I close my eyes.

  He laughs quietly, "Tired?" He asks, patting my head a little.

  "Very," I say and open my eyes, bringing my head back up as I look down at Lily.

  "You know, you are her favorite, and I think it's really unfair," He says as he looks between us.

I smile lightly, "You are her second favorite."

  "Great," He rolls his eyes at the comment before he looks back to me. "So, how are you and Grayson?"

  My eyes meet his in surprise. "Where did that come from?" I question.

  He looks down at Lily again, "I just think it's funny that everyone thinks she looks like you both."

  I don't say anything, making him look back up at me, "So how are you both? Alex was muttering under his breath about Wally being out to get him, and that Dick even insisted that he wasn't your date."

  "Sounds like you know how it's going then," I shrug, my fingers pausing in Lily's hair slightly. "He hates me still."

  Jake frowns at this, but decides to drop it. He knows not to push me on this. He was there when I first came back after Dick refused to continue dating me. He saw it all. He saw how much I was hurting.

  "How are you and Barbara?" I ask, clearing my throat slightly to make my tone seem more light.

  He starts grinning at the mention of her, and I can't help but feel both happy for him and jealous. Of course, I want them both to be happy... it's just a little hard right now.

  "Good," He admits, "She is pretty amazing. And she forgave me for leaving with you. She said she was glad you had me to rely on." He says, making me roll my eyes.

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