«chapter ten: the circus»

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(one year and a few months ago)

I keep my hands on his as I walk backwards, looking back every so often to make sure I don't run into anything.

He laughs as I remind him not to peek, and I can't fight the smile on my face.

He has been blindfolded for about twenty minutes now, and although he knows we have the circus rented out, he doesn't know it's tonight.

Well, knowing him be probably pieced it together and is just trying to act surprised for my sake, but I can't wait.

"Okay stop here," I say and let his hands go. He waits patiently, a grin in his face.

"Is it okay if I-"

"Hold on, hold on," I instruct before I take a deep breath, and say, "Dă-o jos."

It means take it off in Romanian. Romanian that up until now, I haven't been able to speak.

His body freezes, and I can't stop my full on smile as his somehow gets even bigger.

"Say something else," He says, forgetting about the blindfold.

"Te iubesc," I mutter, telling him I love him, and then repeating, "Dă-o jos."

He does, his eyes meeting mine, shining with so much emotion that I could drown in them.

"Și eu te iubesc," He mutters back, his hand reaching out for me. I let him grab me and pull me closer, my arms wrapping around his neck as his wrap around my waist.

"Aniversare intarziata fericita," I whisper, telling him happy late birthday, which only makes him hold onto me tighter.

He pulls back and presses a kiss to my forehead before he looks down at me and starts asking a lot of questions, "Cum poți vorbi brusc românește? Te-a ajutat Bruce? De cât timp lucrezi la asta?"

I blink at him, "I only had the chance to learn a little bit of it, I'm still not fluent, but-"

"I said how can you suddenly speak Romanian? Did Bruce help you? How long have you been working on this?" He supplies, laughing at my expression.

I smile, "Bruce helped a bit, and I thought of the Romanian thing this week, so I haven't had enough time to master it." I explain before I poke his chest, "So no speaking in it so I can't understand you."

"Desigur, nu aș visa la asta," He grin innocently, causing my to narrow my eyes at him.

"You are so close to losing your other surprise, Mister Grayson," I tisk as I step out of his reach.

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