«chapter twenty-three: bedlam»

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  "Here. Got them from Barbara," Artemis says, handing me the stealth gear.

  I look down at it, it being the exact same as her's but the color being a dark purple instead of the green-ish color in her suit. The rest is black aside from that.

  "Thanks," I say before I look up at her, "Are you still mad at me?" She sighs, and I know my answer. "I'm sorry. I didn't know why you. Conner, and Wally were excluded but I tried to ask and-"

  "It's fine," She cuts me off, "It's just not the first time we have tried to protect each other from secrets and it backfiring." She looks at me and frowns, "Just-"

"Never again," I state, making her smile.


  With that, I go and get changed, the suit fitting perfectly. I mentally make a note to thank Barbara, because without this, I would have had to wear the shadows costume in order to not be recognized as Shadowcat. And I am not exactly eager to put that on again.

  I walk back in, my eyes meeting Nightwing's instinctively before we both look away.

  He didn't take the news about me being hunted as Brooklyn Travis too well. And considering Valentine's day just happened, I think we are both is a slight funk.

  I spent my day dodging pity looks from M'gann and Conner and watching shows with Lily. Lily didn't mind this too much because she loves it.

  She gets a little anxious when she isn't with me, so the last few weeks have been hard on her. And while she could go on missions, I would be too worried about what she saw and for her safety. Which means she is with Alex and Jake for now.

  I would lie and say that despite having a good time with her, but it sort of sucked being single on Valentine's day (given the situation). Seeing the happy couple did nothing to cheer me up.

  I felt pretty bad about it until Damian informed me that Dick stayed home all day with Biscuit, which made me feel both better and worse at the same time.

  "Time to go," He says to all of us, and we all line up behind him, getting ready to jump through the zeta-tube.

  There is a small explosion as it opens and we jump through, entering Markova.

  The team and the Outsiders are working together to get the meta-humans to safety while we stop Bedlam.

  M'gann is leading the team to save the meta-humans and the task of flushing out bedlam goes to Nightwing's group, which is the one I am in. Brion's group is the group that is actually stopping Bedlam.

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