No ship - Requested - He warned you

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No ship <3<3
Requested by: 
- Blood mentions
- Angst
- Torture is included but barely mentioned
- Death
- Sickness
- Kinda hard to understand
- It's rlly fast paced and I wanted to fix it but yk
- Enjoy
- OH there's also quite a bit of swearing-
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Dream ignored as Sapnap tried to talk to him, he was too focused on trying not to fall over. Everything hurt so much- he later found out Tommy stole something from Techno, again. "Dream! I just feel like you're not even listening to me anymore! Don't you care?!" Dream winced, another stinging pain.

"I'm sorry Sap.. I got a bit distracted, what's happening?" Dream forced out, rubbing the back of his neck. "Of course you weren't fucking listening! Our friendship is done, Dream, I'm leaving!" Sapnap shouted before walking away, leaving Dream alone on the path. Dream stayed there for a couple minutes, waiting for the pain to go away at least a bit before walking off.

He clenched his fists and took a deep breath, he had to make sure nobody saw him even looking unwell. Everyone on the smp had added up to a plague infecting Dream, and it wouldn't leave until he died. There was no cure, it had gone on for too long.

Everyone always thought of it as some weird ancient legend people made up, a fantasy horror story to scare people into behaving. Nobody on the smp apart from Dream and Phil believed that doing bad things on a server will harm the admin taking care of it. Anything bad like burning things, stealing, killing, etc. really did harm the admin of the server.

It didn't matter if they were in another server or not, they'd be hurt by it. It was rarely mentioned in the stories, but there was a sickness, a disease, a plague, that could infect the admin if people did too many things to harm the world. It couldn't be cured unless caught early. If it couldn't be treated, the admin would pass away in pain.

Ever since Dream started the server, everyone started fucking around with it. And it wasn't until Phil showed up that he knew exactly why he couldn't sleep, why he'd wake up in pain, why he couldn't function properly. Phil told Dream about it and warned everyone on the server about it, nobody believed. Nobody cared.

The only three who tried to stop their violent tendencies were Techno, Phil and Dream. That didn't turn out well, considering they worked together and caused Dream to be stuck in bed for a week. The incident with Wilbur blowing up the country earlier on wasn't great either.

Dream could remember that, he hadn't had anybody to care for him for the first few days- Phil still was figuring out who the admin was and nobody else had any clue what was happening. Dream could remember the pain that ran through him as the explosives went off, he remembered struggling to keep himself from screaming- well, he did scream, but it was drowned out by the explosions so Dream decided to say he didn't.

It made him feel stronger than admitting he couldn't control himself when he was hit with the pain. Dream shook his head, now wasn't the time to be thinking back, he had to get to his place before he ended up doing something stupid.

He pulled out his communicator and told Phil he was going to stay in for a couple days- the blonde constantly did check ups on him, they were both admins of some kind, Phil didn't have his own world because he preferred travelling, Dream liked having one world, one server. It made him feel like his life was at least somewhat under his control.

Dream eventually found himself arriving at his house. It wasn't anything big- this was a house he had to store things, sleep and feel sick in. He had another place, it was a lot bigger but it was extremely far away, so he didn't go there often. Dream sat down on the bed, putting the communicator on the bedside table.

He found himself curling up as another lot of pain ran through him at the same time the communicator went off. Of course, Tommy killed someone again.. fuck that hurt. Dream had a small list in his head of what hurt the most. He liked having it so he knew what to bother with trying to stop- it always changed though.

The first time L'manburg was blown up, he felt like he was dying. The second time, he felt like he could've been sent to the emergency room in a hospital, if it wasn't just pain and he actually got injured, that is. Of course, some things helped him feel better ever now and then. When Puffy or someone else would fill in a creeper hole properly, when a massive build was started and completed, when someone made something look really nice, so on and so forth.

It didn't all help much, but it still helped a bit and that was all he could ask for. It helped soothe the pain a bit. Dream heard the communicator go off again and he saw Phil had responded to him, making him smile slightly. He read it out loud, something he grew into when most people started to hate him.

You whisper to Ph1LzA: staying home not feeling good but dw

Ph1LzA whispers to you: alr m8 ill come by in a bit

You whisper to Ph1LzA: see you soon :)

Dream smiled slightly- he knew Phil probably only cared about him staying alive for as long as possible because the world would start falling apart if Dream died, but he still cared about Dream's well being and that made him happy. The dirty blonde closed his eyes, moving so he was laying down.

He got comfortable and pulled the sheets over himself, he felt extremely tired and shitty in general. He blamed it on the weather, but he knew it was really that stupid fucking plague. Why did it have to exist? Why couldn't he just have a word without the stupid consequences if something goes wrong? Dream felt the pain easing up a bit before it came back completely.

His guess was Foolish was building and then a creeper exploded behind him or something. It eased up again- he filled it in, that's nice. Honestly, it had become somewhat of a game to him. He never knew if someone would do something good or bad next. Dream hated how he couldn't go a day without being overwhelmed by pain at least. He ha- Dream's thoughts were cut off by a knock on his door.

"Phil?.." Dream lifted his head, he was too tired to sit up properly right now. He smiled slightly when he saw Phil walk in, taking off his mask- he wore it sometimes while going to sleep, just in case. "How're you feeling?" Phil sat down on a chair next to the bed, leading Dream to turn onto his other side to face the blonde. "Mmm.. tired," Dream hummed.

He wouldn't admit any kinds of possible weaknesses to anybody but Phil, the guy already knew he was dying so what's the point of trying to hide it? " 'm sorry about that mate, could I take your temperature?" Dream groaned but nodded, letting Phil move him a bit. Dream hated his temperature being taken, no matter how it was done.

"Open your mouth," Phil spoke, holding a thermometer he kept in his inventory. Dream huffed but listened, staying still for one uncomfortable minute until the thing beeped. Phil hummed and took it out, looking at the numbers.

"102, really close to it being really bad.. come on, let's go to my cabin- I have the proper stuff there," Phil picked Dream up, being careful and gentle- he kept an eye on Dream's face to make sure it was okay. Dream leaned his head on the older's shoulder, closing his eyes. "I'll wake you up when we're there," Phil whispered before setting off- he grabbed Dream's mask before he flew off. Dream was asleep for the majority of the time, until they were landing.

"Hey mate, c'mon, gotta have you awake so you can get some water and food in you," Dream hummed in response, showing he was awake- even if he was still extremely tired. "Stay here until I get back," The dirty blonde hummed again as he was put down on a couch. He found himself falling asleep again- though he forced himself to stay awake. Dream knew he had to eat and drink, he knew his temperature was really high, he knew he was sick.

What he didn't know, however, was that he was soon going to have to spend a year in a place where nobody would help him, nobody would believe how sick he was, and Phil wouldn't be able to get to him. That would only be half the things he'd go through in there... Dream slapped himself weakly to stay awake, watching as Phil walked in with a bag over his shoulder and some food and a glass of water in his hands.

Dream took the glass of water, thanking Phil quietly before drinking it all. "Eat as much as you can, I'll go refill your glass," Dream nodded, smiling a bit as he huffed. "Shit Phil, stop being such a good dad," Dream started eating, wincing slightly at the small burning feeling in his throat as he swallowed. The water had felt the same.

Dream finished about half of the food before he started feeling sick, Phil also got back around then. "You're eating less, we'll have to hope that part dies down a bit.." Phil muttered when Dream told him he couldn't eat anymore.

Dream winced at the choice of words- it made Dream wonder how it would feel to die like to this plague.. he knew that, even if he did have all his canon lives, it would result in a permanent death, no ghosts, no respawns, no revivals, nothing. He would be gone forever.

"Dream, hey, get some rest now- you're probably still tired," Dream didn't say anything as he laid back down, closing his eyes and falling asleep quickly. If Techno walked in and saw Dream sleeping peacefully on the couch without his mask while Phil took care of him, nobody else had to know.

And if Ranboo had followed him and saw it all too, and he saw Techno smile at the sleeping man, nobody had to know. Dream stayed there for a couple days until he was able to function properly again- he was still undoubtedly sick, but he didn't feel like killing himself off because of how much a runny nose and a massive headache sucked.

He couldn't remember much of those days other than the fact Phil stayed around the entire time and how much it sucked. Nobody had done anything bad but a slight bit of stealing, so for once, Dream had a bit of a break. Of course, just two weeks after he got sick and had to be taken care of, he was confronted by everyone in the smp- minus Techno and Phil, maybe a couple others.

Dream didn't remember much of what happened, his stupid fucking headache hadn't gone away yet and everything was all hazy. He ended up being put in his own prison w

ith one canon life left- at least dying twice kept the pain in his head away for a couple minutes. Dream was put in the main cell- he had only gotten this prison made so Sam had something to do, the greenette seemed to always be worrying about something when he wasn't busy and he seemed happy with himself when he finished it.

Dream never intended for someone to be put in there- not the main cell, at least. Dream passed out not too long after he was put in the cell. His head hurt so fucking bad, the lava wasn't helping, he was sweating so much it was disgusting, and the pain in his body was almost too much to bear.

While anybody being killed hurt like hell, when an Admin on the server was killed- especially if it was a canon death- hurt so much more. He knew it wasn't just because it was himself dying, he had died on other servers and while it hurt a lot, it wasn't as bad. He felt really bad for the creator of that world though... That wasn't the point though.

Dream woke up a couple hours later that day, turning away from the lava and rubbing his temples. He leaned his head against the obsidian wall, staying there and forcing himself to get used to the heat against his skin. He groaned and eventually got up, walking over to the clock on the wall.

He picked it up, walking to one of the corners and slowly carving a line into the obsidian with the side of the clock. It's not like he had anything else to use, he practically didn't have nails, any sharp objects had been removed, he wasn't ready to hurt himself to do it, and there was nothing else. So all he had was to use the clock.

At some point, Sam came into the cell with some raw potatoes and a small cup of water which was taken away the second he finished the water itself. He ate the potatoes, keeping them down no matter how much they made him feel sick already. Sam left after he ate everything, not sparing Dream a single glance.

It hurt, knowing one of his close friends wouldn't even look at him if he could avoid it. Dream curled up against a wall again, closing his eyes tightly and trying to concentrate on the sound of the lava flowing- he found his headaches were bearable if he could focus on one thing. A lot of the time he couldn't, but it was the thought that counts- or some bullshit like that.

Dream felt like he was going insane- there was nothing in the stupid prison box but lava, obsidian, a cauldron, a chest and a fucking lectern. What the hell was he meant to do? There were books to write in but what would he write about? Dream hit his head against the wall, it had only been a day and he was already so sick of it all.

Dream decided to try and sleep again, trying to ignore how fucking hot it was. He didn't know how long he would last in here, he wanted to get out. About a month in, Dream gave up on hoping someone would break him out. He started writing in the books he had been given, writing about anything and everything he could think of.

He kept one thing out of most of the writings he did- he would kill Dream if he found them.. Everything hurt so fucking bad. Why couldn't they just stop doing shitty things?! Dream got really sick one specific week. He was upset about something and hurt Dream more than usual, leading to two lots of pain.

And then he went off and did something Dream could only assume was destroying something. Someone else was acting up as well, running around and starting fights. Dream hadn't been awake properly at all that week, and he was exhausted the week after that.

Nobody cared, nobody gave a fuck until some started noticing that plants were starting to die quicker, there weren't as many animals and there were way too many mobs. Of course, that lead to people eventually coming to the prison to yell at and tell Dream to fix it all.

The first person was Sapnap, and Dream stayed quiet the entire time- he felt like he was going to pass out on the spot. He wasn't tired anymore, he just felt.. really, really dizzy and everything felt all fuzzy. He didn't know why.

"Dream! I'm sorry for raising my voice but- but you seem out of it, are you.. alright?" Bad asked. Dream thought he replied instantly, in reality it had been a minute. "I'm fine Bad, I don't know why you're all worked up about it.. I probably just got a small fever or something," Dream shrugged, the action taking more effort then he expected.

Bad didn't seem happy with that but left it alone. The last person who came to talk to him was... Tommy. Tommy, the person who he had hurt so badly while trying to keep him from destroying the world. The one who he made Tubbo exile. The one who- "Are you gonna fucking say something or what?" Tommy spat, crossing his arms.

Dream didn't move whatsoever, just sitting where he was. "It really is all your fault that you're in here. Should've just not been a green bitch," The blonde continued- Dream was getting upset, he didn't want to hurt anybody, he just didn't want his server to die and force everyone on it to try to fend for themselves.

"Could've let us have independence, not make Will go mad, forced Tubbo into exiling me and then abusing me. There's a lotta fucking shit you've done to the server," Dream wanted to yell at him to tell him that everyone else had been doing it too, hurting the server and Dream. Dream knew he fucked up though, he knew he was a bad person even if he didn't have any ill intent.

"You deserve to rot in here- I still don't know why we didn't just fucking kill you before," Dream felt, weird. He couldn't hear Tommy anymore. Dream's head hurt, but he couldn't hear anything. Everything was blurry, he could feel his hands shaking, He felt so cold but hot at the same time..

Dream ended up passing out again, Tommy didn't notice- he thought Dream was just continuing to be quiet so he kept talking. When Dream woke up again, he heard someone cursing in the corner furthest from him. Tommy was still here? What the fuck? "...Why are you still here?" Dream questioned, looking up from the floor.

"Don't fucking talk to me.." Tommy huffed, crossing his arms. "...Want some food?" Dream noticed the way Tommy perked up a bit at the mention of food, though he kept himself looking angry and tough. Dream grabbed two of the potatoes he was given each day through the automated machine and gave them to the younger blonde.

He struggled a bit with moving due to the fucking pain that just wouldn't go away, but he managed. "...Fuck you.." Tommy muttered as he ate the two potatoes- that was all Dream had, unless he counted the ones that would make anybody extremely sick with the mold on them. Dream smiled slightly, sitting back where he was before and leaning his head against the wall.

Dream felt another wave of pain hit him, catching him off guard. He started choking on nothing and it burned- considering he barely drank any water now. He couldn't die from dehydration, and there were no bad things about it other than having a sore throat and dry mouth. Dream couldn't stop coughing, it hurt so fucking much- he saw little bits of red splatter on the floor but he didn't pay attention to it.

His head started pounding more than before and he could feel tears in his eyes. "Uh... bitch man?" Dream forced himself to stop coughing, looking up at Tommy and forcing a smile. "Sorry Tommy.. choked on something," Tommy scoffed, turning away. Dream found himself happy Tommy was still acting like himself..

Dream closed his eyes again, deciding he'd try to sleep until he was either dead or being tortured. Dream didn't know about nor remember much of what happened over the next few weeks, maybe it was months- Dream neglected his original idea to keep track of time with the lines.

All Dream knew was that he hadn't moved much, eaten, or had anything to drink for a while. Oh, not to mention everything was getting worse. He couldn't stand up without nearly blacking out and he couldn't breathe without feeling some level of pain. Eventually, Sam decided Dream had been doing this for too long and went to his cell- originally to yell at him to stop faking...

That idea completely vanished when he walked into the cell and saw Dream in person for the first time in nearly a year. Dream looked like absolute shit. His mask was broken and it had been burned, some of his hair stuck to him due to the sweat.

The dirty blonde's eyes were unfocused and hazed over, he looked like he was really hot in general, his nose was red- along with his eyes, and he was fucking crying? He looked like he had given up, but most of all- he really did look sick. Really fucking sick.

Dream shakily stood up, making eye contact with Sam for a moment- he couldn't tell if it was an act or not anymore- and then Dream collapsed, his eyes rolling back. Sam panicked, he didn't know what to do. "Ph-...Phil-.. d-dunno if.." Dream couldn't continue.

Sam grabbed his communicator and told Phil to meet him at the community house and then he picked Dream up and went as fast as he could. He heard multiple people ask why he was out of prison, all of them shut up when something dripped from Dream's lips and nose. When Sam reached the community house, Phil was already there.

"Why did you ca- oh shit," Phil cut himself off when he saw Dream. The dirty blonde wasn't breathing anymore. "Fuck," Phil swore, trying to find a heart beat. That was the first thing he had to check for... it was already too fucking late.

"Sam, Sam get everyone out of this fucking server, right now! The second he's registered as dead, we will die if we don't leave," Phil made his instructions very clear while he tried to do something to get Dream back. Sam rushed to get everyone to a singular portal they had in the world, Dream made it when he started getting sick, just in case this happened.

"Why didn't you tell them to call me earlier, Dream- I could've at least.." Phil shook his head. Now wasn't the time to mourn, everyone had to be safe and they had to be out when the server began to collapse.

- - - - - - - - - -
Not too long, nor is it the best. I wanted to make it better but I was rlly tired and chose to post it to discord and go to bed-
So yeah, I finished this at least 12 hours ago but couldn't post it until today, sorry!

I hope you guys enjoyed it anyway!
Bye bye! Love you all! <3<3

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