Technodream - Requested - My good boy

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Technodream (Techno x Dream) 
Requested by: NotRatBoy
- Uh
- Smut?
- The name good boy is used a lot
- I dunno what else to say
- Ropes?
- Begging?
- Enjoy 
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Dream hummed quietly to himself as he finished putting the dishes in the dishwasher. He smiled softly when he felt a pair of arms around him. "Mm, finish feeding the dogs?" Dream asked, putting his hands on top of the other's. "Mn," Techno hummed in confirmation, resting his head on Dream's shoulder. Dream pressed a kiss against the side of Techno's head, chuckling when he got one on his neck in return.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, content to stay there until the pinkette made what he wanted clear. Dream knew exactly what he wanted when he felt one of his hands move down to his ass. "You're obsessed, love," He chuckled, moving Techno's arms and turning around, letting them move back to their spots.

Dream's breath hitched for a second when Techno decided to squeeze harshly. "Tech, c'mon we're not even in bed yet and you're already being rough with me," Dream huffed. Techno just squeezed again. "Don't make me get you on your knees," Dream whispered into his ear, a small blush forming on the other's face. Dream smiled, knowing how easily he could take control.

Usually, Techno was the one to be dominant, he enjoyed having the control and Dream liked having his control taken away. But sometimes, Dream took over. Neither of them disliked it, not by a longshot. "I want you to take care of me, will you?" Techno immediately nodded. "Good boy," Dream kissed his cheek before pulling him into a kiss.

Dream's arms wrapped around Techno's neck and Techno's arms wrapped around Dream's waist. They parted and Techno gently lifted Dream onto one of the counters. "Do you want me to be gentle, Dreamie?" Dream bit his lip and thought, soon shaking his head. "You decide," Dream knew what Techno would probably go with, and he wasn't about to complain. 

Techno kissed Dream again, quickly grabbing Dream's hands when he tried to start undoing his, Techno's, shirt. He wanted to draw this out, he wanted Dream to be desperate enough to beg, and then he wanted to give him everything he asked for and more. Dream pulled away from the kiss, worried he fucked something up.

"Tech?" Techno kissed him again, pulling away and leaning close to his ear. "Not yet, piglet," Dream relaxed a bit. Dream gasped softly as Techno slowly sunk his teeth into his neck, being sure it wouldn't bleed but it'd definitely leave a mark for a little while. "I want you on the bed, naked. Got it?" Dream nodded, quickly going to the bedroom when Techno let him go.

Techno watched him walk away quickly, deciding to give him a few minutes to get undressed and everything. When Techno decided it had been long enough, he walked to the bedroom. He stood at the doorway for a little bit, just admiring his lover on the bed, entirely naked just for him. He walked over to the closet, grabbing something out of a specific box.

Techno walked to the bed, leaning down and giving Dream a quick kiss. "On your back?" Dream nodded. Techno smiled softly, quickly tying Dream's hands together and to the bed. "Safe word?" Techno asked, he needed to get a safe word just in case. "..Pink," Dream looked to the side.

Techno hummed and grabbed the lube from the bedside table, opening the bottle and pouring a bit on his fingers. "It's gonna be cold, ready?" Dream bit his lip and nodded, tensing when Techno gently worked two fingers in. The pinkette moved them slowly, too slow. "Tech.. c'mon, at least add another finger," Dream whined.

Techno didn't listen, just continuing to slowly and gently fuck Dream with two fingers. He'd add another in a bit, for now he wanted to listen to the whines that came out of Dream. "Be my good baby and be patient," Techno hummed, pulling both of the fingers out and moving to a more comfortable position.

He pushed three fingers in at an excruciatingly slow pace, knowing how much Dream hated it but loved it at the same time. Dream gave a small gasp when they were first being pushed in. "Mn, so good for me," Techno hummed, they both enjoyed giving and recieving praise. Dream spread his legs further as Techno slowly scissored him.

"Stop teasing," Dream whined, wanting to be fucked- slowly or fast, he didn't care, he just didn't want to wait anymore. Techno didn't listen, continuing to just gently fuck Dream on his fingers. Eventually, Dream started getting desperate- he wanted something, anything, other than Techno's fingers. They weren't enough. Techno loved watching as Dream got desperate, he knew exactly when it was happening as well. His facial expressions always gave him away.

"Tech, please- just, just fuck me already, please-" Dream pleaded, he needed more. "Mm, I dunno sweetheart.. leaving you here, all stretched out but empty, seems pretty appealing.." Techno hummed, though he wasn't going to leave Dream there, he wasn't feeling like being mean today. Or well, not that mean.

"Techno! Techno please! I need it- I need your dick in me, please Techno!" Dream had small tears forming in his eyes, though he wasn't upset or mad or anything, he was just embarrassed and so understimulated. Techno kissed behind his ear. "Say that again, piglet," He whispered. Dream flushed red but decided against being a brat.

"I need your cock in me, Techno! Please! I need it so bad!" Dream cried, extremely thankful when Techno started removing his own clothes. "That's my good boy," Techno purred, quickly lubing up his dick and slowly pushing it in, watching Dream arch his back. Dream moaned quietly as he was stretched more than before.

Techno stayed still when he bottomed out, kissing and licking Dream's neck. "Tech- c'mon- you can move, please," Dream didn't exactly realize that Techno was still waiting for him to beg and plead for him to move. Well, until Techno said something. "Gonna have to do better than that, sweetheart," Techno smiled, making his intentions clear.

Dream wrapped his legs around Techno's waist, trying to get something, anything. After realizing he wasn't going to get anything from just waiting and hoping, he gave in. "Techno! Please, just- just fuck me already! I don't care how, just fuck me with your dick, please Tech, I need it!" Techno leaned forwards, pressing deeper into Dream.

"So pretty for me," Techno kissed Dream before pulling away and slowly starting to thrust- he wanted Dream to get used to it first.When he could tell Dream was ready, he quickly grew into an almost inhuman pace. Dream pulled at the ropes around his wrists as he arched his back, moaning lewdly as he was fucked mercilessly.

He came not too long after Techno properly got started, though that didn't stop the pinkette. "Doing so good, my perfect boy," Techno groaned out, biting down on his neck as he kept thrusting. Dream kept letting the lewd sounds escape his mouth, tears in his eyes as he did. It was too little and then too much, but he liked it.

It didn't take long for Techno to reach his limit as well, releasing inside of Dream at the blonde's request. Dream closed his eyes tightly as he was filled, the feeling being enough to send him through a second orgasm. They both just stayed there for a bit, panting quietly. "Y-You can untie me now..?" Dream wasn't sure why Techno hadn't untied him yet. 

Techno gently pulled out, moving so he was further back on the bed. "Techno?" Dream tried to sit up, wanting to know what Techno was doing. "I have to clean my good boy up, don't I?" Techno hummed, kissing the inside of one of Dream's thighs. Dream bit his lip, knowing what Techno was planning.

He was still kind of caught of guard when Techno pushed his tongue into Dream's hole, scooping out a bit of the cum from inside. He then kissed Dream, making him swallow it. "Being so good," Techno purred before moving back down, repeating the process. Dream whined everytime the tongue pushed inside, too sensitive to be able to handle it.

"Techno.. too much.." Dream whined quietly, though Techno knew if it got to the point where Dream wanted or needed it to stop, he'd use the safe word. He always had. A few moments later and Dream couldn't take it anymore- it was too much.

"Pink.." Techno completely stopped, untying Dream's hands. "I'm sorry baby, does it hurt anywhere?" Dream shook his head, wrapping his arms around the other."Just got too much.. want cuddles.." Dream muttered, Techno gladly holding him close.

"You did so good, my love, my beautiful, stunning good boy," Techno kept praising him and saying how good he was until Dream fell asleep in his arms. They could clean up in the morning.

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So yeah, this wasn't that great but hey, I managed to finish it! I've been trying to work on this other smut story but istg, the text keeps getting deleted because of internet going out or a glitch- so I'm sorry if I take a while and/or just give up on it

Anyways! I hope you enjoyed! Love you all! Have a good day/night! Bye bye! <3<3

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