DNB - Holiday Blow Up

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Dreamnoblade (Dream x Techno)
- Angst
- Blood
- Ranboo and Connor are their kids
- Explosion
- Bomb
- Break in
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He woke up to the room being freezing cold, immediately curling up in his bed under the blankets. When he finally opened his eyes, he noticed that the window was wide open. Huh? He definitely closed all the windows last night.

Dream huffed and got up, closing the window and locking it. He made a mental note to check all around the house immediately after getting dressed. Especially the presents, he'd have to make sure those were all safe..

Dream knew all too well that there were many people who wanted him dead, he just had to make sure none of them managed to get to his kids and husband. He looked around every part of the house, making sure not to miss a single spot.

All that was left was to check the presents. He first checked for the smell of gunpowder- he had a good nose, so it was just about impossible to hide things like that from him.

Dream also counted how many presents there were- he made sure that there wasn't an extra one that he'd have to worry about. Everything looked the same, so what could be the reason someone came into his house through the window?

There was nothing different about the Christmas tree either, no new ornaments or different lights.. "Papa! Christmas! Christmas!" His youngest kid, Connor, cheered, running over to him from the stairs.

"It is Christmas, isn't it? Why don't you go wake up Ranboo and your dad and then we can open some presents?" Dream smiled, kissing the kid on the forehead. Connor nodded excitedly, running back up the stairs to go wake the two up. Dream decided to stop worrying so much, not wanting to ruin Christmas for his kids.

"Mm, good mornin." He heard Techno hum from behind him, a pair of arms snaking around his waist. "Well, good morning to you too. Do you want me to go make you coffee, or..?" Dream asked, putting his hands on the other's.

"Yes please.." Techno muttered, kissing the side of Dream's head. "Alright love. Kids, do you two want some hot chocolate?" Dream smiled at the nods and cheers he got from the two. He, after getting Techno to let go of him, went to the kitchen to make two cups of coffee and two of hot chocolate.

He took the cups of hot chocolate to the kids first before grabbing the two coffees. "Here you go." Dream smiled, giving one coffee to Techno. The pinkette took a sip and smiled a bit as well.

"Thanks, nerd." Techno hummed. They all finished their drinks before the two children sat down next to the Christmas tree to start opening presents. Dream shook off the bad feeling he was getting, already having decided it wasn't worth thinking about and ruining the special day for.

"Dream, what's wrong?" Techno asked while Ranboo and Connor were distracted by the gifts. "..My window was open when I woke up, I guess I'm just a bit on edge." Dream shrugged.

Techno hummed at nodded. "It'll be alright, Piglet." He whispered into Dream's ear, putting a hand on his side. Dream leaned into him a bit, watching the kids opening the presents while giving the usual 'what did you get??' every time they unwrapped one.

"Last three presents, let's see what we got, yeah?" Dream smiled, kneeling down next to the kids to hand them each one. There was one intended for the entire family as well, so he planned to have Techno join in and help unwrap it.

Techno sat down and watched with a small smile as the kids opened their last presents, glad they seemed to love them so much. He was always grateful towards Dream for doing all the christmas shopping, he was never good at making those kinds of decisions. "Alright, this is the last present! Go for it, you three." Dream grinned, making sure Techno did participate at least a bit.

Dream brushed off the bad feeling he got and just kept smiling, at least until he heard a small click followed by a certain smell.. "Get down-!" Dream yelled, kicking the box away and using his body as a shield for the other three- he decided it was the best option, given the very limited time.

These kinds of bombs were always effective when used on groups, but not so great on individuals. If Dream had been alone, he could've easily just ran and been fine.

Dream grit his teeth as the explosion went off, wanting desperately to protect his kids and his husband from not only the blast, but from needing to hear his own cries of pain as well. He couldn't feel his body when the others slowly started moving.

Well.. he could feel his body, barely. "-ea-!" Dream scrunched his eyebrows together, what? "Are the kids safe...?" He muttered, trying to look at them. Techno held him still. "Don't- Dont try to move. I'm gonna call the ambulance, okay..? Just.. just hang on.."

Dream smiled a bit. "'M fine, it doesn't even hurt. See- AgH!" Dream tried to push himself up, crying out at the extreme amounts of pain coming from all over his body. "Papa!" He heard Connor sob, making him clench his fists and take a deep breath.

"Papa'll be okay, baby.." Dream forced a smile, grabbing Techno's hand, despite the pain and difficulty. "..'m sorry, Tech.."

Techno clenched his fists as he stared down at the gravestone, tears in his eyes. "Dad..?" Ranboo grabbed one of Techno's hands, trying to be comforting. "Sorry, nerd. Come on, let's go." Techno smiled, picking Connor up and starting to walk them both to the car.

"Excuse me! I'm sorry, but you dropped this." Someone yelled from behind him, the voice painfully familiar. "..Thank you." Techno left quickly after getting his items back, knowing they weren't him, just someone so similar..

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Until Christmas, I'm gonna try to post a pre-written chapter every day.

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