No ship - Banished

423 22 3

No ships
- Torture mentions/implications
- Poor treatment
- Blood
- Using 'it' to address a person
- Shitty royalty

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There was a server, one closed off from any of the modern society. They had a very clear hierarchy, very few rules and a distinct lack of morals. That much was obvious when anyone looked at the server.

One royal family in particular treated others in such a cruel and violent way. There were some like the Minecraft family, who strived to keep their kingdom as safe and peaceful as possible. There was one kingdom where they lacked authority- a decision that kept the people happy.

And then there was the Fugerson family. Their kingdom lived in fear, their people unhappy but silent. Any sign of disagreement from the people to the royal family led to a 'demonstration' as they named it.

The only people who visited the kingdom were other royals, a must due to the need to remain at peace. Currently, the Minecraft family was paying a visit, needing to negotiate something. The eldest son, the one in line for the throne, was included in each meeting.

The other children wandered the castle, the middle child, the youngest and their guard- who also happened to be the youngest's best friend. The trio split up, the youngest, prince Tommy, and the guard, Tubbo, going together while the other, Prince Wilbur, went on his own.

Wilbur winced a bit when he noticed some of the servants in the house wearing torn clothes- did they not get given new clothes?

He shoved his hands in his pockets, making a mental note to talk to his dad about it. Wilbur continued to explore, waving and smiling at anyone who looked at him. He didn't like the fact he saw multiple people under 16 working as servants..

Especially when he saw some bruises on them every now and then. Wilbur was about to try talking to one of them, though yelling from a bit further down caught his attention. He started making his way over.

"You useless brat!" The man yelled, digging his heel into the younger's hand until there was a crunch sound. "I tell you to do one thing and you manage to fuck it up?!" The one being yelled at lowered his head, a silent apology. He knew better than to speak without permission.

"You're lucky my father wants to keep you, or you'd be dead where you fucking stand!" The young kid didn't so much as flinch, simply accepting everything in silence.

The child was helped up by one of the guests after the other person had left. "He treats you like that and just...gets away with it?" The boy, a son of the head of the house's close friends, the servant recognized, questioned. 

There was no response from him, he had no right to so much as look at someone so important. It would be rude to even consider being worthy. "You can talk to me, you know." The servant bowed his head, apologizing.

"It's okay, what's your name?" The child flinched a bit at that- he didn't have a name. He had a number, he had a title, he had a role, but he didn't have a name. "...I'm sorry, sir, I do not have a name. It is too high of an honor for once such as myself.." He bowed. 

"In that case.. Could you look at me, please?" The servant quickly looked up, seeing as it was a request rather than a test or something like that. "Hm.. You're quite pretty, so let's call you Dream, okay?" The boy grinned, seeming happy with the name selection.

The kid's eyes widened and he had to take a moment to register what just happened. He was... given a name? "Sir..?" The kid stared at the royal, not believing it. "I'm sorry, is it not to your liking? I can think of a different one.." Dream shook his head, smiling. 

"No- no I like it.. Thank you so much, sir.." Dream was always told that he wasn't worth a name, so being given one from someone so important? If the king found out...

"You can just call me Wilbur." Dream didn't say anything, merely bowing his head again. "Wil! Dad's done with the meeting!" Wilbur heard from a distance, making him smile. "Sorry Dream, I have to get going. We'll see each other again." Dream said nothing other than a goodbye, not wanting to speak out of line. 

"The king demands your presence at once." Dream looked up to see one of the knights in front of him, making him silently nod and follow.

They arrived at the throne room, Dream being told to go inside. He did so without question, bowing down after walking halfway to the throne- he was used to the procedure. 

"My son, Prince Liam, has informed me that you are acting in a way which is not suited for a servant, such as yourself." Dream tensed up, what? Had he? What did he do? Was it the fact he spoke to Prince Wilbur? The fact he was given a name?

"As he reported this, I believe he should decide your punishment. Liam, you may do as you wish- so long as it does not end in his death." Dream knew it wasn't going to be good... The prince hated him, though Dream wasn't sure why... 

The moment he was hired as a servant, the prince had it out for him. Dream had no right to question it, merely needing to accept it despite all of the confusion it caused.

The prince hid a grin from the king. "Thank you, father." Dream kept his head down, trying to keep himself from shaking. It would do no good to appear afraid. "Take it down to the dungeons." Dream winced as his arms were grabbed roughly, letting himself be dragged off. 

It wouldn't do anything if he were to struggle, except get him some extra injuries. "..I'm sorry, kid." One of the guards dragging him off apologized.

When he was put into one of the small cells in the dungeon, he heard the guards talk to each other about him. "Do you know how old that kid is?" One of them asked. "No idea, poor guy." The other sighed. Why did they feel bad for him?

Sure, he may be young in comparison to them, but... "What was his name, anyway?" Dream clenched his fists a bit when he heard that question- should he embrace the name that other prince gave to him? Or does he decide he still has no name?

"I dunno, it doesn't look like he has parents either.." Dream closed his eyes and waited to be faced with a punishment. This was the first time the prince was in charge of it, though not the first time he had a say in it.

 Last time, he was beaten to the point it hurt to move at all. It had affected his work and led to him being punished again, just with less injuries. "Wake up, trash." Dream was kicked in the face.

It took two days for him to be punished and tended to, running the risk of dying of blood loss in the halls if he were to go back to work immediately. Dream limped around the halls when he recovered enough, doing his usual tasks.

Whenever a wound started to hurt more, he took a second to stop- he couldn't bleed all over the floors if he possibly opened any of them up again. Dream hadn't been beaten since that punishment- that was because of the requirement to not kill him, though.

"Get to the fuckin' throne room, you useless- whatever, his majesty wishes to speak with you." Dream took a deep breath and began to make his way to the throne room. 

He walked slow enough to not aggravate any of his wounds, wanting to be able to at least bow to the king. "I've arrived, your highness.." Dream called from the other side of the door. "Come in." Dream pushed the doors open and walked in, bowing his head.

"As a result of another being entering this world, we must banish another. I will simply get to the point..You, a servant in this castle through a parent's slave contract, you are hereby banned from this realm and shall never be permitted to return." Dream's eyes widened, what? 

No, no this couldn't be happening. He wouldn't survive- "You may bring a singular item you possess, this process shall begin at midnight."

Being banished from this server would mean he'd be stuck in one of the main hubs, where he'd have to just.. Hope someone was nice enough to help him out. But of course, nobody would- nobody had the time or need to help him. So therefore, he was likely going to die. 

When he was banned, he was transported to one of the lesser known server hubs, where he had even less of a chance of being helped. Dream gave up on surviving immediately. 

"Hey, what's your name?"

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