No ships - Little Brother

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There are no ships! Tubbo and Dream are brothers in this story!
- Angst
- Implied past abuse
- Trauma
- Past kidnapping
- Past death
- Tommy accidentally is an asshole
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The first Christmas he could remember was the only memory he had that included his parents. It was the day he was separated from them. He couldn't remember what happened, he just knew it was the last time he saw them.

He supposes that would explain his innate dislike of Christmas. He wouldn't say he hated it, it was probably more accurate to describe it as him being scared of the holiday.

Dream knew that everybody who found out about it believed it was unreasonable, but Dream frankly couldn't care less. The only people who were really understanding of it were his adoptive family, his therapist and Philza. 

Even Techno didn't understand why someone would be afraid of a holiday. Everyone was usually respectful about it, excluding the occasional pranks... Yeah, he really needed to find a way to get them to stop with that.

Whenever it was getting close to Christmas, Dream opted to stay inside and avoid the snow and the decorations. His house was one of the only ones that didn't do decorations- sometimes he did feel guilty for being the reason his brother didn't put lights up either, but at the same time he knew it wasn't something he could control. 

"Good morning! I made breakfast!" Tubbo called from downstairs, having decided to stay over for Christmas.

The reason he stayed over this time was mostly because of Tommy saying he had an 'epic' idea, so he worried it would include scaring Dream. "Good mornin'..." Dream mumbled, still exhausted. "..Could I stay with you today?" Dream just nodded, not wanting to bother with words. Tubbo smiled, setting a plate of food in front of Dream. 

"Eat up. We're gonna head to the ice skating rink early, I know that you like going but you don't like the people.. So I rented it out for a few hours."

Dream's eyes widened when he registered what that meant. "Hey- That must've been expensive, surely-" Tubbo covered Dream's mouth. 

"We're literally rich, Dream. So shut up, eat and then we can go." Tubbo removed his hand and grabbed himself a plate, getting some food and sitting down. "...Thank you." Dream mumbled, a bit embarrassed. He wasn't great at accepting gifts.

After the both of them finished eating, they got ready to go out. Tubbo was determined to help Dream enjoy the day as much as possible despite it being that specific holiday. "You ready?" Tubbo asked from outside the door, Dream taking a deep breath. 

"Yeah." He opened the door. "Let's go then!" Dream smiled, nodding. "Oh yeah, the family's gonna visit in a few days. I dunno when, they didn't say." Tubbo told him, only just remembering it.

They left the house, not bothering with locking the door- the server was closed off so people couldn't just join as they wished, and everyone on the server made it clear that they would stick to avoiding damaging or harming anything or anybody outside of pre-existing arrangements. 

"And we're here!" Tubbo exclaimed, pushing the doors open. "Come on!" Tubbo grabbed Dream's arm and pulled him inside the building, leading him towards the sitting area.

After they were both ready to go, they went into the ice rink. They stayed there for about two hours, Tubbo insisting they left so Dream could rest his leg after he had a particularly rough fall, despite Dream saying he was fine. 

"Sorry.. I ruined the fun, again." Dream mumbled as they walked out, him limping a bit. Tubbo shook his head. "Nope, you need to stop apologizing. You didn't ruin anything."

Dream didn't believe that, but he didn't argue anymore. "Let's get home, and then we can watch some movies. Hmm, what movies though...?" Dream smiled at Tubbo, grateful to have him as his little brother. 

It didn't take long for them to arrive back at Dream's house, Tubbo immediately getting a bad feeling about it. "Hey Dream... Could you wait here for a second?" Tubbo forced a smile, walking up to the door after Dream reluctantly agreed.

Tubbo opened the door and clenched his fists. "Tommy.." He looked at his friend, already seeing the decorations behind him. "Tubbo! Welcome back! Where's big D?" Tubbo closed the door after walking inside. "Take it all down, Tommy." Tubbo crossed his arms. 

"Come on big man, don't be like that! It's just a pr-" Tubbo cut him off. "I'm not joking. Take it down." Tubbo repeated. "Tubbo? Seriously, it'll be funny. It's not like I'm hurting anybody.."

"So you'd be fine with it if I made you think you were going to be alone forever and then showed up to say it was a prank?" Tommy seemed appalled by that. "What? Of course not! What the fuck?!" Tommy didn't understand why Tubbo would bring something like that up. 

"That's exactly what you're doing to Dream." Tommy shook his head. "It's completely different!!" Tommy yelled, not wanting to believe he was in the wrong.

"How? How is it different?" Tubbo asked, waiting for an explanation. "Because- Because it's actually a fear! It's not- not stupid!" Tommy tried, regretting the words that came out to a certain degree. 

"...So that's how you see it. Get out and leave Dream alone." Tubbo pointed to the door, already moving to start taking down the decorations. "Tubbo, wait- I didn't mean it like that-" Tubbo turned to look at him. "I said leave. We can talk about this another day."

Tommy left, not knowing what else to do, and Dream walked into the house. "I'm.. I'm gonna go up to my room... Sorry, thanks for um, today." Dream muttered, having heard the whole argument. 

"Alright... I'll stay here for the night though, so you better come down for dinner." Dream just nodded, smiling a bit as he made his way upstairs. He tried his best to ignore all the decorations that were up.

He thought that maybe Tommy hadn't done anything to his room, maybe he didn't cross that line... The lights were enough for him to freeze up, feeling a hand over his mouth despite there not being one. 

He swore he could see something in the corner of his eye, backing up into his room and closing the door to try and lock it out. That just led to him being in the same position as he was all those years ago. On the second floor, holding the door shut with the window directly in front of him.

Suddenly, he was back in that situation exactly. He was back to being an eight year old, holding his door closed as his mother pounded on the door, tears running down his cheeks. 

There was knocking on the window, someone who didn't have wings like everyone else he knew. "Come with me, child. I'll take you away from here." They promised. The yelling from his mother faded into the background, him barely able to notice the sudden thud and the new silence.

He started to approach the window, freezing when he saw the grin on the person's face. The door behind him was forced open, a group of people running in and grabbing him. "What are y-!?" His mouth was covered and he was picked up, being carried out easily despite his struggles. 

The blood covering his mother's body was the last thing he saw before things went dark.

"-m! -eam!! Dream!! Come on, snap out of it!" Tubbo yelled, shaking his brother. "I'm going to fucking kill him- I'm so sorry Dream, come on-" Dream opened his eyes, feeling how heavily he was breathing. "Huh..? What..?" Dream swore he was just- 

"Thank prime- You're back, I'm so sorry- I should've checked your room before.." Tubbo apologized, hugging Dream. "Tubs..? I- I think I remember what happened.." 

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Yeah uh, this might be a bit messier than normal, it was kinda just a quick thing
Oh yeah, also, I remembered that I'm not gonna post on Christmas- The last story I prepared already is for Christmas eve, I think- So sorry for that! 

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