Dream harem - Requested - YBC but Dream harem

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Dream harem (Punz x Dream, DNF, Dreamnap, Dreamnoblade, Dundy, etc)
Requested by: An online friend who doesn't have a wattpad account I can tag 
- Lots of sex
- I mean a lot
- They're in highschool, they're all consenting and none of them have any personal issues with it
- Yarichin Bitch Club inspired <3
- Glory hole go brr
- We're focusing on Dream but the club members have sex a lot
- So it isn't like it's just him getting fucked 
- Enjoy
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Dream huffed to himself as he slung his bag over his shoulder, making his way to the next class he had. Computer science, he thinks it was. At least, that's what the textbook he was carrying said, so he'd just trust that. He walked into the class and sat down in his seat, watching as other students began to gather.

He had grown into a habit of naming every single student who walked in and if he had slept with them yet or not, he could count 5 he hadn't slept with out of the 18 that were now in the classroom. Dream was part of a particular kind of.. club. It was technically a photography club, as that was what it was named and it was meant to be, but it was more of a.. sex service kind of thing.

Dream had joined the year he got into the school- if it were any other school, he wouldn't of dared to join due to the fear of being called names, but it was an all boys boarding school and he heard from one of his friends that the majority of the guys liked the same gender. Dream looked at the door as the teacher walked in, watching as he sat down at his desk.

 The dirty blonde gave him a small wink when he looked at him. Most of the teachers were only one to four years older than them, including this particular teacher. Mr. Notfound. Mr. Notfound, or George, was about 21, meaning he was 3 years older than Dream. Dream had always made it a point to keep the age gap between him and whoever he was planning to engage with within 5 years.

Dream shook his head, he was thinking too much about other stuff again- he only needed to focus on the two notes he had been handed and whatever the lesson was about. Dream read one of the notes, seeing it was from one of the other students in the class, Punz. He was asking to make an appointment- Dream looked back at him for a second, deciding he looked nice enough.

He wrote down a date and time and handed it back, then reading the second note. It was from one of his fellow club members, Sapnap, he was asking if Dream could help him practice something, Dream, of course, agreed and just nodded at Sapnap with a small thumbs up. He put the note in his pocket and looked back to the front of the class.

He focused on the lesson up until the last five minutes, wincing a bit as he shifted in his seat. He was used to the small pains by now, he was just hoping the medication would last a bit longer. One or two hours ago, Dream had hooked up with his rival, again, and fuck was the pinkette annoyed about something.

Dream was just waiting for him to text again- usually when Techno, his rival, would get annoyed or upset, he'd be rough and ask for a round two later on, whether he was gentle or not the second time depended on if he had calmed down. Dream didn't mind either way. He wondered what Punz would be like. Would he be gentle? Would he even want to dom?

Dream hoped Punz hadn't mistaken him for one of the other members, he was the only one who was strictly a bottom- he could dom or sub, he just wouldn't put his dick in someone else. Dream made his way out of the classroom after handing Mr. Notfound one of the papers they all had to fill out. He slung his bag back over his shoulder and walked to the dorms, keeping his current schedule in mind.

Dream was, to be blunt, the more popular one in the club. It wasn't because the other's were bad or anything close, the guys just seemed to like Dream for whatever reason. Dream got to his dorm room and quickly wrote down the time and date of the plan he just made. Dream laid back on his bed, closing his eyes for a moment.

He felt his phone buzz in his pocket but didn't bother to grab it, not until it buzzed again. He unlocked his phone and saw it was Techno who texted him, or at least who he got the notification from. Sapnap had also sent him a message. Dream hummed and opened Sapnap's first. Sapnap was talking about practicing that thing and when they could do it, Dream decided to open Techno's message before responding.

Techno was asking if he could come over, so Dream texted him back first, asking if it would be okay if Sapnap possibly was there. Techno responded with saying it was fine as long as Sapnap didn't say anything to anyone else. Dream nodded to himself and opened Sapnap's message again, telling him that if he's okay with Techno being there, he could come now.

Sapnap instantly said he was coming over. Dream waited until he heard knocking on his door, quickly getting up and opening it. Dream smiled at the two, pulling them inside and closing the door behind them. "What did you want to practice?" Dream looked at Sapnap.

"Well, I found out I'm not great with fucking other's throats so.." Dream smiled at him, understanding. "Alright, I'll help," Techno cleared his throat from where he was standing, obviously getting impatient. Dream pulled off his shirt and started undoing his pants. "What are you two waiting for? You gonna undress or what?" They both started undressing after he said that.

Dream pulled his boxers down and grabbed the bottle of lube he always kept with him. Dream had just about finished preparing himself by the time the other two were ready, so he finished up and put some lube on Techno's dick and then got on his hands and knees- he knew how Techno liked it, and it gave Sapnap an easier time than if he were to be in a different position.

"Whenever you two are ready," Dream hummed- he could wait, but he didn't want the other two to think they had to wait. Almost immediately, Techno was behind him and Sapnap looked kind of nervous but after a few words from Dream, he seemed to relax a bit. Dream moaned softly as Techno pushed in and Sapnap took that as a chance to put his dick in Dream's mouth. 

Dream closed his eyes, deciding he wasn't going to do anything but stay there unless he was asked or told to do something else. Dream just let himself moan as he was fucked into roughly from behind but gently from the front. The gentle treatment slowly faded away as Sapnap grew more confident. Dream eventually opened his eyes again, looking up at Sapnap.

Dream could barely tell how Techno's thrusts made him take Sapnap deeper. Dream heard someone talking from outside the room just before the door opened, Techno quickly covering his face to avoid being recognized. It was another student- Dream couldn't recognize him, maybe he hadn't slept with him either yet.

"I-I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to walk in on you- I-" Sapnap grinned at him just as Dream gave him a wink. "It's okay, pretty boy~ If you like what you see, stop by the photography club~" Sapnap purred, the guy at the door flushing red and quickly turning to leave- he closed the door, of course.

 Sapnap looked back to Dream and Techno, letting the pinkette know that they were gone. There were multiple people in the school with pink hair, but Techno had an extremely recognizable face, especially because of his eyes. He was one of the few people in the school who had red eyes, and the only one who had pink hair and red eyes at the same time.

Techno huffed, his hands moving to grab Dream's hips, he was so close when that guy walked in. Dream was pushed forwards with each thrust of Techno's, taking Sapnap all the way in his mouth each time they thrusted at the same time. Dream found himself climaxing when Techno thrusted in particularly hard, making him take every inch of Sapnap's dick into his mouth.

Techno came as well, not pulling out- they had discussed this once before when it became clear Techno was going to be a regular and neither of them minded Techno orgasming inside of Dream. Sapnap also soon came in Dream's mouth. Sapnap pulled out of his mouth, Dream swallowing the white liquid in his mouth- he didn't want his dorm room's floor to get dirty.

Dream panted quietly, fuck that was good. Techno slowly eased himself out, careful not to hurt either of them. Dream rolled onto his back, laying there for a moment before standing up. Dream grabbed some wipes from his drawer and started cleaning himself up while talking.

"Well, you're good with just about everything- but you move side to side a bit too much, and you should ask before cumming in someone's mouth, but that's really all," Dream stated, hissing quietly when his finger twitched to the side while he was working on getting some of the cum out of his ass, he didn't want to walk around with a white stain in his pants.

"Tech, can you grab me a drink from the vending machine? Thanks," Dream grinned, handing the pinkette five dollars. Techno rolled his eyes as he finished getting dressed but left and came back with a drink anyway.

 "So.. uhm.. what's with you two?" Sapnap asked- Techno and Dream were usually at each other's throats about something, outside of fights and classes they were never seen together, and they never had been seen interacting nicely. "Oh, dunno. We're kinda just rivals who don't despise each other? Or something like that," Dream shrugged, not knowing what to call Techno.

"Friends with benefits is what I'd call us, we're just competetive," Techno stated, leaning against the wall. Dream smiled at him, catching the drink he threw over. Sapnap found it so.. different, to see and hear the man who was known for being secretive, quiet, competetive and a loner to be talking this much so casually. To the person everyone thought he absolutely hated as well!

That would explain why Dream would always laugh when one of the club members said something about how Techno must hate him. "Unless you two want another round or want to sleep here, probably leave," Dream hummed, laying down on his bed. "I'll see you tomorrow," Sapnap left, Techno waiting a moment.

"Text me if you need anything, or call- your spelling's shit when your tired," Techno chuckled, not reacting in time to catch the pillow that Dream just threw at him. Techno gave it back and left the room, closing the door and turning off the light. Dream curled up on his bed, pulling the blankets over him.

He could do homework when he woke up and he didn't have any more classes or meetings of any kind to attend to, so he had no reason why he had to stay awake. Dream pulled the blanket over his head and let himself fall asleep. The next morning, when he woke up, he groaned to himself.

Fuck, now he had to do the homework, there was a meeting with the club- which he was looking forward to- and he had to go through another day of school. At least he had that guy, Punz, who he was going to fuck around with before one of the classes.

 Dream got up and grabbed his books for each subject, going through them one by one and completing any homework he had for any of them. Technically, he could wait to do it but he'd rather get it done before he went through all the classes. Dream finished the homework and got dressed, carrying the books with him to his first class, maths. He went throught the first half of the day as normal, going to the club room at break time.

"Look who showed up!" Sapnap grinned widely from where he was sitting, half dressed. "Dream, come sit down," Corpse smiled at him. "We were just about to get into the second half! Grab one of the sheets and we'll start!" Quackity announced, sitting in between Corpse and Sapnap. Fundy grabbed Dream's hand and pulled him to one of the seats.

"We're doing the test revision for this half! You know what that means~" Whenever they did any kind of revision, whether it was just for some speech or if it was for a test, they made it a game. Anybody who got a question wrong had to take a piece of clothing off, or if they had no more to remove, they had to do whatever the others said. Whether that meant to sit on someone's or let another person sit on their dick or if it meant just making a sound.

"First we're doing math questions, then english, then whatever the one with the most clothes one decides," Quackity announced, handing everyone a sheet of questions. None of them had the answers on them, so they'd refer to another sheet with answers for that.

They went through the maths questions as planned, Sapnap down to his boxers, Corpse only losing his shirt and shoes, Quackity losing his shoes, shirt and socks, Fundy only losing his shoes and Dream losing his shirt and shoes. They went through the english questions next. Sapnap was good with english, and he didn't end up losing any more clothes.

Quackity lost his undershirt, Corpse also lost his undershirt, Fundy lost his socks and shirt, and Dream lost his socks, pants and a jacket he kept around his waist Sapnap and Dream were left in their boxers, Corpse in his pants and socks, Quackity in his pants and Fundy also in his pants. Corpse ended up choosing science as their next topic.

Dream hated science, he blamed it on his classmates for that class. Sapnap and Dream were both completely nude, Sapnap having only gotten one question wrong to lose his boxers. The others remained just about the same, but Corpse lost his socks. "Dream, you got six out of ten questions wrong, and you don't have any clothes left," Fundy hummed, smiling at him mischieviously.

Dream leaned back against his seat. "What're you gonna make me do? Ride you all?" Dream rose an eyebrow, genuinely curious. They all looked at each other and then back at Dream. "Something better, remember you can back out if you have to~" Corpse saying that was extremely concerning, the guy was extreme on overstimulation and masochism, so what the fuck could he mean?

"Unless you have any objections, we're gonna make a glory hole for you! We were thinking the bathroom but decided that was too gross," Sapnap exclaimed, clearly at least somewhat aroused by the idea. Dream's face flushed red but he wasn't against it. It'd essentially be the same as always, but people wouldn't have to wait to be able to get to him or have to take turns, even.

The idea was so hot. There was no doubt the principal would allow it so long as they didn't go outside the school to do it or break any dorm walls. The principal was, after all, the one who allowed them to make the club and have sex with whoever (as long as it remained somewhat sane and legal). "And, for the last 4 things we get to get you to do.." Quackity started.

Fuck, he forgot there was other stuff. Dream cut him off, he still needed to get to his scheduled sessions, as he called them. "Wait wait- I still have my clients.. Mr Notfound wanted to see me for one tomorrow right after his class, a student wanted to see me in just an hour, Karl wanted to see me tomorrow, and then Illumina-" Dream shook his head.

"Point is, don't make me do anything that'll make me miss them," Dream spoke, knowing the others would probably listen. "Hmm, we'll do the glory hole on.. saturday and sunday, 3 days from now, and then after you've seen everyone tomorrow, come back to the clubroom. Also, here- wear this for the rest of today," Dream was handed a sexualised maid outfit.

The dirty blonde huffed but put it on with the black panties he was handed as well. Dream groaned and grabbed his bag. "Is that all for today?" Everyone nodded, Dream smiled and waved goodbye before heading to the classroom his next class would be, knowing he'd be able to meet Punz there.

Dream waved at whoever he saw looking at him as he passed by, though most people were outside already because it was break time. Dream got to the classroom and sat on one of the desks, waiting for Punz to show up. As if reading his mind, the door opened and Punz walked in, closing the door behind him.

"So you've finally arrived, pretty boy?" Dream purred, getting off the desk and walking over to him. "A maid outfit?-" He heard Punz whisper, the guy's face already red. "Hi," Punz breathed out, looking Dream up and down.

"Like what ya see? I'm all yours until the bell rings," Dream whispered into the shorter guy's ear, grinning to himself as he could slightly see his hard-on through his pants. Punz backed Dream up into the teacher's desk, lifting him onto it and kissing his neck. "Mm, you know the teacher's gonna be on my ass about this, yeah?" Dream felt the man chuckle slightly against his neck.

Punz looked up at him with a small smirk- confident guy, he liked that. "You don't care about that," Punz stated, reaching his hand up Dream's skirt and pulling the panties down. Dream bit his lip, he was excited to find out what this guy was like. Punz bit down on his exposed shoulder as he pushed two fingers into Dream, checking if he had to be prepped or not.

Dream gasped as the fingers were pushed in, not expecting them to be pushed in so quickly and without lube as well. Punz seemed to realize his slip up with the lube and apologized. "It's okay," Dream smiled, one hand resting on Punz's shoulder, the other on the desk next to him. Dream moved the skirt up so it wouldn't get dirty- he didn't feel like walking around in dirty clothes. 

Punz fucked him on his fingers for a bit, making sure he was stretched out. Dream could tell he was hesitating. "Relax, dear, don't be so scared to do anything," Dream hummed- even if Punz did slip up on something else, he could probably take it and enjoy it. Punz seemed to relax a bit, but not much.

Dream grabbed the lube from in between his waist band on the skirt and his skin. He kept it there because he didn't have any pockets and he didn't feel like carrying it. He put the bottle on the desk for Punz to use and leaned his head back. Pretty soon, Punz was pushing his dick into Dream's ass, the blonde moaning out softly.

"Punz, doing so good," Dream moaned breathlessly as Punz started fucking into him. Punz was gentle and so good. Punz bit down on Dream's shoulder as he thrusted in and out of Dream. The taller of the two eventually cried out that he was close, distantly hearing Punz say the same. They came together, it spilling onto the teacher's desk.

They both got up quickly, Dream wiping himself off for the most part and pulling the underwear back on. Dream cleaned up the desk as best he could before the bell rang- luckily he only just managed to clear it all off, the cum at least. Dream sat in his seat, waiting for everyone else to get into the classroom.

The class went by quickly, Dream deciding to head up to the roof to just relax for a while. At this point, he barely felt any pain in his ass. He laid on the floor, covering his eyes with his arm. He wasn't going to fall asleep or anything, he just didn't feel like doing anything else.

He had no sessions left today, he already went to that meeting and he didn't have to attend his last few classes due to an accident in one of the science labs that left that side of the building to be considered somewhat dangerous. He heard someone walk next to him and sit down. 

Dream moved his arm to look at whoever it was, moving to lay in his lap when he found out who they were. It was Corpse. "Hey baby boy, what's up?" Corpse asked, looking down at the blonde. Dream grinned and shrugged a bit. "Dunno, didn't feel like walking to the dorms," Dream explained, yawning.

"Mm, you want something from the cafe, the bakery or from literally anywhere else?" Corpse watched Dream shrug. "Some food and a drink would be nice, thank you~" Dream moved so Corpse could get up. They weren't all about sex, they enjoyed it but also really liked just hanging out.

Corpse would avoid calling Dream 'baby boy' during or just before they fucked so he could keep it seperate. Corpse came back with something to eat and a drink. "You got homework to do?" Corpse nodded, pulling the books out of his bag. Dream grabbed his as well, taking a bite of one of the chips and offering one to Corpse. The man smiled and ate it.

They worked on their homework together, helping each other when they needed. When they were all done, they just sat there together. "Would we get in trouble if we just slept up here?" Dream mumbled, leaning on Corpse. "Mm, not with the teachers. But we'd wanna get you into warmer clothes, you must be freezing," Corpse wrapped an arm around Dream.

"You can stay with me in my dorm if you want, it's closer," Corpse hummed, Dream nodding slightly. "Mk.. m tired," Corpse chuckled softly at Dream, picking up their stuff- he'd throw the rubbish away when they passed by a bin. Dream slowly got up, Corpse following suit. "C'mon, let's get you inside," Dream just nodded, feeling too tired to form a response.

They got to Corpse's room and Dream almost immediately laid down on the bed, cuddling up to Corpse when he laid down as well. "Goodnight, Dreamie," Corpse whispered, pulling the blanket over the both of them. The next morning Dream just got changed into one of Corpse's uniforms and left for his classes.

He woke Corpse up before he started getting ready to make sure Corpse wouldn't be late or anything. Dream got to his first class and leaned back in his seat, waiting for the bell to ring. He kept his sessions in his mind, Mr. Notfound after school, Karl during break, Illumina in his dorm two hours after school.

Dream wrote in on a small sticky note and put it on one of his books so even if he forgot, he had a reminder. He got through the first lot of classes pretty easily and without anything happening. Dream rubbed his eyes as he got up, hearing the bell for the break go off. Time to go find Karl. Dream liked Karl, the guy was nice to talk to and he always understood when a session had to be rescheduled for whatever reason. Dream grinned when he saw the brunette.

"Hey Karl, what room?" Dream asked, Karl smiling back at him and leading him to one of the empty classrooms. Dream started getting undressed- Karl wasn't extremely fond of taking it really slow, which Dream wholeheartedly understood. "Dream?" Dream looked at Karl, tilting his head.

"Can you dom today?" Dream smiled and nodded- it wasn't often people wanted him to be in charge. "I'm gonna need at least your pants off, my dear," Dream hummed when he saw Karl hadn't started getting undressed. Karl quickly took off his shirt and pants. The blonde walked over to him, pushing him to sit down on one of the seats.

Dream sat on his lap, holding the bottle of lube that was in his pocket. "I'm gonna finger myself, and I want you to watch," Dream poured some of the lube onto his fingers, lifting himself up on his knees and pushing one finger into himself. Karl bit down on his lip, watching Dream closely. Dream worked his way up until he had 3 fingers inside of himself, moaning quietly. 

He did this so often but it never stopped feeling good. When he decided he was ready, he put the leftover lube on his hand on Karl's dick. Dream put one hand on Karl's shoulder and the other around the brunette's dick as he lowered himself down onto it, moaning quietly.

He heard Karl's moan as well as he bottomed out, still holding Karl's shoulder but his other hand was just on the chair. "I forgot how hot you looked like this," Karl breathed out, his face red as he did. Dream chuckled softly, thanking him before lifting himself again and then lowering back down. He got into a steady rhythm, his hand on the chair moving to Karl's other shoulder.

It didn't take too long for both of them to be close, Karl warning Dream about it. Dream sped up his pace a bit, knowing they had been there for a little while- they'd have to clean up, get dressed and then get to class still. They both came at about the same time, Dream leaning on Karl for a few moments.

 Dream got up slowly, cleaning himself and Karl up as quickly as he could before getting dressed. "We really have to do this more often," Karl hummed, leaning back in the chair. Dream gave him a quick kiss before picking up his stuff. "I should get going now, remember to call anytime you wanna hook up," Dream grinned and walked off, headed to his next class.

He still had a while left before the class started but he didn't feel like hanging out with anybody at the moment, maybe tomorrow. Dream leaned his head against the wall, closing his eyes for a while. "Sup, nerd," Dream rolled his eyes and looked at Techno with a small smile. "I forgot you had this class too," Dream admitted.

Techno chuckled softly and sat down, putting one leg over the other. "You seem.. off, did something happen?" Dream shook his head, smiling at Techno's concern. "I'm just a bit nervous, and excited. I lost a game and- well, you'll see," Dream rubbed the back of his neck. Techno rose an eyebrow, clearly interested although he didn't say anything more about it.

They both just sat there in comfortable silence until the bell rang, both of them focusing on the front. The class passed by as normal, the bell letting them go to their next and last classes. Dream had computer science again, meaning he'd be done with his last two sessions of the day within the next three hours.

Dream got to his class and sat in his usual seat, waiting for everyone else to pile in. Most of the students stopped at their lockers or talked to friends for a bit between classes, Dream preferred to get to class and make sure he got the seat he wanted. Plus, it gave him some time alone.

He liked being around people but he wanted to keep his social battery full enough to last the weekend, plus he didn't like the idea of being around so many people at the moment. Dream refocused his attention towards the front when people started gathering in the class again.

 The class went by quickly compared to the last one, probably because he knew he was gonna be getting dicked down only minutes after all the students left the classroom. Mr. Notfound had told him to stay behind after class, acting like it was a detention when all the students knew what was probably going to happen.

Dream got up from his seat, walking over to George, or Mr. Notfound. "Bend over the desk," The brunette ordered, Dream happily obeying and leaving over. George walked behind him, grabbing his hips and grinding against him.

"Sir~ C'mon, you know you want more," Dream hummed- he wanted to get what he was looking forward to, plus he knew George enjoyed him acting like this, the bulge in his pants proving his point. George shoved Dream's pants and boxers down, not doing anything but rubbing his ass. "Siiirrrrr," Dream whined, gasping audibly when George smacked his ass. 

"You like that, don't you? Of course you do," The teacher kept talking, delivering another smack and then going back to rubbing. Dream could already tell there would be marks, maybe not extremely visible but definitely there. George pulled his own pants down, grabbing the lube he knew was in Dream's pocket and putting some on his dick.

He could tell Dream had already been stretched. Dream held onto the edge of the desk as he was fucked into so roughly. Dream couldn't find himself caring about the pain, feeling pure pleasure. He could feel every thrust- he was just surprised George was so quick to it, usually he was the most careful about prep. Dream supposed something might've happened that upset him.

Dream didn't really want to ask his teacher what happened, he seemed to be relaxing on his own. Dream cried out as George came in him, completely forgetting to give Dream a warning. "Fuck. Sir, so rough with me," Dream purred, not at all upset about it. George rolled his eyes, giving Dream one last smack before getting dressed again.

"You know you like it, you whore," Dream grinned at that, getting dressed after getting enough of the cum out of himself. "You know me so well, bye bye Mr. Notfound," Dream hummed, grabbing his stuff and leaving the classroom. Dream headed to his dorm, putting all his stuff down and stretching, so he had to go to Illumina's dorm and then to the clubroom, easy enough.

The blonde groaned when he realized how much walking that would be. Dream got up and started making his way to Illumina's dorm, getting there a few minutes earlier than he expected. Dream groaned and knocked- he would've prefered to be exactly on time, he didn't know why but he prefered that over being early or late. Dream smiled as Illumina let him in.

"What'll it be?" Dream grinned- usually Illumina wanted a blowjob, although sometimes he did like to fuck his ass. "A blow job," Illumina rubbed the back of his neck, smiling a bit. Dream dropped down to his knees, closing the door and undoing Illumina's pants.

Dream pulled them down along with his boxers, pressing light kisses against the other's dick. Illumina bit his lip and looked down at the blond, flushing red when he made eye contact while taking the dick into his mouth. "Good boy," Illumina breathed, a hand pushing on the back of Dream's head gently, urging him to keep taking more.

He heard Dream choke around his dick a bit, but the blonde didn't pull off, only taking the rest into his mouth. "Fuck, yeah, gonna fuck your mouth so good," Illumina gained a grip on Dream's hair, holding him still while starting to pull his hips back and thrust them forward. Dream kept eye contact the entire time, even as tears gathered in the corners of his eyes.

Dream held onto Illumina's thighs when the man shoved his head down as far down onto his dick as he could, climaxing in Dream's mouth. The dirty blonde swallowed it all, still not looking away. Illumina pulled out, helping Dream up and quickly putting his boxers and pants back on. "Thank you, Dream.. uh.. have a good day?" Dream chuckled softly, saying a quick goodbye and heading to the photography clubroom.

Dream opened the door and sat down, groaning to himself when he felt something wet in his pants. He heard the door open and looked over to see the other members of the club. "Illumina just want a blow?" Dream hummed and nodded, leaning back in his seat. "Well~ First of all, we worked out the whole glory hole thing, second, time for the rest of your punishment," Dream felt a sudden rush of energy.

"We decided that, well, the whole glory hole thing should count as the majority of the things you have to do, but.." Quackity started, holding up a small bag. "Put it in and then keep it until tomorrow night," Corpse hummed, Quackity handing Dream the bag. Dream opened it and huffed, pulling his pants and boxers down and pushing the vibrator in, giving a soft moan as he did.

He then pulled his pants and boxers back on, raising an eyebrow at the other club members. "Is that all?" Dream had genuinely thought that they would at least make him ride them or something- but then again, he didn't know what he just put in himself. He knew it looked like some kind of dildo or vibrator, but he didn't know how fucking strong it was.

Fundy grabbed a remote from on the table, pressing one of the settings. Dream tensed up and moaned lewdly, arching his back slightly. He could feel the vibrations all throughout his body in such a good way. "That's the third level," Dream got terrified of how strong the max level must be, but he couldn't focus on the fear because of how good he felt.

He panted softly when it was turned off. "How many levels?.." Fundy's eyes scanned over the remote, holding up five fingers. "Five, the last one has a usage warning," The man hummed.Dream bit his lip, taking a moment before speaking up. "You'll keep it off when we're in class- right?" Quackity grabbed the remote, smiling widely.

"Nope! We all have the ability to turn it on or off at any time if we want! We found an app to put on our phones," He chuckled, Dream flushing red. "Fuck," He swore, though he had to admit he was excited. He could also backout at any point, so he wasn't scared of that, he didn't even know if he was actually scared or if it was just easier to say than he was nervous.

"It's getting late, we should probably get something to eat," Sapnap pointed out as he stood up, yawning. The others agreed and they left the clubroom, Dream going to the small cafe that was a part of the school and getting a sandwich. Dream almost always had enough money to buy something, as did the other club members.

Students and teachers would occasionally pay them for a session, even if they didn't have to. He got the sandwich, paid for it and then left to his dorm room, he was tired and wanted to at least lay down. He sat down on his bed when he got to his dorm, eating his sandwich and going to lay down.

He shoved his face into the pillow and tried to quiet his moans as he felt the vibrator be turned on, it wasn't as intense as before, not by a long shot, but it was still so fucking good. Dream felt the vibrations get weaker and relaxed, letting himself just lay on the bed and try to sleep. Every now and then, they got higher again and he got so close to climaxing, but then they stopped at the worst time, edging him.

He ended up falling asleep, waking up the next morning overstimulated and covered in cum. Fuck. He'd have to clean up before leaving for class. Dream shakily stood up, wiping himself off with wipes he had. He'd have a shower before bed, probably during break. He got dressed, grabbed his stuff and left his dorm, headed to the first class.

Dream had no doubt in his mind that the club was doing this because of the next day being the start of his other punishment. Dream put his books down on the desk, sitting down and audibly gasping at the way the vibrator pressed slightly deeper. Dream leaned his head on the table, only looking up when he heard the door open.

Corpse walked in and sat across the room from him- Dream felt his eyes on him the entire time they sat there. Dream gripped the sides of the desk tightly when the vibrator turned on again, convieniently when people started gathering in the room. The dirty blonde glared at Corpse, seeing the man had his phone out. He couldn't keep his glare for long, rubbing his legs together as he desperately tried to hold back his noises.

He felt the vibrations get more intense, leaving him unable to move without making a sound, as he had to put every single bit of his focus into being quiet. It wasn't until the bell went that he had to move, the vibrator was turned down a level- Dream had Sapnap to thank for that. Dream rushed to his next class, getting there as quickly as he could.

He really didn't want to be standing if it was turned back up. Dream didn't manage to sit down before it was turned up to a higher level, bending over the desk partially due to instinct. He cried out softly, not caring about the people who walked in. He had slept with most of them anyway, so it wasn't like many of them hadn't heard his moans before.

Dream could feel all the eyes on him, and it felt good, better than normal. The vibrator was turned down again, letting him breathe. The dirty blonde sat down, wiggling a bit in his seat. He could tell nobody had any complaints with his noises by how nobody walked up to him and asked him to be quiet. Dream held onto desk tightly still, trying to focus on anything but the vibrator.

 It stayed at the same level for the majority of class, although it got ten times more intense suddenly towards the end of the class. Dream covered his mouth, unable to even make a noise as he came in his pants almost immediately- he was so glad he didn't have another class before break.

Just about everyone was outside the class when the vibrator was turned down to what he could only assume was the lowest level. He breathed heavily, whining quietly at the overstimulation. He heard the door open, turning his head to see Fundy. "Dream?" The man spoke softly, walking over to him. Dream blinked at him, his mouth stuck open in a nerverending, silent gasp.

"I'll take you to a bathroom," Fundy wrapped an arm around Dream, lifting him up. Dream hissed quietly in pain. "I know.. Do you want me to carry you?" Dream nodded slightly, closing his mouth. Fundy picked him up, carrying him to one of the bathrooms. Dream leaned his head on Fundy's shoulder, whining softly as the vibrator still kept buzzing inside him.

"I'll get you cleaned up, love.. I've got you," Fundy hummed, pushing the door open and going inside the bathroom. Most of them had a seperate, smaller room with a line of showers. Fundy gently put Dream down, pulling off his clothes. Dream let him, just staying still. He whined quietly when he was helped up again, taken into one of the showers.

Fundy had already told the other club members that he was going to check on Dream and that they had to not fuck around with the vibrator for at least a few minutes. Dream whined when the vibrator was turned up again- Fundy gently pulled it out of him, rubbing his thighs to soothe him.

Fundy pulled the shower head down, running the water over Dream and cleaning him up while whispering praises and assurances. He knew how Dream could get after being overstimulated, especially to this point. Dream leaned against him, closing his eyes.Fundy finished the quick shower and turned the water off, drying the blonde up with a towel.

"Babe.. You don't have to put it back in.." Dream shook his head- he wanted to follow through, even if it eventually might go past the point of hurting good and just became hurting. Fundy sighed but didn't stop him. Dream was too tired to do anything, though. So Fundy chose to get him to have a break, helping him get dressed.

"'ank you.." Dream muttered, quite obviously exhausted. Fundy smiled a bit, picking him up. "We're headed to my dorm, 'kay? You're gonna rest for a bit," Dream just nodded silently, leaning his head on Fundy's shoulder again. Dream was taller by quite a bit, but he somehow weighed next to nothing in comparison.

It was another reason why so many students and teachers loved to get sessions with him. The shorter of the two carried Dream to the dorms, going to his dorm and laying Dream down. The man whined quietly, almost instantly moving to cuddle up against one of Fundy's pillows. Fundy pulled the blanket over him.

"Text me if you need anything," The man leaned down and kissed Dream's cheek before leaving the dorm and going to class. Dream quickly fell asleep, holding the pillow tightly. When he woke up again, he groaned and turned onto his back, rubbing his eyes. His ass hurt, what had- oh. Dream remembered suddenly, his dick twitching slightly at the idea of continuing.

Dream looked through the room to find it again, not having to look through much. He bit his lip, leaned against the wall and pulled his pants down. He slowly pushed it in, hissing slightly. It hurt quite a bit, but not in a bad way. He wanted more but didn't know if he could take it. He pulled his pants and underwear back up, grabbing his phone and sending the club a quick text saying he was okay if they wanted to keep going.

A few minutes later, it was turned on again and he covered his mouth. He breathed heavily, not expecting a small buzz to already be so much due to the overstimulation from earlier. How long had he even slept for? Dream had no clue, and he didn't think he'd be bothered to figure it out anytime soon. Dream made his way to the club room, moaning quietly every now and then.

He sat down when he got to the club, laying on his side and waiting for school to end so he could see the others. Dream didn't mind being alone, not much, but he wanted to interact with somebody. Dream shoved his face into the couch when the vibrator was turned up, instinctively spreading his legs a bit.

He couldn't help the way he cried out in pleasure or the tears that built in his eyes. He hadn't given himself long enough to recover from earlier, but fuck he was glad he didn't. It felt so good. Dream felt his climax coming again, reaching it quickly. He cried out as he arched his back, orgasming.

Nothing came out of his dick this time- it had been so long since he had been completely milked of all his cum. The first time it ever happened was the third meeting with Techno, who was extremely pissed off about something. The most recent would have to be about seven or so months ago, during one of the gangbangs.

Dream kept moaning and crying out, muffling it all with his head in the couch. His cries only got louder when the vibrator was turned up even more, tears flowing freely down his cheeks. He panted when the vibrator was turned down to the lowest level, shakily turning onto his side again.

He was surprised by how quick that was, how good it felt, and how he didn't notice how the rest of the club was gathered at the door. Dream looked at the group, licking his lips subconciously. "Dream- did you-?" Dream nodded slightly, wiping the tears from his face. Dream shakily sat up, wincing and letting out a small whine when the vibrator moved inside him.

Dream's mouth got locked in a silent gasp for a bit when the vibrator was turned up yet again, but not as much. "Excited for tomorrow?" Corpse questioned, sitting down next to Dream. He turned the toy off. The blonde nodded slowly, leaning into Corpse. The brunette wrapped an arm around him. The others sat down as well, going over the plan for the rest of the day and the weekend.

They were going to help Dream get ready for saturday and take care of him and then they'd need to make sure everything was still working correctly. Sapnap and Quackity were going to be with Dream to make sure he was okay and ready for the next day. Corpse and Fundy were going to check if everything was working. They had decided to have it happen in the auditorium.

There were cameras focused on the stage and screens where the students could see them, on or off the stage. They had made a small remote for Dream which would be his way of getting out of it or taking a break if he couldn't talk. Fundy clicked the big button on it and watched the lights change to red and a notification pop up on both his and Corpse's phones.

Fundy fistbumped the air, his programming and building had actually worked. The stage was split into two halves with a wall, which was perfect for them. The wall was there because it helped students visualize the ones on the stage walking out of or away from somewhere. They had already made holes in it for Dream, they had gotten his measurements at some point.

There was one for his main body, and two for his hands- the button was going to be right under one of the hands, reachable but not easy to touch accidentally. They checked the cameras last, they worked. "Are you excited?" Corpse looked at Fundy for a moment before nodding, Dream always looked so attractive while being fucked.

Meanwhile, Quackity, Sapnap and Dream were in a bath- it was in one of the dorm bathrooms. Dream was leaning against Sapnap while Quackity gently ran a wash cloth over the blonde's skin. Dream was barely aware of anything going on, he was tired. "C'mon, only gotta stay up for a bit longer.. nearly done.." Quackity whispered as he finished off cleaning Dream.

Quackity got out of the bath, getting a towel around his waist before helping Dream out. "Mmn..tired.." Dream hummed, leaning his head on Quackity's shoulder. "Let's get you dressed, beautiful.." Quackity kissed the side of his head, drying the blonde off with a towel. Sapnap got out of the bath too, getting dried and dressed himself.

After Dream was dry, Sapnap got him dressed while Quackity dried himself off and got into his clothes. Dream closed his eyes, letting himself be moved around. "Alright, bed time," Sapnap grinned, him and Quackity leading Dream to Quackity's dorm- it was the closest. Sapnap got in first, Dream laying down next to him.

Quackity closed and locked the dorm's door before laying down with them, smiling a bit as Dream buried his face on Quackity's chest. Quackity ran a hand through the other's hair, giving Sapnap a quick kiss. Sapnap, Quackity and Karl weren't anything official, but it was no secret they were all dating.

None of them minded any of them going out and seeing others, so long as they didn't become anything more with someone else without asking them first. Karl was more than happy that Sapnap and Quackity were close with Dream as well, he wouldn't mind if they ended up inviting him into the relationship.

But it was well known that Dream wasn't huge on being in a serious relationship, he never had entertained the idea of dating anybody since he got into the school, and even before then he always claimed he didn't want to, which was understandable. In the morning, Quackity gently shook Dream and Sapnap awake.

Dream whined softly but slowly opened his eyes, rolling onto his back. Sapnap didn't so much as show any sign of waking up. Quackity groaned and shook him again. "Wake up, Sap. If you don't get up in the next five minutes, I'm pouring cold water all over you," The man crossed his arms, quickly checking the time.

Dream rolled out of bed, standing up and wrapping his arms around Quackity. He was a touchy person, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. "Go have a shower, Dreamie," Quackity hummed, Dream leaving to go to the showers. The blonde turned on the shower and then undressed.

He finished the shower relatively quickly, returning to Quackity to see the man pouring water on Sapnap. Dream chuckled quietly as the ravenette screamed in shock, sitting up quickly. "DUDE- What the hell?!" Quackity stuck his tongue out at him. Sapnap groaned, rolling his eyes and getting off the bed. He pulled off his pants and shirt, mumbling something about how Quackity ruined his clothes.

"Oh stop being a baby, they just have to dry. Go get your ass in the shower before I leave without you," Sapnap huffed but left, going to take a shower. "I swear, it's like taking care of two little kids.. Dream, you gotta get dressed," Quackity looked back at the blonde. He forgot he hadn't given the guy clothes to change into.

Technically, Dream could easily go back to his room to get clothes but he went back to Quackity instead. "If I give you my clothes, they're gonna get ruined. There's somethin' at the club we wanted you to wear as well," Quackity stated, giving Dream one of the jumpers someone had left in his room.

It was really big, at least for Quackity. Dream put it on and left to the clubroom, keeping the towel on. He found an outfit on the table in the middle of the room, so he put it on. It was a bit tight, especially around his lower body, but it wasn't that uncomfortable. The top half was basically just a top that ended just above his belly button with the words 'Fuck me' on it, not Dream's taste but whatever.

Underneath it was some see through bra like thing which was a pain to put on. Again, not Dream's taste. The bottom half was a pair of short shorts, which he could only just fit on. They ended just around his upper thigh. Underneath them were fishnets that went a bit past the top of the shorts. And then underneath that was, surprise surprise, a pair of panties.

The fishnets and shorts Dream could get behind, he loved wearing them- he didn't know why. He slipped on a pair of shoes and waited for the others, he had no clue where the whole thing was going to be. He decided to add a collar to the outfit. Corpse walked in, smiling at Dream.

"Quackity told me you'd be here, let's get ya to the auditorium," He offered Dream a hand, the blonde taking it and standing up. Corpse took Dream to the auditorium where the whole thing was being set up. "Safe word?" Dream thought for a moment. "Red," Corpse nodded. "Say that if you need it to stop, if you can't there's a button under where your left hand will be, okay?" Corpse showed him where the button was, Dream nodding.

"Do you need to do anything before we get you in?" Dream thought for a second, humming to himself. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom quickly," Corpse let go of his hand so Dream could go. When the man came back, he asked again. "I think that's all.. mm, yeah," Dream hummed. "Alright, let us know if you need anything," Corpse brought Dream over to the wall in the middle of the stage, watching how Dream visibly flushed red.

"I-In the middle of the stage?- Really?" Dream stammered, all his confidence leaving him. Corpse wrapped an arm around him. "Yep," Dream's face went redder but he pushed Corpse's arm off and bent over anyway, situating himself as comfortably as he could in the holes, only just managing to fit.

Corpse walked around to where his upper body was, kneeling down and grinning. "Want me to prep you or do you trust the school enough?" Corpse questioned- he didn't want to make Dream have to endure the possibility of not being stretched unless he wanted to. "..I trust them.." Dream muttered, shifting a bit. Corpse kissed his cheek.

"Alright, I'll give you a few minutes while me and the others go out and tell everyone," The blonde nodded slightly, letting himself relax as Corpse walked off. It was so nerve racking to just stay there and not be able to see behind him- the screen didn't count as seeing behind him, because he could see his behind but not anything off the stage. 

Dream bit his lip as he heard the door open, voices slowly filling the room. He felt a hand on his hip and looked back at the screen, seeing one of the many students he had previously slept with standing there, staring at his ass. He took a moment to realize who it was, it was Sam. By far, one of his top five students when it came to sex (excluding the photography club, of course).

He clearly had experience and he had a dick to go with it as well. "Haven't been able to fuck you in a while, forgot how hot you looked all bent over," The man purred, slowly working Dream's shorts down his legs. Dream wiggled a bit, opening his mouth when someone else got in front of him and held their dick to his lips.

He couldn't quite tell who it was from just what he could see- he couldn't look up much without straining his eyes. He didn't exactly care who it was though, gladly accepting the dick. He closed his eyes as his throat was fucked and his ass was squeezed. He gasped as a completely dry finger slipped inside him, his legs spreading a bit more.

He could tell Sam was purposefully taking a long time, and he really was not having it. After swallowing the cum that was spilled down his throat he panted and looked at the screen. "Just hurry.. hurry up and put it in, asshole," Dream huffed, opening his mouth to talk again after hearing Sam chuckle. Before he could get anything out, another dick was shoved into his mouth, effectively shutting him up.

He let whoever it was fuck his throat again, moaning softly when a second and third finger were pushed inside his ass as well. It hurt, but not enough to be unpleasant. Dream choked slightly around the object in his mouth, though he managed not to, licking around it. He could hear the groans of the man in front of him.

He wasn't surprised with how quickly the guy came, it seemed to be a running thing with most of the students. He swallowed it all, of course, and moaned out again as a fourth finger was pushed into his ass, at this rate, he'd have a whole hand in him before he had a dick in his ass. "Sam- Fucking- just- I'm ready, come on!" Dream whined, the fingers, even all four of them, weren't enough.

Sam pulled the fingers out, grabbing the lube that Corpse had left on the floor next to him and putting some on his dick. Dream clenched his fists as he felt the man pushing his dick inside, he always forgot how big it really was. If it weren't for already seeing it, Dream would swear Sam had two dicks.

Dream moaned lewdly as Sam bottomed out, another dick finding a spot in his mouth. He had no idea how many students were there for him, but he already knew that he wasn't going to be entirely there by the end of the day, let alone the next day. "Good boy," He heard the man who's cock was in his mouth hum, it made Dream's head get slightly foggy.

He sucked on the dick like a lollipop, moaning around it when Sam started thrusting into him. He felt like he was with Techno and Sapnap again, execpt he was sucking on the dick rather than being fucked from both sides. He felt another pair of hands grabbing his thighs, surprising him. "Hold on for a second," He heard someone behind him mutter, he looked at the screen and saw Punz putting lube on his dick.

He felt it poking at his enterance, moaning around the dick in front of him as Punz pushed in. Dream kept sucking the dick in front of him, it soon being pulled out. The guy hadn't climaxed yet though. The guy jerked himself off a bit and came all over Dream's face, and Dream wouldn't admit how much he loved it. Not right then and there, at least.

Dream swallowed any that got into his mouth. He moaned loudly when Punz bottomed out inside of him, his ass stretching to fit both dicks. Dream couldn't find time in between the moans that started spilling from his mouth to be able to close his, well, mouth. The two had started thrusting, one in and one out every time.

Another person took use of his open mouth, fucking his throat. Dream could feel someone getting one of his hands ready to use, so he helped them a bit, already loving the feeling of satisfying four people. So many of them came after such a short amount of time, he couldn't blame them, of course, but he did feel slightly disappointed.

There were a lot of people though, if the chattering he could hear all around meant anything, so it wasn't a big deal to him. He choked a bit when a second dick started thrusting into his mouth as well. He cried out around them as he came, feeling one of the two in his mouth pull out while coming.

He closed his eyes to avoid getting anything in them, he didn't want to explain that to a doctor. Dream felt as the person fucking his hand came all over it and his cheek, another person quickly replacing them. He felt the two inside of him, Sam and Punz, twitching a bit, he knew they were going to cum soon.

Dream swallowed as the person still in his mouth came, keeping his mouth open and panting. He turned his head to catch what cum he could in his mouth as the dude fucking his hand came as well- that one was really quick. The blonde gasped softly as his hair was pulled, yet another dick being shoved into his mouth.

He felt someone cum on his back- he decided not to even bother looking at the screen. He felt tears in his eyes as he came face to face with some guy's balls- fuck they were long. He didn't have a gag reflex, which was lucky, considering he could practically feel the guy so far down his throat he would barely be surprised if it reached his chest.

Of course, he was overexaggerating but still. He felt the two in his ass coming, moaning out loudly as he was filled up. Dream choked on the cum that soon spilled from the guy in front of him, but managed to swallow it. He pulled out of Dream's mouth, standing there for a second more before leaving. Dream looked up at the screen, seeing three people walk up.

He also saw the cum on his lower back, thighs and how it streamed down his legs slowly. He watched as the three all dropped their pants and boxers. Dream moaned as one of them pushed their dick into his ass, the other two went in front of him. Dream opened his mouth, sticking his tongue out and gladly welcoming the two objects.

He sucked on and licked around them, seeing as they weren't moving. He could briefly feel the drool rolling down his chin. Dream felt a hand on his head, pushing him down further on the dicks. Dream moaned around them as he was fucked from behind, his eyes rolling back slightly as he came again.

Dream felt a small stinging pain in his thigh, wincing slightly- it wasn't a bad pain. It felt like a bite and, honestly, it probably was. "10 minutes and then we're gonna give him a break, got it?" Quackity called from the seats in front of the stage, smiling at how most of the people there either nodded or gave him a thumbs up.

The three on the stage with Dream chased their orgasm, the one in the back fucking into the blonde harder and the two using his mouth guiding his head up and down. Dream didn't try to move or anything, the guys were taking control and he had no objections. He moaned with each thrust, only growing louder when the guy who was fucking his ass came.

His mouth was filled quickly after that as well, cum spilling from his lips as he tried to swallow what he could. He panted softly but kept his mouth open enough for the next person. He felt like a toy or something of the sort, and he loved it. He let them fuck his throat, looking up at the guy with half lidded eyes.

That seemed to have an effect on him, as he came a lot quicker than Dream could assume he would have. A little bit of time later, Quackity was helping Dream out of the wall. Dream winced as he was helped out and up, his ass hurt a lot already. He could take it, he just wanted to complain. Quackity helped Dream to the bathroom.

Dream took off his remaning clothes, sitting down in the shower. Quackity helped to get him washed as well, rubbing his thighs to help soothe the pain. Dream leaned into him, already tired. Quackity got him out of the shower and onto one of the benches in the bathroom. Fundy showed up with some food and a drink of water.

Dream half-mindedly ate the food, barely registering it as he chewed it swallowed. "Thank you.." Dream whispered, looking up at Fundy. "..Are you okay to keep going? You can stop if you need to," Dream looked back at Quackity. "..'M okay," He muttered, smiling slightly. The other two decided not to argue, they knew that Dream knew his limits and would stop if he absolutely had to.

Though that didn't mean Dream wouldn't push himself to try and go further. Fundy looked at Quackity and nodded, helping Dream up. "Mm, my ass is gonna hurt so much," The blonde huffed, walking with the two going back to the wall. They got Dream back in it, reminding Dream of the safety protocals they put in place before leaving his side and letting people back in.

Dream looked up at the screen again, seeing another one of his favorites behind him. Techno. "Mm, gonna fuck me as good as always?" Techno grinned, nodding slightly. Dream let his mouth fall open to take a dick into his mouth as he was pushed into by Techno. He sort of just blanked out after that, all he knew was he kept being fucked by people, he was taken for a break at some point and then put back. 

He knew he ended up passing out at some point, barely able to touch the button. When he came to, he was still so fuzzy and floaty, and the pain was intense to the point of it actually being bad in Dream's opinion. "Goodmorning, sleepy head. Feeling okay?" Dream shook his head, whining as he wrapped his arms around Corpse. "Thirsty?" Dream nodded.

"Hungry?" Dream nodded again. "Does it hurt?" Corpse knew the answer, he just wanted to confirm. Dream hummed and nodded once more before burying his face into Corpse's shoulder. "I'll text Sap, he wanted to know when you woke up," Corpse grabbed his phone, sending Sapnap a quick text. "You did really well," The brunette whispered, kissing Dream's head.

Dream just hummed quietly, not feeling like saying anything. They just laid there for a bit, Corpse only getting up when there was a knock on the dorm door. Dream huffed but didn't move, just pouting as he waited for his friend to come back. Dream was huge with cuddles after sex when he was offered with them, not many people knew that though.

Only the club, Techno and George knew, and George wasn't keen on physical touch unless it was sexual or necessary. Dream was okay with that, he didn't normally fall asleep or pass out after a session, he just got extremely overwhelmed that time.

"M back, Sapnap's here," Corpse sat on the bed, helping Dream sit up. They helped Dream eat, knowing he was probably too tired to do it himself. Dream ate it all, leaning into Sapnap this time. He tiredly drank the drink they gave him, closing his eyes after finishing it. "So warm.." Dream whispered almost silently, falling asleep again soon after.

"Sleep well love, still got tomorrow to continue if you feel better,"

- - - - - - - - - - -

I hope you enjoyed even though it was rushed and probably has at least 20 spelling mistakes. 

This chapter is literlly 11k words and it was purely a joke x.x 

Anyways, buh bye! Have a good day/night! Love you all! 

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