No major ship - My name is..

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No major ship! (Slight Dream x Punz at the end)
Not a request <3
- Ahahah anime go brr
- If you know you know
- Anyways, actual warnings now!

- Angst
- Implied R4P3
- Pedophilia 
- Rq i wanna make it clear i dont support any of this
- Anyways, continuing with warnings
- Kidnapping
- There's literally only like, 3 names ever actually used in this
- Really fast moving
- I suppose abuse fits?
- Bruises mentioned
- I'm sorry TwT
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dream smiled softly as he got up from his seat in the alleyway, waving his friends- no, his family a temporary goodbye before going up to a couple who didn't seem as though they had been there before. "Hi! Are you new around here?" He asked them, humming when they said they weren't.

"Is there anywhere in particular you'd like to see? Anything you want to do?" He questioned, smiling wider when they admitted they were both feeling quite hungry. "I can show you to a great spot for the best food in the town!" He mentally high fived himself when he was given a small bag of coins and asked to show them.

He took them to one of the objectively best taverns in the town, with a great selection of alcohol and incredibly cooked meals. He didn't know how good the alcohol was but he'd believe what he had been told by all his previous customers. Dream worked as a kind of tour guide alongside his family.

Dream asked if there was anything else he could do for them but they said they were okay, so he bid them farewell and went back to his family. "C'mon, it's getting late. We should see if we can get some extra food. No more customers for tonight." One of them yawned, the second youngest.

Dream was about.. 14 years old, with his friends ranging from 10-13 years old. They were young but they were living. None of them really minded living in an alleyway, they had a bed, they had food, and most importantly.. They had each other. They didn't need anyone else to take care of them. The group started running off, Dream groaning as he chased after them.

"Guys! I've told you before to not run off without me!" Dream exclaimed, looking around to try to figure out what way they went. His eyes widened when a hand clasped over his mouth and an arm was around him.

He was dragged off after something was forced over his head, a bag or something. He had no idea where he was anymore or who had taken him, all he knew was that he definitely wasn't the only one who had been taken from somewhere.

"I wanna go home! Let me go!" They cried, they sounded as old as the youngest in his friend group, so around 10 years. He wanted so desperately to hug them but he couldn't even see them. He decided he'd just try to talk to them if he ever saw them.

As if the world was actively reading his mind, they came to a stop in whatever they were in. The bag was taken off of his head and he was pushed out of the small carriage. Dream looked around briefly before hearing a smack, quickly turning to see the kid from in the carriage on the floor. He helped them up as best he could, standing in front of them.

"Don't make any noises unless it's an answer to our questions, you got it?" Dream nodded slowly at them, seeing the large guy in front of them raise his hand. He prepared himself to be hit, making sure that he wouldn't fall over when the hand met his cheek. He spat on the man's shoe after being slapped.

He was punched in the stomach and he winced, stepping back a bit. "Disrespectful little brat. We'll fix that soon." He was terrified of what that meant, but he certainly didn't show it. They were dragged to a small house, whatever was keeping their hands together were taken off and they were pushed in.

"Did.. they get you as well?" He heard an older voice ask, maybe around.. 16 years old? "..As well?" The kid who was with him questioned, getting up. Dream didn't say anything as he slammed himself into the door, trying to break it down.

"We've tried that.. You can't get out like that.." Dream tried two more times before giving up, knowing they'd know better. He moved to sit down on the floor, trying to think of any way he could possibly escape.

He already saw that all the windows were blocked off, the walls were too sturdy to do anything and the men were too strong for a proper escape. Dream tensed when the door opened again, closing behind the guy who walked in. The same one who hit him. He scowled at him, spitting at him again.

He walked over to Dream, kicking him in the side. "What's your name?" Dream didn't say anything, refusing to cooperate with this son of a bitch. "I asked for your fucking name, and you better tell me." Dream flipped him off, being kicked again before the guy stopped.

"I guess we'll keep calling you brat then. You. Name." The guy looked at the other kid, leaving after getting their name. Dream clutched his side, silently planning that man's death. One of the children who was already there walked up to him. "Are you okay?" Dream just hummed.

"You know.. We've all lost someone because of coming here. The girls and I lost our town and our friends there.." She smiled sadly. "But, we all have each other." She pointed out, still smiling. Dream didn't say anything, just silently sitting there. He wanted to go back to his family, he didn't want to be here.

Nobody tried to talk to him until he got up from the floor, understanding he probably needed some time. After they cooked dinner using a bag of plain ingredients, they all went to bed. Dream missed having someone to hold while he slept, it felt wrong to not hug anything or anyone while laying down.

He ended up falling asleep soon after curling up on himself. Dream woke up to having his arms wrapped around someone- more than one person? There was a pair of arms holding him as well. He opened his eyes tiredly and saw that five out of the six kids other than himself were laying in his arms, with the oldest hugging him.

Dream didn't want to get up, he wanted to stay in that moment forever- he felt like he was home again. That was until the door slammed open and they were being yelled at to get up.

Dream woke the others up as quickly but gently as he could, glaring at the man. Dream swore that if- no. When he got out, he'd beat him up or kill him, he'd decide when it was time. Dream didn't look away from the guy as the others sat up. "Hurry up." The man huffed, crossing his arms. The group rushed to stand up, except for Dream.

The blonde took his sweet time in standing up, refusing to listen to the man, even if the result of doing so hurt. "Brat." The dude mumbled, leading the group to a separate small cabin with a large table. "You know what to do. Teach the newbies."

Dream looked around, seeing the other man who kidnapped him standing there. Dream clenched his fists but took a seat, his side still aching from the day before. He would start a fight if he found a chance to piss them off, but he wouldn't do that until he knew the man didn't have a weapon.

Dream followed along as the girls who had already been there when he arrived gave them instructions on how to do whatever they were doing. Stitching? Or was it something else? Whatever, he didn't care.

Dream saw the second man looking through his pockets, pulling out a few pieces of paper but nothing else. No weapon, awesome. Dream got up and threw what he was doing at the guy, standing up as he did so. Unlike the other times, Dream was entirely prepared to get hit.

"Quit acting tough, kid. It'll only get you in trouble." Dream clenched his teeth as he was hit in his already bruised side. "You kidnapped me, you stupid-" He coughed a bit when he was kneed in the stomach. "Shut up."

He wouldn't have listened if he hadn't felt the foot on his neck, not pressing down yet but making the threat of doing so clear. After a bit of silence, the second man let him get up, walking back to be against the wall.

Dream sat down in his seat again, letting his mind wander as he, for once, did as he was told to do. He had no idea how much time had passed when they were taken back to the other cabin, he just knew it was now dark outside. Dream went straight to bed, not feeling like eating.

The next few days passed the same, Dream would pick a fight, get hit a few times and then go quiet due to the pain. Sometime around a week later, they were sitting in the cabin where they would do whatever it was with the threads and needles when a different guy from the other two burst into the room, the second man quickly stiffening and greeting him.

"You, the fourteen year old." The new man pointed at him, Dream scowling at him. "Come with me." Dream didn't get up. "Oh sir, please- you don't want to take him, he's defiant and diff-" The man shut up.

Dream winced as he was pulled up by his shirt and pushed towards the new guy. He was then grabbed by the wrist and dragged out of the cabin and pushed onto the ground. "Strip." Dream looked at him as though he were stupid, the fuck? Neither of them moved for a minute before the guy started getting impatient.

"If you don't, I'll help you." Dream hesitantly started to strip down, his clothes piling on the floor next to him. He curled up on himself, hiding as much as he could from view.

He tensed as cold water was poured on him, closing his eyes. Dream didn't move as another lot of cold water was poured on him, only shivering slightly. After a few more lots of water he was given a towel. "Dry yourself off and then go into that building and get dressed." The man pointed to a building that was longer than it was wide.

Dream nodded slowly, really not wanting to fight in the state he was in. Dream waited to see if the guy would leave before realizing he wasn't going to. He slowly got up from the floor, drying himself off as he walked to the building, quickly ducking inside.

He saw clothes on the chair at the end of the hallway-like building, cringing at how it looked. They were the only clothes in there, though. Dream swallowed back his pride and got changed into the clothes. The main piece was a light purple dress with a slit in the middle of the top and basically nothing at the back.

There were laces keeping the dress from just slipping off just above his lower back, where the opening began to close off. There were a pair of panties which took an extreme amount of restraint to not just tear apart the second he saw them. Dream curled up on the chair after getting dressed, refusing to look in the mirror.

Why did he have to put on this stupid, ridiculous, humiliating dress? He knew it was far too inappropriate for a 14 year old to wear. And he hated- no.. he despised the fact it made him look like a girl. He heard the door open and shut briefly, not even bothering to look up. It was the oldest kid. She had a small smile on her face which was rather comforting.

Dream slowly uncurled himself, covering the exposed skin of his chest and looking down. "I'm sorry I can't.. Protect you from this. But, if it means anything, you do look beautiful.." She muttered, keeping her smile.

Dream didn't say anything, just looking straight forwards as she did a small bit of makeup on him, as she had been told to. He looked at her when she was done, seeing tears building in her eyes and noticing how her hands were now shaking.

He opened his arms, letting her hug him. "Come find me when you can.." She whispered, her voice as shaky as her hands. "Come on. It's time to go." The man from earlier yelled from just outside the door. Dream slowly got up, walking outside and keeping his head down.

He was told to get in a carriage and he didn't fight, not yet. If he had the chance, he could fight against them on the way and escape. All ideas of escape melted in his head when a hand was placed on his thigh, making him push it away, moving away from the person sitting next to him. "Oh? A feisty one eh? I'll fix that real soon." He purred, scooting closer.

Dream pushed him away before reaching for the carriage door, only to get an arm around his waist pulling him down. Dream tried to hit him but only got his wrists held together in one hand.

"Let me go you asshole! Fuck off!" Dream yelled, trying to pry himself out of the man's grasp. He tired himself out after a bit, panting slightly. His wrists were suddenly tied together above him, leaving him trying his best to get rid of the new bindings.

After some time, the carriage came to a stop and the man grabbed Dream's arm and led him inside, going straight up some stairs and arriving at a large door. He knocked twice. "Sir, the boy has arrived." The man hummed, making sure he had a tight grip on Dream still.

"You may enter." He pushed the doors open and pushed Dream forwards, bidding a quick farewell to the room's owner before closing the doors again. Dream took a deep breath before pushing himself off the floor, looking at the owner of the room. A man in his mid 20's or early 30's, younger and fitter than most of the bad men Dream had interactions with so far.

He turned to face the door, trying to get it open and failing due to the handles being too hard to move. Dream gasped when he was properly pushed against the door, his hands being held still. He tried to fight back, of course he did.

He knew he had no way to win the fight but he couldn't just stop trying. Dream's wrists were unbinded but he was dragged over to the bed, immediately trying to get off it once he was thrown on. The man flipped him over before holding him down with his legs and one hand, using the other hand to undo the laces on the back of his dress.

Dream tried to kick him, punch him, headbut him- whatever he could do to try and stop the guy. By the time the dress had been completely removed, Dream had begun begging. He couldn't have this happen, he couldn't..

. . .

Dream wasn't the same when he got back, it was the middle of the night when he stepped out of the carriage and walked back to the cabin. He didn't go to bed, he just stared out the window. "Are.. you okay?" He heard from behind him, turning to see one of the younger children.

"I'm alright, go back to bed." He smiled weakly, forcing himself to put on a happy front. The oldest walked out suddenly, yawning softly. Dream visibly tensed up but kept his forced smile.

The youngest went back to bed and the oldest immediately went over to Dream who clenched his teeth and ran out of the cabin. He went to a small, open barn type spot, curling up and crying.

The oldest- her name was.. Mala?- chased after him, freezing when she saw the guy who, even after being beaten harsher than any of them had experienced, didn't even start tearing up, start crying. Mala walked over to him, pausing when he screamed at her to not look at him. He had been humiliated enough already.

Mala sat next to him but didn't look his way, holding one of his hands gently. "I wanna go home.. I don't wanna be here.." Dream sobbed, the tears streaming down his face and soaking into the straw beneath him.

Mala wrapped her arms around him, holding him close and not saying anything. "I don't want to do this." Dream mumbled, slowly falling asleep in the arms of who he wholeheartedly thought of as his sister. She held him all night, falling asleep herself at some point.

She woke up to being grabbed by her wrist and dragged back to the cabin, Dream still asleep but very clearly not for long, considering the one walking into where they had both fallen asleep. He heard Dream yell something before she was back in the cabin with the door closed.

She tried getting it open despite knowing she couldn't- she had to get back to Dream and help him. She took to sitting down and waiting for him to get back. Soon enough, Dream was pushed back into the cabin with a bruise on the side of his face and a small bit of blood leaking from his nose.

Mala hugged him before looking for anything that could help the bruise heal. She didn't find anything. "Mala- they said that- that I'd be going again tomorrow i don't want to go-" Dream was starting to hyperventilate, Mala quickly catching on and helping him relax a bit. She helped him control his breathing, holding his hand while doing so.

Dream eventually calmed down enough to breathe property, though he kept hold of her hand. Mala understood, not planning to leave him alone. Dream went to say something but stopped himself, mentally cursing himself for dumping all his issues on Mala.

Neither of them moved more than they had to for the rest of the day, staying close together. Even when they went to bed, they stayed close. Dream didn't pick a fight that day, too out of it to even think of doing so. The next day, Dream was pulled away from the others again. He was cleaned and redressed into a.. Bathing suit? What the-?

It was a pale pink colour and most of it was mostly transparent. The only parts that weren't see-through was the bra-like top under the transparent fabric and the tiny shorts. The outfit showed off almost his entire back again, and Dream wanted nothing more than to die suddenly before he could leave the building.

Dream curled up on himself in the carriage, not bothering to try to move away. He'd try to escape another time, he just.. couldn't... today. He didn't know why, but he couldn't move, and he didn't want to try. Dream buried his face in his knees and closed his eyes.

. . .

It had officially been a month since he first got there and he couldn't find a reason or a way to start a fight anymore. He didn't want to. Dream felt as though he wasn't even a person anymore. He was being taken away in a carriage again when he saw them. His friends, his family, from before he was taken in the first place.

Dream's eyes widened and everything flooded back to him. He started crying, trying to push the door open, anything. He didn't give up this time, managing to pry out of the grabby hands of the man taking him away this time.

He got the door open about half an hour into the ride, throwing himself out of the carriage and trying to run. His legs ached and he could feel every single bruise on his body, but he couldn't stop. He had to get away, he had to find a way to help his family. He had to- Dream felt a hand on his back before he was tumbling over, landing on his stomach. He quickly tried to push himself up, only to get grabbed by the leg and held down. He cried out, trying to get away, he had to get away.

Dream screamed as his legs were held apart. "I've been waiting to have a taste of you~" The man purred, reaching to remove Dream's shorts before a sword was held to his throat. "Pardon me for interrupting, but.. Is that any way to treat a beautiful.. lady?" Dream looked up at the person holding a sword to the other guy's throat, tears in his eyes.

"Kindly let go." The person smiled, gesturing to Dream's legs. Dream immediately stood up when he was let go, covering himself up as best he could. "Look away, young miss." Dream looked away but pointed out that he wasn't a lady. "Oh, I'm sorry for the mistake. Are you okay?"

Dream looked back, wincing when he saw the other guy's body on the ground, bleeding. He slowly nodded, clenching his fists to try and calm down his shaking. "Thank you, um- I know I have no right, but would you please save my friends!" Dream bowed his head, entirely ready to be hit or even killed for being disrespectful.

"Of course." Dream raised his head, his tears escaping his eyes. The person reached for his cheek, gently wiping away the tears. "Please, one as pretty as yourself shouldn't cry." The person smiled softly, offering his hand to Dream.

The blonde took it, telling the person where his friends were being kept. They started to make their way over there using the same carriage Dream jumped out of, only with them both sitting at the front of the carriage rather than inside it.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your name and.. Why were you being brought out here?" Dream tensed at the question, he still hadn't even told anyone at the other place his name. This person just saved him though, he couldn't be a bad person.

"My name is Dream.. And it-... they let l-lords 'rent' me and-" Dream stopped, shaking his head. He couldn't say it, he couldn't bring himself to say anymore. "I understand, thank you, Dream. Your name does suit you." The person grinned. Dream smiled slightly, a small blush coming to his cheeks. He didn't feel uncomfortable, for once.

He felt like things were finally going to be.. Somewhat okay. "Uh.. excuse me, but what's your name? If you don't mind telling me that is-" The person smiled at him, taking off their hood. "My name is.."


- - - - - - - -
Yeah it being Punz was a last second thing-
Warning, there's probably gonna be another chapter somewhat like this- I'm sorry for those who don't like these stories
I'll try to work something out for alternate angst or fluff but i cant promise anything will come out quickly

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