No specific ship - Requested - Violin go brr

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No specific ships (The simps do simp)
Requested by: Mikotka00
- Very very bad and brief explanation of playing the violin
- I haven't ever learnt how to play and I've only seen a few videos
- So yeah
- Uhh
- The simps simp
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Dream sat against the wall, watching Techno and Niki as they sparred. Techno had suggested it because he wasn't interested in the other activities, and Niki had mentioned something about how she felt like she had improved a lot since last time. The majority of the SMP had gathered together in order to have a party just a day after Dream had suggested it.

Dream was holding it at one of the bigger houses he had built for meetings and other things of the sort- he had laughed at Techno's reaction when he arrived. Dream hummed as he watched them, leaning his head in his hand. "Dream!" His hand slipped and he nearly fell to the side. "Hey Sap, Tubbo," Dream smiled at them, standing up.

"We found this in one of the rooms and were wondering if you could play it," Tubbo explained, holding a violin out to Dream. "Boys, you know you shouldn't take things from rooms without asking," Sapnap huffed but nodded, Tubbo nodding as well. "We know, I'm sorry- I just really wanted to see if you knew how to!" Sapnap hummed.

Surely Dream knew how to play at least a bit, otherwise why would he have it there? Dream sighed, he hadn't touched the violin in a while. "I dunno. It's been a while- plus, what about them?" Dream gestured to Niki and Techno, his hand shaking a bit due to the anxiety forming at the idea of playing again.

"Come on! I'll get everyone out here and it'll be a big thing!" Tubbo exclaimed, looking at the older with those eyes he just couldn't say no to. "...Fine. Don't expect anything good though," He huffed, hesitantly grabbing the violin from Tubbo. Dream chose to play something simple first and slowly move up in what he believed was more difficult- he wasn't ready to completely embarrass himself in front of them all in the first attempt.

Dream took a deep breath and moved the violin so that while using the chinrest on the violin, it could be held between his shoulder and chin. He held the bow Sapnap had handed to him in his right hand, the violin on his left side. He didn't think about what he had to do after the first position, playing the song mindlessly.

He had played the song every day for a year or so when he was just beginning, and he still practiced it every now and then to keep the memory of the first song he tried to play. It wasn't exactly what everyone expected someone's first song to be, but it was certainly on the beginner level. Dream winced as he messed up a part he always forgot, though he kept going.

If he restarted due to a small mistake in the middle of the piece, he'd start falling into his old habit and the mistakes would grow obvious. Dream quickly moved his fingers to the last position and then coming to a stop. "Dream- Holy shit, that was awesome! You made it look so easy!" He heard Tommy yell- the kid sometimes got extremely enthusiastic about something and would actually compliment the person doing it.

He was a sweet boy- even though he wasn't a kid anymore, Dream would always see him as his little 'brother'. They weren't related, of course, it was more so just a bond. "Really? Ha.. Thanks but- but that was just a beginner song.." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "That didn't sound like beginners stuff!" One of the others exclaimed, making Dream chuckle again.

He took a deep breath once again, trying to think of a song to play. Ah, he knew a popular one that people seemed to love using. 'Roundtable Rival'. It wasn't an extremely new song, but it was getting more popular recently. He checked to make sure his fingers were in the correct places began to play. He couldn't help the way he moved with the violin.

Dream continued to play, moving his hands and fingers like it was the easiest thing in the world. The others could barely tell what he was doing or how the instrument made so many different sounds with just a few strings. There were two groups, the ones who just found it amazing that he could do this, and the simps.

Those who didn't fit in the simp category were watching in amazement or humming along to the tune, that or they were focused on other things and simply enjoying the background music. The simps, however, couldn't help the way they stared at him and how well he played the instrument.

They each noticed the very slight and few mistakes he made due to the way he'd wince every time he messed up, he also hesitated for a brief second. When he finished that song he sighed to himself, reflecting on the five mistakes he made during that performance.

Dream had hesitated and thrown the timing off a bit, he played the wrong note about half way through, he made an expression each time he messed up, he was a bit too tight at the start and he forgot a part and had to replay the previous bit while he tried to remember. All in all, he believed it was pretty bad but he was willing to test his luck with one of the hardest pieces he had ever learnt.

In reality, he hadn't read the sheet music to most of what he played, he preferred working out the notes as he listened. Dream leaned against the wall again, giving himself a small break before he began to play again. His fingers were a bit sore, it'd been so long since he played the violin.

Dream grabbed his phone and searched up the sheet music for his next thing- he wasn't doing this one without at least reading it a couple times. He listened to it be played before he got ready to play. Dream took a deep breath and got straight into it, moving his fingers as quick as he could to match what he had to do.

He kept his eyes on his fingers or the sheet music he got one of the others to hold for them- he couldn't thank them enough. He made sure he wasn't too tight and too tense, but also not too loose. Dream made sure he didn't slide his other hand too much, something that he had grown into. This was more about stretching your fingers than sliding up and down.

He occasionally looked around at the others, a bit embarrassed when he saw the group of simps all trying to clean up blood from their nosebleeds as well as drool. When he finished he put the violin down and quickly walked over to the group, making sure they were okay. Sapnap insisted he was dying and he'd only be cured by any kiss from Dream- he got a kiss on the forehead and he was absolutely beaming.

 Wilbur had grabbed Dream's hand and kissed his fingertips, saying he was magic and they wouldn't be sore anymore. George had just rolled his eyes and look away. Karl hugged Dream tightly and told him how amazing his playing was. Dream smiled and laughed, thanking him. Fundy had eagerly asked if they could learn songs together, Fundy on the piano while Dream was on the violin- Tubbo also asked if he could join.

Dream, of course, said he could. He looked to where Techno and Niki had been fighting, seeing they had stopped and were watching him. He walked over to them, almost immediately being pulled into a hug and then let go. "Bruhh, why didn't you tell me you could play?" Dream shrugged at Techno.

"Dunno, never came up- plus, I hadn't played in.. quite some time," Dream explained, shrugging again. Techno just hummed in response.

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I struggled so much with this istg
And now I've fallen down the rabbit hole into wanting to write a lotta things but not having ideas for them T-T

I hope you enjoyed!
I also hope you have a great day/night! Bye bye! Love you all! <3<3

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