No ship - Requested - I guess you could call him horn-y

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No ships!
Requested by: Unkn32
- Pain
- Mentions of blood
- You know, the normal stuff.
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Dream rubbed his eyes, absolutely exhausted. He had just spent all day doing nothing but building and mining, and fuck everything hurt like hell. Especially his head. He laid back on his bed, too tired to even consider getting up to grab food. He'd eat when he woke up.

Dream clenched his fists when he turned onto one of his sides, incredible amounts of pain overwhelming him. He quickly turned onto his back, but that also hurt. It was more manageable though, so he took a deep breath and tried to sleep.

Dream woke up the next morning to being on his stomach, his body still suffering from the hard work of yesterday. Maybe he'd mix a health potion with his food to at least numb the pain. Dream pushed himself up, slowly making his way to the kitchen. He cooked up some eggs- he couldn't be bothered with anything that would take longer.

He grabbed a health potion from his inventory and chugged it before digging into his food. He had completely forgotten about his idea to mix the potion in with his food but it didn't matter anymore.

He felt the majority of the pain wash away as he ate. Thank fuck. Dream leaned back into his chair, only to change how he was sitting when the area around his tail bone flared up with pain- well, it wasn't injured or anything, if it was it should be healed by now. His head too- whatever, it was probably nothing.

Dream stood up, taking the now empty plate to the sink and heading towards the front door. He decided he'd do the dishes when he got back, he just really needed to find some way to get rid of this fucking headache.

Dream went through the day as he normally would, with the addition of avoiding the louder members of the SMP. He just knew he couldn't handle the noise, just talking to George and Bad made his head feel like it was exploding!

Dream mined a bit, made a few deliveries of things he had gathered in the past week, harvested farms, made sure the majority of the buildings were intact and then he went home. Or- he was going to, then he got a message from Phil asking if he could take the dogs on a walk.

Techno was apparently on a mining trip in the nether and Phil's wings were all messy and the blonde really wanted to focus on that. Ranboo was with Tubbo and their kid, and Niki- well, she was probably off with Puffy on that trip the two were talking about. Dream said he could, of course he did.

One of the only times he had said no to a favour was when he literally couldn't get out of bed. Dream shook his head, that didn't matter. He started making his way to the cabins, ignoring the slight bit of dizziness he was gradually experiencing more as the time went on.

He got to the duo's house, smiling a bit as he jumped the fence and walked over to the dogs. Dream greeted each one of them with as much enthusiasm as he could, despite the raging headache and overwhelming lower back pain.

He put them all on leads, putting four on each lead. They were specifically designed that way. Dream kept his small smile as he lead them out of their pen, leading them out of the fenced off area and taking them for the walk he said he would.

Dream was about halfway through the walk when things started going dark. It started with the headache getting worse and a small bit of darkness gathering in the edges of his vision. It quickly progressed until he was laying in the snow, eyes closed.

The dogs dragged him back to the cabins, barking and howling as loud as they could to get Philza's attention- they were smart enough to know the golden boy wasn't okay.

Phil came walking out with his axe in hand, expecting there to be an unwanted visitor. He was, surprised, to say the least, when he saw all the dogs surrounding Dream who had clearly passed out.

He put the axe down and ran over, turning the blonde onto his back and wincing at the cry of pain he let out. Phil checked his heart beat, his temperature, his pulse, anything he could check right then and there. He looked for any injuries, finding none. That was concerning and confusing.

The avian picked Dream up carefully, carrying him inside and laying him down on the couch. Phil kept an eye on him until he woke up. Dream startled awake almost an hour later after shifting a bit on his back, almost immediately rolling off the couch and clutching his head. "Dream?" Phil spoke softly, as quiet and gentle as he could. Dream looked up at him, slowly moving his hands from his head. They had blood on them.

"Dream, hey- can you hear me?" Dream nodded slowly, staring at his hands- he was panicking. Philza walked over slowly, taking a close look at where Dream was bleeding. "Kid, mate, I need you to breathe with me. Can you copy me? In 1, 2-" Dream did his best to copy Phil's breathing, trying to keep himself from crying at the same time. God it hurt so bad-

"Good job, Dream. Do you want me to tell you what I think is happening?" Dream nodded slightly, if he was in this much pain, he needed to know the reason, even if it wasn't true.

"I believe that.. You're some kind of hybrid, and your horns are coming in." Phil stated, gently cleaning away a bit of the blood as he did. Dream clung to him as the wet cloth touched the side of his head, keeping as many of his pained noises in as he could.

He couldn't keep it in anymore after a minute or so, screaming as the cloth was once again pressed to where it hurt so fucking badly. "Dream- mate, I didn't realise it would hurt that much. Do you want something to help numb it?" Dream nodded so very slowly, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Both blondes jumped a bit when the door slammed open. "Phil! Are you okay?! I heard screami-" Techno looked down at where the two were sitting on the floor, Phil looked perfectly fine. He had just been on his walk home from the nether portal when he heard the scream, he assumed it was Phil because he had no clue Dream was over at the moment. "Is.. Is he okay? Shut up, chat. This is serious." Techno whispered the last part.

Phil ran a hand gently through Dream's hair to soothe him while speaking. "Go get the anaesthetics, please. The one I used for Tommy when he was younger, with his wings." Techno nodded silently, quickly going to get it.

Phil knew that this definitely hurt more than Tommy growing his wings, especially considering that since it was such a late development, it's likely Dream's body hadn't been built to grow in horns at any point. Phil tried to make small talk to get Dream calmed down more while they waited for Techno to get back.

When the piglin hybrid returned, Phil quickly got Dream hooked up to the anaesthetic. Dream felt light headed, looking at Phil before he fell unconscious. "Can you keep an eye on him, Tech? I'm gonna talk to Puffy and Schlatt, see if they know anything." Techno nodded, sitting down next to Dream and holding him close.

He took over what Phil was doing, carefully cleaning blood that spilt- he was so grateful that chat understood that he needed to focus and so they were far quieter than normal.

About an hour or so later, Puffy showed up at the house. Techno let her in but stayed on guard, she may be able to help but that didn't mean Techno had to trust her completely. "Puffy, thank you for coming. Dream, he's- he's growing horns and I don't know how to handle it. He's asleep right now." Phil thanked her, Puffy just smiling softly and nodding.

"I'll take a look." She hummed, kneeling next to Dream and taking a look at where his supposed horns would be coming out. "I'd say it'll take another week or two, he'll need to be extra careful about damaging them when they're starting to properly grow out."

Puffy looked up at Phil. "Has he shown any signs of growing a tail of some kind?" Phil shrugged. "I haven't dealt with tails before." The avian sighed, he had dealt with near kinds of ears growing in, new needs, new fascinations, new wings, all of that. Just never tails.

Unlike Dream, Techno already had a tail when Phil found him. "It typically grows around here, no matter the size." Puffy turned Dream over a bit, gesturing to the area.

She pulled his shirt up a bit, wincing when she realised she had to use a bit of force to peel it off. "Can you hand me another wet cloth? Thank you." The sheep hybrid gently cleaned off whatever blood she could without pressing too hard. "He'll need to stay on his stomach or on his side with his head up." She explained, adjusting the way Dream was lying to show how she meant.

"Ah- I've actually got to be going now. Let me know if you need anything." Puffy said her quick byes before leaving. She had an appointment with Tommy in about ten or so minutes.

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Heyyy, so I'm going to try to upload weekly! But I might miss some weeks due to being busy, or I may post more than one a week. I have some stories saved up to try and make sure I have the ability to keep it weekly.

Also, how would you guys feel about more cursed stuff? Not exactly spongebob x Dream kinda cursed but more.. i dont know, mob x Dream cursed? I'm not making any promises for anything, but let me know if y'all want that ;)

Bye bye! Have a good day/night/whatever time it is for you rn! <3<3

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