No ship - Requested - I wouldn't be against it

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No ship <3<3 (You can read it as though it has dnb if you really want)
Requested by: Snakebosssss
- Implied background character death
- Abuse??
- Sort of running away
- Uhh- 
- I dont know man, if you think of any trigger warnings for this, please tell me-

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Dream looked up at his mother, tugging on her sleeve a bit. The 27 year old looked down at the 10 year old, raising an eyebrow. "What do you want?" She asked, crossing her arms. "Can I go outside, mama? Please?" The smaller asked- he hadn't been allowed outside before, well, excluding one time when he was 2.

"No, Dream. I told you, no going outside. Now go to your room," Dream looked down though nodded. "...Okay mama.." Dream walked to his small room, closing the door and curling up on his bed. The dirty blonde couldn't help but wonder what his mother's problem with going outside was.

She always said it was a dangerous place, that he'd be kidnapped or killed the second he set foot outdoors- but he watched his mother walk out before, and she came back fine. Dream's thoughts of that were cut off when thoughts of his little sister flooded his mind. The next day, Dream asked the same question.

"Mama, please let me go outside! It'll only be for a minute!" He went to speak again when he was slapped. "No means no, Dream!! You need to learn that! You're not going outside, ever! Not until I'm dead, you hear me?!" Dream felt tears stinging his eyes. "I said, do you hear me?!" Dream was slapped again, he started sobbing.

"I'm sorry mama! I'm sorry! I won-won't ask again!" He cried, flinching when his mother raised her hand again. She never brought it down though- not to hit him at least. "Baby, baby, I'm so sorry, I- You know it's difficult for mama, and your questions really aren't helping, sweetheart.." Dream felt guilt run through him.

"I'm just so- so stressed all the time, I have to take care of you, all on my own," She spoke, having no problem with telling all her problems to a ten year old. "You know mama didn't mean to hurt you, right..?" Dream nodded. Now, five years later, Dream found himself asking the same question once again.

"Mom.. Can I please go outside? I'll be careful, and it'll only be for a bit!" Dream pleaded, closing his eyes- he was expecting her to lash out again. She always did, after that day. She'd always blame it on the stress.. "If I let you go out, will you stop asking?!" The fifteen year old nodded. "Then fine. But don't blame me when you get hurt," She huffed, waving him off.

Dream smiled widely, grabbing a small bag he had prepared for when this day finally arrived. He put it on over his shoulder before walking out the door, wincing at how bright it was. He use a hand to block the sun from his sight and looked around him.

Dream closed the door behind him before he walked away, he didn't know where he was going or how he'd get back, but he was more than happy to figure that out when he had to. It wouldn't be too difficult! Dream walked around for an hour, at least. Before he ran into a group of people. "Hi! I'm new here, nice to meet you!" Dream smiled, holding out his hand.

One of them smiled back and held his hand, leading him down an alleyway. Maybe there was a shortcut! "Give us your money," Dream was pushed against the wall, a knife quickly being pulled out of one of the other's pockets. "W-what?" Dream was confused- why were they doing this? Maybe it was some kind of charity and they had an odd way of going about getting money?

"Give us your fucking money! Did you not hear me?!" The dirty blonde flinched at the yelling, trying to figure out why they wanted his money. "I don't have any," Dream didn't bring any money, just some basic clothes and a water bottle and stuff, in case he found a lake or something to jump into. "You're lying!" The person yelled- wait, was one of the other two gone?

Dream saw the other guy get dragged away, and that just left the one currently holding a knife to Dream's neck. He shrunk back when he saw someone walk into the alleyway- they had pink hair that went past their shoulders. "There's nothing there, pay attention to me when I'm fucking talking!"

The knife slightly cut into Dream's neck before the person was pulled back and quickly knocked out. "What's your name?" The pinkette questioned, walking over again. "Dream Wastaken.. Yours?" Dream held out his hand, trying to be friendly. The pinkette took the hand.

"Techno Blade, or, now Techno Minecraft," Techno would be lying if he said he didn't find it interesting how Dream didn't shiver at the name- he was extremely well known around the neighborhood. Dream smiled a bit, nodding. "Can I call you Tech?" The dirty blonde asked. Techno shrugged, not seeming to mind.

 "Now let's get you home," Techno hummed, waiting for Dream to say something. "..No.." Dream muttered- he felt so bad for not going home to his mother, but she'd just assume he got lost or something, probably. She did tell him that if he goes missing it is his own fault. "What d'you mean 'no'?" Dream clenched his fists.

"I'm not- I'm not going back there, she won't care if I 'go missing'," The dirty blonde huffed, looking to the side. "..I'm sorry, do you want to come with me? Phil won't mind," Dream looked at Techno like he grew an extra head. "Are you sure?.." Dream didn't care if it wasn't completely safe to trust everything, he only had interacted with six people in his life.

Three of them were robbers, one of them was dead, one was his mother, and then there was Techno. It wouldn't matter too much if he were to go missing or anything like that. "Yeah. If you wanna come with me, I'm not against it,"

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It's pretty short but I didn't feel like writing about Dream meeting Phil or the rest of the family
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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