Technodream - Requested - I'm outta names atm

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Technodream (Techno x Dream) (Can be read as the ship or just them as close friends)
Requested by: LittleAlien09
- Angst
- Mentions of torture and different torture methods
- Uhhh
- I literally couldn't finish it properly so I'm sorry for that
- Dunno what else to add 

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Dream forced himself to keep his eyes open, because surely he was visiting again soon, right? It had been too long since the last visit. He weakly pulled the red cape someone had given him around himself, shivering. He didn't want to think about who could've given it to him, it'd mean not believing Sir.

Sir always said nobody cared about him, that they knew of the torture he went through, and everyone just laughed. Sir told him that Sapnap gave him the idea of burning a Q into his back. Sir said George suggested dunking his head under the water. He was told Puffy had laughed at the idea of Sir cutting off Dream's fingers. Sir said Punz came up with the idea of chains.

Sir always told him that everyone gave him one of his ideas, and if that was true, nobody could've given him the cape! They wouldn't of cared, so they wouldn't of given him anything. He tried to sit up when he saw someone just in front of the cell.

"Nerd, we're getting you outta here," A familiar voice called, coming closer- they went as close to the main cell they could before the blocks blocked them. "Can you get up or.. something?" Dream took a shaky breath, trying to stand. His legs gave out under him the second he let go of the wall.

Dream couldn't remember who the hell this person was, but maybe it was one of Sir's friends. "Brace yourself, I'm gonna blow through this. May as well set it off in a badass way," Dream didn't have enough time to register the words of the other before they set off a bit of tnt. The dirty blonde raised his hands to his ears, trying to block out the ringing despite knowing it wasn't coming from an outside cause.

His vision was getting blurry and he thinks something got into one of them. "-y! Hey! Get up, we have to go," Dream blinked away the blurriness and forced himself up- he wasn't going to question anything. Dream didn't feel like getting punished, so he'd do as he was told.. The man splashed a potion on them both before diving into the lava.

Dream winced but followed him, being considerably slower. The pink haired person lead him to another set of cells, not explaining anything. The rest was a blur, up until he collapsed behind Ranboo who had apparently also been put into the prison, weird. There was also some other guy Dream couldn't remember the name of.

"Bruhh, come on, this isn't time to be joking around Dream," The pinkette pulled Dream up, only for him to fall again. After a couple seconds the man sighed and picked him up, realizing he wasn't joking. Dream ended up falling asleep, that red cape still wrapped around him. When he woke up again, he was in a bed- he panicked but didn't move.

Sir would be mad he wasn't in his cell, he didn't deserve a soft bed like this. He heard the door creak open and he struggled not to move- Sir didn't like it when he moved around too much. "You alive?" That pink haired guy is back. Dream tried to sit up, if he was asking a question he'd probably prefer if Dream was sitting.

His arms gave up on him half way through pushing himself up. "Hey hey, take it easy," He didn't like that. He didn't understand what Sir's friend wanted him to do. What was 'taking it easy' meant to look like? "You can understand me, right?" Dream nodded slowly, he wasn't allowed to move to fast, it'd be seen as an attack.

"Uhh... do you wanna talk to me..?" Dream froze. Was this a trick question somehow? Sir never gave him the ability to choose unless the answer was extremely obvious! Dream slowly nodded again, closing his eyes and preparing to get hit. Instead a hand was hesitantly placed on top of his head, seeming unsure. Dream was confused- what was he doing?

"Hey uh, I don't know if you remember me but, I'm Techno Blade, pig man, err.. The Blood God?" Techno kept listing names he had been called previously, Dream remembered him a bit. He could remember blood, swords, a horse and hugs. "T-T-ech..?" Dream winced at his own voice, not even noticing the pain already in his throat.

"So you can talk, that's good.. do you want anything, Dream? Food, water, a bath, new clothes?" Dream shook his head, he couldn't be a bother. Otherwise he would get mad at him and call Sir and- Dream's thoughts were silenced by the hand on his head gently stroking through his hair. He looked up at the pinkette, who smiled a bit.

"Back with me?" Dream nodded, subconsciously leaning into the touch. "Listen, we uh- we can't keep you here for long. I have another place far away, but you're not well enough to travel that far," Dream didn't respond in any way, though he was listening.

"People other than Phil and I won't find you, we can visit if you want, it's just safer for you," Techno continued. He wanted to take care of Dream as much as he could, something about seeing him in prison just triggered something in him. If it weren't for Phil's help, Techno would've ran to the prison with nothing and tried to break the guy out.

The voices hadn't been helping him with that either. Techno shook his head, he needed to keep his focus on Dream at the moment. "Does anything hurt or uhh, anything?" Techno wasn't the best at talking to people. Dream closed his eyes for a moment, about to shake his head when he noticed the pain in his leg. The dirty blonde tensed, nodding a bit.

"I'll go get Phil to check on it, I'll be right back alright?" Dream shook his head, grabbing the pinkette's shirt. He couldn't remember Phil enough to trust him, and he didn't want to be alone. "You don't want me to go?" Dream nodded, embarrassed. "Do you want Phil?" Dream shook his head. Techno hummed, sitting down next to the bed.

The other whined quietly- he wanted Techno to be closer, as weird as it sounded to him. He was scared this wasn't real, or that the other would leave him the second he got a chance. Dream watched as Techno stood up again, standing right next to the bed. "I dunno what you want," Dream winced as he shuffled to one side of the bed, patting the empty space.

Techno slowly sat down on the bed, making sure it was what Dream wanted. The second he was properly sat down, the dirty blonde cuddled up to him. He was warm, and he felt like home. He liked the feeling of home. "You sure this is comfortable?" Dream nodded. Techno wasn't entirely sure if Dream remembered them before the prison or if he just liked Techno for some reason.

"I need to get Phil soon at least, love, I'll stay with you the entire time though," Techno spoke- he didn't notice the name he use for Dream, it felt natural. Dream shook his head, he knew this would probably start upsetting the other but he didn't want to see Phil, everyone but Techno was bad and mean and wanted to hurt him.

"Dream, I promise you. Even if he's my best friend, if he even tried to hurt you, he wouldn't be moving again for a long time. I'll keep you safe," Dream didn't believe him, but it was clear Techno trusted Phil. "...F..Fine.." Dream whispered, holding onto the other. A few moments later, Techno messaged Phil, saying Dream was awake.

Dream couldn't remember why he trusted Techno so much, or why he wanted his affection, and that confused him. It had been two weeks since that entire thing happened. Two weeks since Dream had been out of prison.

Nobody had come looking for them yet, and Dream still wasn't healthy enough to be taken on the trip they had planned. It would take a week to get there on horse, with no stops, and through the nether. "Dream? Bruhh, sit down or you'll fall-" Techno spoke as he felt a pair of arms around him. Dream didn't move, continuing to stand on shaky legs.

"Something happen?" Dream nodded against his back, he heard a knock on the door while walking to Techno and he didn't know who it was from. Luckily, Dream didn't have to explain when there were more knocks. The other quickly turned around, helping Dream to a seat before grabbing his sword- he went to the door.

Techno slowly opened the door, seeing Quackity. "Techno Blade," Quackity hummed, a smile on his face. "Quackity. Why are you here?" Techno kept a tight grip on his sword. "I heard you might have a certain something that I want back," He looked up at Techno, watching as he finally realized.

"If you so much as think of touching him, you're a dead man walking," Quackity took a step forwards, that stupid smile not leaving. He was testing the others restraint and patience. "...Quackity. Take one more step and you'll regret it," Techno warned him. It wouldn't be a canon death, but Techno would make sure it hurt. Quackity went to take another step when Techno held the axe to his neck.

"Leave. If I see you on my property ever again- I'm sure you know," The shorter huffed before backing up and quickly walking away. Techno watched for a minute before letting some of his dogs out, sending them after Quackity- he never promised not to hurt Quackity.

Over the course of the next two months, Techno had seen Quackity looking around the area only to run off when seeing Techno. Apparently Quackity tried to bribe Phil into handing over Dream. Phil accepted the bribe but didn't do anything for Quackity- he saw it as an easy way to get more valuables.

Dream was getting better as well, he could walk properly and he could talk for the most part. He still got really bad nightmares and sometimes woke up being unable to trust Phil or Techno. They eventually decided he was well enough for the horse ride.

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Yeah, it isn't great but I hope you enjoyed it anyway! 
Sorry if I don't post much, school sucks and I've been dealing with my own issues, ya know? Motivation also seems to of abandoned me

Have a good day! Love you all! Bye! <3<3

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