No ships - Requested - Worst, or best? Timing (Part 2!)

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No ships~
Requested by: tinawasfound_
- Referenced/Implied R@p3
- Hospitals
- Doctors
- He doesn't remember much, if anything
- He also has to be restrained a bit so he doesn't hurt himself
- Needles
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dream groaned quietly, his head hurting like all hell. He was tired, everything hurt, and that beeping just wouldn't stop- wait, beeping? He slowly opened his eyes, closing them immediately because of how fucking bright it was. Dream tried again, adjusting to the light this time.

He looked around, not bothering to sit up. The room was all white- that wasn't right, his room had little pictures hanging everywhere.. He then noticed the obviously medical machines, and he panicked. Why was he hooked up to them? Why-

Dream's train of thought stopped the second he shifted in the bed, crying out in pain. It hurt so much- what the fuck?! Dream's fingers dug into the white sheets beneath him as he tried his best to cope with the pain. He couldn't remember what happened, why he was there, why anything was happening at the moment.

That relief of not knowing was immediately taken away when a doctor walked into the room, presumably hearing his pained cries, and gave him something to numb the pain. The second his arm was touched, the memory of the feelings all crashed over him.

Dream suddenly felt hands touching him everywhere. He felt it dripping down his legs. He felt the breath against his neck. Dream sobbed, jerking away from another touch to his arm.

He could distantly hear voices as he thrashed around, unknowingly disconnecting himself from everything they hooked him up to. He couldn't feel the blood running down his arm from where he accidentally tore out a needle, he could just feel hands.

He was held down and a few minutes later, he was absolutely exhausted. He found himself barely able to move at all, everything was all foggy and then it was all dark. When he came to again, he didn't have the strength or energy to panic, just to look around again.

"Hey.. Dream, how do you feel?" Dream looked towards where his best friend's voice was coming from, humming quietly. "Sap.." Dream mumbled, going to move one of his arms when he realised he quite literally couldn't.

Sapnap walked over, putting a hand on one of Dream's. "Do you.. Uhm, remember anything?" Dream nodded slightly. He remembered the pain, the feeling of being gross, the hands.. "I'm... sorry. I should've known something was wrong.." The ravenette apologised, keeping his head down. Dream shook his head, smiling slightly despite how much it hurt.

"Not your fault." Dream whispered, moving the arm closest to Sapnap and gently gripping his hand. Sapnap didn't say anything after that, just standing there. Dream closed his eyes, exhaustion threatening to take him back despite how little time it had been since he woke up.

He woke up again some time later, pain momentarily filling his body again. It was gone about a minute later. Dream blinked away the blurriness in his eyes and looked at Sapnap, who was still holding his hand- just sitting down now.

He noticed something move in the corner of his eye and looked at whatever it was, finding out it was George. Corpse was there as well, seeming a lot more composed than the other two. Though Dream didn't fail to notice how his eyes were red and slightly puffy.

As soon as George noticed he was awake, he could see how the brunette started to tear up. Dream smiled a bit, trying to be as reassuring as he could despite not remembering what happened. He's sure he'd remember later, though.. He wasn't sure he wanted that. Dream looked to the door when he heard it open, a doctor walking in.

"Ah, you're awake. How are you feeling?" They asked, looking at the blonde. Dream shrugged. "Hmm.. On a scale of 1-10, how much pain are you in at the moment?" Dream thought for a moment.

"Two." Dream answered. He barely felt any pain, but it was enough to know it was there. "Alright. How willing are you to answer some questions about the.. Ahm, incident, with the police?" He took a moment to realise what they were talking about- right, whatever got him in the hospital. "Don't really.. Remember." He looked to the side.

"That's alright. It's to be expected, after experiencing some traumatic event, patients tend to suffer from memory loss." The doctor explained, writing something on their clipboard.

"Would you be open to trying to jog your memory? Of course, if it's too much, you're welcome to ask us to stop." Dream nodded slowly after considering it, surely it couldn't be that bad. And.. even if it was, he had his friends with him anyway.

"I have one more question for you. Do you want to try with your memory while the Police are here, or would you like to try once before?" Dream ended up deciding to try before he had to speak to the police over whatever the situation was.

They spoke for a bit longer before the doctor left the room, giving Dream the opportunity to talk to his friends. George had been trying to restrain himself, though he almost instantly hugged Dream when the doctor had left, sobbing into his shoulder.

Dream just leaned his head on the brunette's, seeing as one hand was occupied with Sapnap's and the other was being held down. He didn't move until George had calmed down and pulled away, sniffling a bit. "Idiot.." George huffed, going back to sit down.

When Sapnap woke up and Corpse was confident enough in his ability to speak without tearing up, they started a conversation with Dream about nothing in particular. It lasted about an hour before Dream was hit with another wave of exhaustion, ending in him drifting back into unconsciousness. 

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