No ship - Missing? Nah

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No ship! (Can be read as dnb though, if you really want)
Not a request~
- If you've seen black phone, yeah. those are the warnings in simple form
- Kidnapping
- R@p3/SA
- Bullying
- Dream doesn't want attention
- He just wants to go about his highschool life in peace
- But nooo
- He just can't have that!
- Fucking Jim, man.. 
- Dream's not like other victims 
- He doesn't have the help of dead ppl tho
- He's just smart, badass and strong
- And sad but that's a given
- Abuse
- - - - - - - -

Drista smiled as she wrapped an arm around Dream's shoulders, making him lean over as they walked to school. "You tell me if those asshats try to beat ya up, you got that?" She grinned, having noticed the bruise on Dream's cheek the night before. Dream rolled his eyes but nodded, knowing he could easily protect himself. He just didn't want to make people scared of him like his first school, and he also didn't want to be stared at in the halls because he punched a kid. Even if it was self defense.

They got to their school and split up, Drista giving him a hug before running off to wherever. Dream shoved his hands in his pockets, pulling his face mask up as he walked into the school. He ignored the small groups that occasionally called him a name, or made fun of him. He couldn't care less about them. Dream slipped into one of the bathrooms, knowing a certain person he always hung out with would be there soon. Just as suspected, Techno walked into the bathroom with a small grin.

"Who'd you fuck up this time?" Dream asked, slipping down from where he was sitting next to the sinks. The pinkette crossed his arms, looking proud of himself. "That bitch who always tries to punch you when you aren't looking." Techno smiled, Dream chuckling a bit before speaking. "Aww, did you get mad at him because of that?" He hummed, watching Techno huff and look to the side. "It's just.. Just such a pathetic move." Techno stammered, looking slightly embarrassed. Dream smiled softly.

Techno had always been protective of anyone he considered his friend or family, and Dream just so happened to fall into that category. Dream went to say something when a group walked into the bathroom. Dream clenched his fists as he noticed who they were, fucking Jim and his friends. Techno didn't say anything, only looking slightly in their direction.

Jim, the leader of the group, walked forwards and went to grab the collar of Dream's shirt. His wrist was grabbed by Techno and twisted so that Jim had to completely twist his body to avoid it breaking.

"You mess with him, you mess with me." Techno stated simply before letting go, chuckling at the way the group scrambled away. Dream sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Why don't you stand up for yourself?" Techno questioned as he ran his hand under the water, not liking the idea of having that guy's germs on his hand. "Well, I'm just not as strong as you or anyone else." Dream lied, shrugging. Techno scoffed. "Liar. You know we could tie in a fight. You might even be able to win! I can tell by looking at you."

Dream puffed and shrugged again. "I don't like the attention." Dream admitted, leaning on the counter with the sinks. Techno hummed, not saying anything in response. Eventually they split up again, needing to go to their classes.

The day went as normal as always. He showed up to English, couldn't focus for half the class, got tripped over in the hall, showed up to History, etc etc. The end of the school day came pretty quickly and Dream couldn't help his surprise at how fast time went. He was grateful he didn't have to deal with school anymore though.

Dream went to the front of the school, smiling as he noticed Drista. "I'm gonna go stay with Tommy tonight, is that cool?" Dream nodded, giving her a thumbs up. Drista smiled widely and ran over to Tommy. He sighed softly as he started walking along the path.

He had no doubts he was going to be pushed around by whoever caught him alone, it always happened- regardless of warnings they received. Instead of a group of kids who wanted to beat him up, he ran into a middle aged man picking things off of the floor. Dream hesitated for a moment before helping him pick everything up, kneeling across from him.

"Thanks kid.. Hey, you wanna know something cool?" Dream looked up at the guy, seeing him holding a wand like you'd see in those got-talent shows. Dream shrugged, deciding why the hell not. "I can do magic. I can make things... disappear." Dream's eyes widened as his mouth was suddenly being covered and he was being restrained. He was thrown into the van he somehow didn't notice. Dream tried to get out, barely managing to even stay conscious for more than 5 seconds due to whatever the man had sprayed in the car.

When Dream woke up, he immediately jolted up. Everything was blurry, it was all spinning and he didn't have a clue what was happening. His head was all fuzzy. Dream distantly heard someone talking or at least making sounds and he looked towards them. He couldn't see them clearly even when he could see two. He briefly heard the word 'explain' but there was nothing else he could understand. Dream laid back, everything was too off for him to try to figure anything out.

Eventually, things cleared out. Whoever had been talking had left and he could take a look at where the fuck he was. It was underground, the dirt made that obvious, it wasn't any professional place, there was a big door which seemed to be the only way out and there was a small grate on the highest bit of one of the walls. Dream swore as he hit one of the walls.

He tried everything and anything that could get him out quickly. The door was locked, he couldn't reach the grate even with stacking everything he could, there were no holes and no easy way out. Fuck.

Dream immediately started scratching at walls, throwing himself against them, he tried anything and everything he could. He heard footsteps and went back to the bed, sitting down and pretending as though he hadn't moved. Dream clenched his fists as he watched the door open, resisting the urge to run out.

"You here this time, kid? Good." The man hummed. Dream took a deep breath. "Who are you and why am I here?" He asked, staring the guy down. "You're different from the other ones. They just screamed, cried and begged." Dream felt his nails digging into his palm at the lack of an answer.

"Tell me who you are and where I am." He repeated, not moving at all. "Relax. I'm not going to do anything that won't be enjoyable, for the both of us." He could see the man smile widely and even just the thought of seeing that face ever again made him want to either die or kill the man. Either one was fine. "I'm just.. A friend." The man continued before starting to walk off. Dream didn't say anything, keeping his eyes on the door as it was closed behind the man. He curled up on himself, trying to think.

He ended up falling asleep at some point, he had decided that if he didn't find any other way out, he'd try to sneak up the stairs. If it came to it, he'd try to fight the guy- he knew he'd lose if he didn't have any kind of advantage, but he happened to have a pocket knife in his, well, pocket. Dream also managed to figure out who the fuck the guy was, it was the kidnapper that had taken at least 8 children in the past few months. No news stories had given him a name to use.

Dream slowly opened his eyes, sitting up immediately when he heard the guy's voice. "Awake now? Good, good." The guy got up from where he was sitting, walking to the door slowly. Dream decided he'd try to get something to eat or drink- he might not actually have it because it might be drugged, but.. Still. "I'm hungry." Dream stated, staring at the man.

"I can't bring you food right now but there's someone upstairs." The man hummed taking the first step upstairs. "Will they bring me food?" No answer. Dream clenched his fists, getting a bad feeling about his next question. "Why were you down here if not to feed me?"

The man grinned widely. "Oh.. just.. To look at you." Dream pushed himself further from the door, curling up. The door shut and he was left alone again. Dream didn't move for a while, trying to both avoid thinking and figure out what he meant at the same time. He ended up figuring it out, and he continued to stay still.

He could take being hit, being kicked, cut, whipped, any of that. He could take that, but this? Fuck no. Dream eventually got up, searching more frantically for a way out. He found a weaker bit of the wall and use what he could to break it. He managed to break through, finding a freezer.

He stood on top of the toilet in the room he was in, ignoring the freezer because he couldn't open it. He broke part of the wall and found more dirt. He dug as much as he could up, seeing a small gap of sunlight. Holy shit, was this it? Dream started trying to break more of the wall, but apparently he took too long.

He heard the door open and his eyes widened, he got down quickly, trying to find a way to hide the hole. Dream couldn't find any way, so he just walked out of the small, relatively hidden part and looked at the man standing at the door with a plate of food and a glass of water. "..How do I know it's not drugged?"

The man rolled his eyes as he put it down. "I have you trapped already, why would I need to drug you? Don't have it if you don't want to." The man left, closing the door. Dream took a look at the food and fuck- he was so hungry. He hadn't been locked up for long- or had he?- but he hadn't eaten for two days before arriving either, thanks to the police showing up and asking him questions about the last kid that went missing. He smelt it first, just in case. Then he ate.

Dream ate it all and then chugged the water. He checked everything again, seeing if he could find a new escape that didn't involve digging or breaking the wall a lot. He found the door had been unlocked, but.. It felt wrong. It felt like it was too easy, he shouldn't go. He went anyway. It was stupid, but he needed to get out and everything else was taking too long.

He just wanted to see Drista again.. Just as he reached the last bit of the stairs, he caught a glimpse of that guy sitting on a chair right in front of the stairs. He had a belt and he could briefly see the small bits of blood on it.

He covered his mouth, unable to move. Oh fuck he knew this was a bad idea. Why was he such an idiot?! Dream tried to slowly go back down the steps but one of them betrayed him and creaked. He heard the man get up from his seat and quickly went down the stairs completely, hoping that if he just acted like he did nothing he wouldn't get hurt. When he saw the guy push the door open he flinched, trying to keep his hands from shaking like crazy. He looked up at him, seeing that his creepy smile was replaced by an even worse frown.

"You tried to leave." The man stated, Dream quickly shaking his head. "No I didn't, I've been sitting here the wh-whole time!" He stammered, backing up on the mattress as the guy slowly walked forwards. "You know who I hate more than disobedient boys? Liars." He spat, his grip tightening around the belt in his hands.

Dream tried to get as far away as he could, ending up cornering himself. He hid his head as best he could behind his arms, knowing getting hit in the head with a belt wasn't nice. He learnt that during his second year of school.

Dream flinched as the belt made contact with his arm, definitely leaving a red mark. "Face the wall." Dream didn't do anything, clenching his teeth when he was grabbed and forced to turn around. He forced himself to be quiet when the belt hit his back.

He didn't want to show it hurt. He didn't want to get hurt more than he already was. Dream felt tears in his eyes. He didn't make a sound the whole time, excluding his sharp breaths. It didn't take long for him to pass out, his back aching.

When he came to, he barely moved. Everything hurt too much. He could feel where every strike of the belt hit him, he could feel bruises forming. After a few minutes passed, he slowly dragged himself up to his feet. Dream was shaking. He slowly lifted his shirt up, wanting to see if he could get a look at the marks and bruises that were undoubtedly there- the shirt was also touching them each time he moved in the slightest.

He froze when he heard a voice. No. No, no, no. No. Dream refused to believe that the man was still there. "Oo, ouch." The guy hummed, staring at Dream's back.

Dream pulled his shirt back down, sitting down and hiding himself as much as he could. He held himself tight, refusing to move until the man was gone. He heard the door close and he looked behind him briefly, seeing the guy standing right behind him.

"You're definitely my favorite. All the screaming was giving me a headache, but you're so... quiet. Makes me wanna get you to scream.." The man breathed, leaning over slowly. In any other situation, with any other person, he would've laughed and called the guy old.

Dream tensed as he felt a hand on his shoulder, closing his eyes tightly and trying to pretend nothing was happening. He was in his own world by the time it got bad, only coming back when there was a hand gripping his side. Dream sobbed quietly as he was suddenly overwhelmed with pain, discomfort, and a number of other things he didn't understand.

Everytime he was pushed against the wall, the pain got worse. Dream would've tried to fight the guy behind but he was fucking terrified for a number of reasons- he had already been overpowered by the man once for one.

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