Dundy - Requested - Relax babe <3

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Dundy (Dream x Fundy)
Requested by: SBSMain (Only the ship)
- A bit of yelling
- It's seriously short
- That's basically it I think
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Fundy groaned as he put his face in his hands, fed up with the work he was in the middle of. He had been sitting there for two hours straight and he couldn't figure out where he made a mistake. Fundy saw Dream walk past in the corner of his eye, groaning louder to try and get his attention.

It worked, if the way the blonde rolled his eyes and went over to him was anything to go off of. "What's wrong?" Dream asked, wrapping an arm around the fox hybrid. "Can't figure out a mistake." Fundy huffed, leaning into Dream. "Alright dear, I'll take a look. Dream leaned over to look through the computer Fundy had been working on.

"Here it is, so to fix it you just have to change that.. To this, see?" Dream pointed out, explaining as he fixed it. Fundy just kind of nodded, getting back to work when Dream stood up straight again. "Oh, right. Can you help me with the dishes?" Dream asked, only to get a hum in response.

He waited for a bit to see if Fundy was planning to go help him or not. "I'm busy." Fundy stated, Dream just sighing and starting to walk off. What Fundy was working on wasn't urgent, they both knew that. Dream couldn't be bothered arguing with him.

About an hour or two later, Fundy finally got up, going around the house to find Dream. "Hey babe.. 'M sorry." He apologized, wrapping his arms around Dream's waist and pressing a kiss to the back of his neck. "Not right now please, Fundy." Dream muttered, rubbing his eyes.

Fundy kept holding him, though he didn't say anything more. "Fundy. Let me go." Fundy let go, sitting in a seat across from Dream. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" Fundy tried. Dream laughed slightly.

"What's wrong? What isn't wrong? My husband doesn't want to help me, my friends are all ignoring me, me and Drista are having an argument because of my parents contacting me when I don't even talk to them! My therapist just quit and I just ran out of my medication and I can't make any fucking appointments to get more!" Dream exclaimed, taking a deep breath before looking down.

"I'm sorry, I'm just- fuck." Dream ran a hand through his hair, continuing to breathe deeply. Fundy got up and knelt down next to Dream. He put a hand on the blonde's knee and just kept it there. He didn't say anything.

Fundy looked over to where there were still dirty dishes, nodding to himself. He decided to clean them and do whatever housework he could, and then dedicate the next day to relaxing with Dream. "Go relax, babe. I'll take care of whatever I can, okay?" Dream nodded slightly, sniffling. Fundy got up and then helped Dream up, giving him a quick kiss.

He walked over to the sink, getting started. Dream felt bad for yelling at Fundy, and for making him do the chores today. 

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Yeah this still wasn't good but hey, I covered a request this time.

Just- prepare yourself for a following chapter :) That's all. I have no idea when it'll come out but I'll warn you now, I got inspired by a certain anime about a game to clear/lessen debt :)

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