No ship - Requested - Don't stand between a god and their kid

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No ships! <3<3
Requested by: Mikotka00
- Angst 
- Dream's an ender dragon hybrid
- He's eight in ed years
- Still 21 in human years tho
- It's a bit confusing but eh
- Death of parents
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Dream sat on the floor, looking up at his parents with a smile. "Come now, dear, we're really busy," His mother, Elaine Wastaken, hummed as she picked up the small child. Dream just leaned into her, closing his eyes. "Elaine!" His father, Matias Wastaken, burst through the door. "What's wrong?" His mother asked, smiling softly as always.

"Take Dream, and run! They're here, and they're going t-" He stopped when a sword was stabbed through him, red beginning to stain his clothes. His mother stared for a moment before holding Dream tight and running. She ran as fast as she could, she couldn't let Dream get hurt. When they were far enough away, Elaine stopped and hid Dream.

"Mama? Where's papa?" Dream asked- he didn't know what death was. "He-..He's gone, my love. Please, stay here.. you'll be safe here.. I'm sorry," Elaine kissed Dream's forehead before running away again.
She wasn't planning to come back. She loved her baby, she couldn't risk someone finding and killing him.

They were outside of the small town they lived in, surely a survivor would find him at some point. Dream stayed there for seconds, minutes, hours, days. It had nearly been two weeks when he finally left the small area his mother left him in. He had barely any water and no food. Dream slowly crawled out of the small cave, looking around.

He made his way to the small river he saw a while ago- he couldn't walk properly though, so he just crawled. "Hey, I think I see someone!" Someone yelled from in the forest, Dream tensed and got back to the small cave quickly- he got a tiny bit of water, better than nothing. "You're probably hallucinating," Another huffed- he could hear their footsteps.

"No no, there's definitely something here. It has a shit ton of power or whatever you call it," Another one.
 Dream covered his mouth, shaking. He was slightly relieved though. Whatever they saw had power, so it couldn't be him! Mama was the only one with powers! "In there, it's hiding," Dream curled up- what if they were talking about him?

What if Papa was wrong and he did have power? His head hurt.. "Come out, we don't wanna hurt you, at least show us you're here," Dream could hear their footsteps outside the cave he was hiding him. "Mama.. Papa...c-come back..." Dream sobbed- he wanted mama and papa back..

"A kid? That's what you're saying has all that power?!" One of them yelled at another, he could see their legs now. "Hey kid, what's your name?" He didn't say anything in response. "I asked your name, little one," Dream hesitantly answered, looking down. "D-Dream... Wastaken.." He stammered- he was terrified.

His parents were gone, he didn't know where his sister was, he didn't understand anything.
"Come out of there," Another spoke- why were there so many? Their voices were getting confusing. Dream slowly crawled out, keeping his eyes down. "Awwh! He's so cute! Can we please keep him? Can we?" Dream looked up at them, what did they mean?

"Your eyes are so pretty! Such a lovely shade of green! You really live up to your name!" They kept talking, their hands moving to hold his face. Dream pushed them away when he realized what they meant by keeping him.

"Y-You can't keep me! Mama's gonna come and get m-me and papa will be there too! She'll come back! She will!" Dream yelled- mama never said anything about coming back but.. she told him to stay there. "How long has she been gone?" Dream thought before speaking again. "Th-...Thirteen days.." Dream looked down.

"B-but she will come back!" One of them sighed, shaking their head. "I'm sorry kid, she's not coming back," Dream stared at them, his eyes wide. "W-What do you mean?! She will!" Dream felt dizzy now, he didn't know why. "Come home with us, we'll explain," Dream nodded slowly- he didn't want to stay out here any longer, and someone was telling him he should go.

The second he nodded, a hand grabbed his. "Ooo, an Ender Dragon hybrid? That's something you don't see everyday!" Dream was extremely confused, he was just a normal human? Dream briefly felt the air around them get a lot heavier before he blacked out. "-id! Wake up! See, I told you we should've warned him, Exdee!" One of the others yelled.

"Oh shut up! Why didn't you warn him yourself, Kristin!" Exdee yelled back. "Don't yell at her!" Another one. "Lucid! Stay out of this!" Exdee again. At least Dream could put names on them now. "Hey buddy, did you just wake up?" Dream nodded, not caring enough to think.
"That reminds me, how old are you?" Dream thought for a moment before holding up three fingers.

"You're.. three years old?" Exdee muttered, if Dream really was an Ender Dragon hybrid and three, in human years.. he was fucking six months old in Ender Dragon years? He matured way too fast for that age. Hybrids were known to age according to their animal-hybrid years, Dream had grown up as a human so they suppose it makes sense..

"We're going to be raising this kid, any objections?" Exdee hummed, looking around the room. One hand was up. "Yes?" Exdee crossed their arms, looking at the other. "Why are we raising him?! He's just gonna die in a hundred years anyway!" The god yelled, raising their hands.

"Actually, he'll at most be 60. And if
anything tries to hurt him or interfere with his life, I will kill it," Exdee held Dream close, determined to keep the kid safe forever. 

Exdee was seething with rage upon this new found knowledge. Their little boy had started an smp, saying he was old enough in human years. Dream had sworn he'd never use his Ender Dragon powers nor skills while on the smp, and he followed through with it. That wasn't what had Exdee on the verge of murder, however.

It had been two human years since the smp was started. Seven hundred and thirty days, since their son had made it. Dream had been put in prison- this was another thing that Exdee wouldn't care too much about either. Sure, it annoyed them how Dream, an eight year old, was put into a prison.

But it was these two specific people who Exdee wanted to cut open ever so slowly and make them eat their own fucking organs. This creeper hybrid and this duck hybrid had been torturing Exdee's son for nearly a year, and they just found out. They hadn't told the others yet. Exdee called every one of the gods to the meeting room, slamming their hands down on the table.

"Those people, the ones Dream, our son, let into his SMP? They've fucked up. Big time. Dream's in a fucking prison, being tortured as we speak," Exdee hissed out, everyone else at the table seemed to get angry as well. "They put an eight-year-old in a prison?! And they're torturing him?!" Lucid yelled, seeming shocked. Exdee nodded.

"I called you all here to see who wanted to join me in tearing up the server and it's people," Exdee smiled, a dark look in their eyes. It seemed every god, excluding Kristin who was satisfied with watching, wanted to join. So they made their way to the smp. When they were there, they were greeted as if they were new members. Oh, oh that was going to be fun..

"Hello! We were wondering about Dream, if you wouldn't mind telling us about him?"  Everyone who had gathered around spawn seemed to tense up at the name. "Dream?! That motherfucking-" One of them started, quickly being cut off by another. "Dream isn't a good person, he's in prison right now, that's all we can really say," One of the others spoke calmly.

"That's all we can really say?! Bullshit! He fucking manipulated us all and tried to take control of the fucking server!!" Exdee resisted the urge to punch them. "An eight-year-old did that, really?" Lucid asked, faking confusion and shock.

" 'Eight-year-old', what the fuck do you mean?! He's twenty one! Shit, maybe twenty two now!" They all seemed confused by Lucid calling Dream eight. "Did he not tell you? He's eight! He's twenty two in human years, not in Ender Dragon years, though!" Nightmare acted shocked as well. "W-what?" Exdee smiled.

"I'm going to go get him now," The oldest of the gods hummed. "What?! No! You can't!! He's still in there for a reason!" Exdee rolled their eyes, letting their four wings spread out. "You want to test a god trying to get to their son, or do you want to live a bit longer?" They smiled, looking down at the group of people.

Exdee sighed before walking off, quickly taking to flying- they were getting their son back, no matter how many lives might need to be taken on the way.

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It was really short and quick, but I hope you guys enjoyed it anyway!

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