No ship - Requested - I'm here.

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No ships!
Requested by: Dreamisthebestmcyt
- Blood
- Pain
- Horns
- Hybrids
- I think that's it?
- - - - - - -

Dream remembered when he got his. Tubbo sat by his side the entire night because he wanted to make sure his big brother was okay. They comforted each other until both of them fell asleep, one from pain and exhaustion and the other from being tired in general.

That was a few years ago now but Dream could still remember Tubbo panicking at first because the kid was convinced Dream was about to die.

It was quite a while ago but Dream remembered the signs that they were growing in. The constant headaches, messier memory, sensitivity to noise.. "Tubs, how long has your head been hurting?" Dream asked, sitting down next to the brunette.

"Maybe a week, why?" Dream sighed at that. "Who's brother are you?" Tubbo only seemed to get more confused. "Yours?" Tubbo answered, not connecting any dots. "How old are you?" That was the last question Dream was going to ask.

"16? Seriously, why are you asking me this?" Dream shook his head, surprised Tubbo hadn't realized it yet. "Your horns are probably growing. Soo.. You're going to cancel any plans you had this week that include leaving the house and you and I are going to hang out." Tubbo took a few moments to register what Dream had said.

"You're joking. I can't just-" Dream put a finger to his little brother's lips. "Yes you can, and you will. I'll sort any issues out, got it?"

Tubbo sighed and reluctantly agreed, convinced he would have a bunch of work to do when he wasn't practically on house arrest. Dream was entirely certain that he would handle all of it himself, the work, taking care of Tubbo and running the server all at the same time.

Dream had done it all before, but he wouldn't ever say that- after all, he didn't want to worry Tubbo. Especially not now when Tubbo shouldn't have to think about anything other than what his horns would look like.

"Dream? Yeah, Tommy's coming over somewhere around 3." Tubbo told him, flipping through the pages of a book he found the other day. "Alright, want me to get any snacks, games?" Dream asked, getting a simple shake of the head followed by

"Nah, thanks though D." Dream smiled and went around the house, gathering up whatever medical supplies he could now, before anything happened.

He decided to chill around in a different part of the house, not personally wanting to deal with Tommy asking a bunch of questions again. It was getting a bit repetitive, needing to explain how they were brothers and then that no, Dream wasn't joking and then he had to get Tubbo to confirm it and then answer 50 other questions every single time.

Besides, Tubbo could just send him a message or call out to him if either of them needed something.

For the next few hours, he went through any work he could do in that time frame, eventually going to the kitchen to start dinner. "What the fuck are you doing here, green bitch?!" Dream rolled his eyes. "What do you want for dinner, Tubs?" He ignored Tommy for now.

"Uhm.. Whatever you wanna make, I guess." Tubbo shrugged. Dream thought for a moment. "Spaghetti?" He suggested, earning a small shrug and a nod from the younger.

He started cooking after that. "Tommy, you staying for dinner?" Dream asked, trying to figure out if he should make more so there's enough for three people. He ended up not waiting for an answer. Eventually, dinner was done and he served it up. "Dinner's ready." He hummed, grabbing out three forks.

About a minute into the trio eating, Tommy spoke up. "Tastes like shit." He lied, as if that would cover up how much he obviously enjoyed it. Dream just smiled softly, continuing to eat his own food.

Just as Tubbo went to say something, he suddenly closed his eyes tightly and clenched his fists, pain shooting through his head. Dream quickly moved to put the bowl on the coffee table and laid Tubbo onto his back with his head held up a bit, holding his hand.

"Tommy, I need you to go grab a brown backpack from in the hallway." The blonde went to get it, deciding to get it before asking questions. "What the fuck is happening?!" Dream hushed him before thanking him, laying a towel on the arm of the couch.

"He's getting his horns. Imagine what happened with getting your wings but on his head." Dream explained, still holding Tubbo's hand. "Do you want to stay or do you wanna go home? Nobody will blame you if you don't want to see him like this." Dream hummed reassuringly, wincing when Tubbo let out a cry of pain.

"I know Tubs, I know. I'm right here for you.." Dream mumbled, rubbing his thumb on the back of Tubbo's hand.

"You'll be okay.. I'll be by your side.." 

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Heya, just want to apologize for not posting two days ago! I meant to, I just forgot and got distracted T-T

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