No ship - Requested - Too late

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No ship! <3<3 (I swear there will be ships soon-)
Requested by: Mikotka00
- Tommy fucked up
- Suicide
- Self harm
- Angst 
- He couldn't fix it 
- You'll see
- Notes
- Death
- Think that's all but I might be wrong

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Tommy hummed as he walked down the prime path, wondering what to do. It was getting late, and Phil or Puffy would probably scold him if he didn't go to bed... but he was too excited. That night was going to be his second time switching bodies with someone. After turning 14, there was always a chance you would swap bodies with someone.

There was no way of telling when it was going to be until the day just before you swap. But there was absolutely no way of knowing who you'd swap with- it didn't matter how far they were, their relationships with you, their age, so on and so forth. The blonde considered his options, ultimately deciding to go back to his house and sleep.

It felt like the second he fell asleep, he was awake again but in a completely new room. Tommy sat up quickly, taking a couple seconds to remember he had swapped bodies with someone. Tommy got out of the bed, looking down at his arms and legs to try to get some idea of who he was. He was planning to look around the house next.

He didn't see anything that could help him figure out who's body he was in just by looking at his arms and legs. Tommy decided to start looking around the house. He left their bedroom- it was boring and all white with no posters, no statues, nothing that made it look nice. There was only a cupboard for clothes and even that didn't have anything interesting.

The blonde could tell this was a huge house the second he walked out of the bedroom. Tommy went to a door directly to his left, finding a bathroom. Nothing interesting- he didn't think to look in the mirror. Tommy went to the room right next to that, finding another bedroom. This one was decorated nicely with all kinds of posters hanging on the walls.

There were green sheets on the bed. The walls were white with smiles drawn all over them- some looked like they were drawn by a young kid while others looked like someone older drew them. There was also a bunch of lines on one part of the wall near the door. It went from the number three with 3'5 next to it, all the way to the number twelve with 5'6 next to it.

Above all the lines was the name 'Drista', oh. This was Dream's house, and it seems he hadn't moved anything since she passed away. Drista had died two years ago, exactly three years after Tommy met her. She had died on her own birthday as well- Tommy blamed her death on Dream, because he was the one who was meant to protect her and he failed.

The blonde clenched his fists, walking out of the room. He was going to make this bitch's life hell, he knew Dream was going to do the same to him anyway. Tommy left the house, looking for anybody. The first person he found was Sapnap, who seemed happy to see Dream, even if it wasn't exactly him in the body.

Tommy was thankful for the stupid mask Dream wore, it hid his smile. "Hey Dream!" Sapnap greeted. "Hey," Tommy hummed back, making sure he sounded as disinterested as possible. "..How are you doing?" The ravenette was obviously a bit saddened at the voice his friend used. "I'm fine. Can you leave me alone now?" Sapnap looked down for a moment.

"Are you mad at me?" Tommy found himself struggling not to laugh- he was going to make Sapnap hate Dream. "Oh my prime, just leave me alone Sapnap! Can't you understand I don't want to talk to you?! You act so annoying and stupid! And your stupid, ugly bandana? Why don't you just fuckin' burn that already?!" Tommy felt slightly bad for saying that- he knew the bandana was special to him. Sapnap crossed his arms.

"Dream. You're acting weird, do you want to talk about it?" Sapnap asked- he was upset, but he also looked concerned. "Oh my fucking- Just shut up! Haven't you realized I've never wanted to talk to you?! I only acted nice to you guys because it's so fucking obvious you're pathetic and easy to use," Sapnap uncrossed his arms.

"Tell George I never want to see his stupid fucking face again. You're both so stupid and I'm sick of hanging around with a bunch of idiots," And then Tommy walked off, happy about what he had done. He felt very slightly bad for saying all those things, but he had to get revenge on Dream. No matter what.

The blonde looked around to find someone else- he ended up managing to make every one of Dream's friends upset with him, whether it be by insults, hitting them for no reason, or something else. He decided that was enough for the day and went to Dream's house again, huffing to himself.

 There was usually an hour interval every twelve hours where the two who swapped bodies would swap again. It would pause the twenty four hour clock until they swapped once again. Body swaps could last from a day to two days, no longer. Tommy noticed a five minute count down in the corner of his vision as he got into bed- he remembered that last time he swapped bodies the same thing happened about twelve hours in.

He hummed and went to Dream's room, laying down and just waiting to swap. Tommy wanted to be awake for the hour so he could make sure everything of his was intact and Shroud was still alive. He could check in on his friends another time, when they were both back in their proper bodies for more than just an hour.

Tommy waited for the five minute timer to reach one before closing his eyes- having them open while they swapped made him feel sick. He didn't notice any differences in his own house, excluding that it was a bit cleaner. The chests had been organised as well- weird. Maybe Dream was obsessed with keeping things clean, or something.

Tommy made sure nothing was missing before checking on Shroud. Shroud was doing as good as ever, that was good. Tommy continued to look around his house until he saw a countdown again. Sighing, he walked to his bed and laid down. It felt better to lay down while swapping bodies.

He waited for the timer to hit one again before closing his eyes and opening them again right after. He was in Dream's room again and he sat up with a groan. Tommy winced at the stinging in his arms- the fuck? He looked down and saw they were wrapped in bandages, some of which had faint red spots on them.

What the fuck did that green bitch do this time? He probably did it to hurt Tommy. The minor unwrapped them, cringing at the way the bandages stuck to his skin a bit. He looked away as soon as he saw some of the fresh wounds, fuck.

Tommy stood up, planning to go to the bathroom to wash off any blood on the arm- he noticed a piece of paper on the desk in Dream's room but decided he'd read it a bit later. He went to the bathroom and ran his -Dream's?- arm under the water, shaking a big due to the stinging. Tommy took a few moments to realize what the fuck Dream had done- there were scars around his arms as well, did he do the same thing back then?

He wrapped the arm back up quickly, deciding to search around the house for what he use. Tommy wanted to throw it all away and confirm his suspicions as well. Oh shit, there was a note as well. He quickly went back to read it, trying to ignore the small tear stains, along with the blood stains.

'I've been clean for so long, so fucking long.
I fucked up today I cut again.
And I think this is going to be the last time I get the chance to

My friends are gone. I can't live without them by my side it's impossible

They got mad and told me Drista's death was my fault again

I'm done with this bullshit
I love them but it's clear they don't give a fuck I've tried not to, I held on for so so long

I've suffered enough haven't I? it hurts so much im not coming back, not anymore. not again.

they wont notice me if i try, not soon enough to save me.

im tired

i want mama puffy back to hug me and tell me its okay and be there for me again

i want george to tell me how stupid i am for even thinking they hate me now
i want them back
that won't happen though so
I guess this is goodbye

I love you all.

- :)'

Tommy dropped the note, his hands shaking. Did he fuck up and do this? Shit. Was Dream planning to kill himself because Tommy- no, no. He.. He deserves it, right? It's his fault, not Tommy's.. right? He shook his head, taking a deep breath. He looked around the house for anything Dream could use to hurt himself, gathering it all together and putting it in the trash.

He wanted to at least try to stop Dream from doing whatever he was going to do. After deciding he had gotten all of it and thrown it all away, he ran out of the house in search of any of the people he had turned away. He couldn't find anybody.

No matter where he went, he couldn't find anyone who would listen for the entire remaining ten hours- he had spent two hours searching the house. Tommy clenched his fists and went back to Dream's room, laying down and closing his eyes. The last five minutes felt like they lasted an eternity. Tommy opened his eyes again at some point, seeing he was back in his own house.

He got up quickly, about to run out and find Dream- he then noticed a note next to his bed. It told him to go to the big oak tree at 5 pm. Tommy put it down and ran off to find Dream. It was somewhere around the middle of the day when they swapped back into their normal bodies. He really had to find him. He failed.

He couldn't find Dream even after around four hours of looking. He ignored anybody trying to talk to him and just kept looking. Tommy sighed in defeat, remembering the second note he found and going to the place he was asked to show up at- that tree.

Tommy got to it, looking around, confused. He saw a note on the floor. The second he read it, he looked around again quickly, trying to see if Dream was anywhere nearby.

'I don't want to live'

 That's all the note said. It didn't look like someone placed it there, that was the weirdest part. Dream's mask was next to it. He noticed a silhouette a bit further ahead- maybe it was Dream?? He ran towards it, instantly stopping when he saw a specific someone. It wasn't Dream, it wasn't Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur, Phil or anybody else he thought it could've been.

He felt tears in his eyes but refused to let them out, he was a big man! The big man! He failed when he ran again to hug the person. It was his mother, she had died so long ago.. The woman turned to face him, smiling as she embraced her son. "H-How are you here?" Tommy asked, wincing at his own stutter.

"Oh honey, this nice man brought me back.. I've missed you so much, look how big you've gotten!" She picked him up and spun him around- as strong as ever. Tommy smiled widely, the feeling from earlier completely leaving him. His mother put him down, telling him to turn around.

Just as he does, almost every member of the smp jumps out from behind some trees, singing 'happy birthday'. Tubbo and Ranboo pulled a fake pile of leaves off of a pile of presents.

Meanwhile, Dream smiled from the highest branch on the tree. He was glad they were all enjoying themselves, though he felt bad for the possibility of completely ruining the happy moods of them all. He wiped away the small tears in his eyes, grabbing a book from his inventory.

"Happy birthday, Tommy.." The dirty blonde whispered as he let it fall onto the pile of presents. The music they were playing was really loud, so there wasn't much of a chance they'd hear the book fall. Dream quickly got to work with a rope he had, tying it into a particular thing. He put it around his neck next, and then tied the other end to one of the branches.

 "Goodbye Toms, Tubs, Boo, Phil, George, Sap, Sam.. Techno.. Mama.. Goodbye, everyone.." He felt tears rush down his cheeks as he stepped off of the branch. He blended into the surrounding trees, at least enough to not be noticed unless someone was specifically looking for him.

Dream instinctively went to struggle but forced himself to stop, closing his eyes tightly and letting out a small whimper just before he passed out.

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I hope you enjoyed that!
I swear I'm trying to get through the requests as quickly as I can, it's just taking a while with school, my own mental health and all that lovely stuff.

Sorry if I take a while to get through them all, or I write something that isn't a request before I write your request- I lose motivation very quickly so sometimes I just have to write straight after getting an idea, yk?

Anyways! I love you all, stay safe and bye bye! <3<3

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