No ship - I didn't hear anything

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No ship - But it can be read as DNB if you want
- Going deaf
- Explosion
- Hospital
- Doctors
- Police
- All that stuff
- Overworking
- I think that's really it-

Techno had never been able to hear as well as others seemed to, even with his hybrid features. Theoretically, he should have incredible hearing, but he didn't. It wasn't like he got some injury, he was just born like that.

It made some things more difficult for him than others, but he didn't know anything else. The only thing that he really hated about it was how loud he had to have things playing over headphones- even with things on max volume he sometimes wouldn't be able to hear it. He stopped doing that recently.

He had hearing aids, but he didn't like wearing them. He kept them on at school and at work, but he decided whether to wear them at home or not whenever he got there.

Techno also knew sign language, making communicating at home a lot easier. Most of the teachers at school also knew little bits and pieces of sign language, thanks to one teacher they have who's entirely deaf.

Techno sighed as he left class, walking towards the outside area to just sit on the grass. He grabbed his phone and went to start playing some music before noticing a blonde kid running up to him.

"Techno! Hey, sorry I missed your match yesterday. Work called in..." Dream apologized, having missed his best friend and rival's sword match for the first time since they met. "I told you it's fine, nerd."

Dream crossed his arms. "Maybe to you! You know, I was really looking forward to watching you beat someone up again!" The teen huffed, sitting down next to Techno. Techno rolled his eyes, unable to hide his small smile.

"I guess you'll have to wait then. Unless this is your way of asking to spar again?" The pinkette raised an eyebrow, looking at Dream. Dream shook his head, uncrossing his arms and sighing.

"I wish I could, piggy. But Punz just got out of the hospital, so I need to be home to take care of him, and I've got more hours this week."

Techno looked at Dream's hands, noticing that he was moving them quite a bit as he talked. It took him a few more words to realize it was sign language. "What happened to him again?" Dream smiled at the memory the question brought up.

"So Punz was climbing up to the roof so he could jump to a tree, right? And he was so close to getting to the tree, but he saw a bee, panicked and jumped off the roof."

Techno scoffed, his smile widening. "Bruhh, your brother's kind of an idiot." Dream nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. "He really is." Dream hummed, laying down.

"Why doesn't your mom take- nevermind. I'm sure Phil won't mind if Punz stays with us while he recovers." Techno laid down next to Dream, putting his phone into his pocket. "I can't trouble you with that. I can take care of him, it's okay." Dream smiled.

The pinkette sighed, looking up. "You have work and school, and I doubt you'll tell Sam what's going on." Techno pointed out, knowing Dream hated relying on people. Dream put an arm over his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"He's busy with school, Techno. I can't- I can't distract him at such an important time." The blonde explained, not wanting his oldest brother to need to worry about him and Punz. He had to focus on his studies so he could stay in the college he was going to.

"Dream." Techno tried, Dream just shaking his head. "The bell's gonna go soon, I'll see you after school." The blonde smiled as he got up, walking off. Techno watched as he left, not knowing what to do.

He wanted to catch up to him and ask when he learnt sign language, he wanted to leave him alone so he could relax because he clearly needed it, he wanted to stop Dream from walking and just comfort him, he wanted to do so much that he just didn't do anything.

He got up after checking the time, slowly making his way to his next class. Techno was distracted for most of it, stuck on the thought of how to help Dream. He could show up at his house with shopping maybe, or get Punz to stay over at theirs for a week.

Techno also considered coming up with some kind of vacation for the blonde, but he knew that would make Dream feel guilty for not being able to pay him back.

Maybe he could bring over dinner every now and then so Dream wouldn't have to worry about cooking? Yeah, that might be nice. That and the occasional groceries, Techno decided.

It wouldn't cost too much and he could say that he just made too much food, or he accidentally bought way too many groceries and they'd go bad if he didn't give them to Dream. That way Dream wouldn't feel too bad, and he wouldn't have to worry about doing it all himself.

Techno wrote his plan down in a notebook, as the voices in his head told him to. He ignored how most of them were calling him soft or a simp as he worked with the few helpful voices to find out a way to know what groceries Dream would need.

Talking to his brother seemed like the best idea. Techno already knew his parents wouldn't mind giving him the money to buy things for Dream, so long as it wasn't anything far too expensive and unnecessary.

He was listening to the lesson enough to know what the new assignment was, but he kept most of his focus on planning. By the end of the class, he had figured out exactly what he was going to do.

When the bell went, Techno got up and walked out. He went to where he and Dream usually met up after school ended, knowing it'd take Dream a minute or two to get there. His last class for today was at the other end of the school, after all.

"Yo, let me come over today." Techno hummed when he saw Dream, grinning a bit at how he just rolled his eyes and nodded. "Come on then." Dream kept walking past him, Techno following the blonde.

Really, he could go ahead- he knew where Dream's house was, but he'd rather not wait at the man's door while Dream took his sweet time walking there. "Why'd you wanna come to mine anyways? I have to go to work in about two hours, so we can't hang out for long."

Techno just hummed for a minute. "Wanted to see how bad Punz's arm was and figure out whether I can make fun of him for it." He eventually responded, watching Dream's confused expression morph into an amused one.

He just nodded, continuing to walk. Dream put his hands behind his head, moving his head to a beat in his head. Techno tried to figure out what song he had in his head based on the movements.

It seemed like he had multiple songs going at once, seeing as he'd go from moving his head like he was listening to something slow, maybe sad, to like he was listening to some upbeat song. The voices in his head named random songs, trying to help him figure it out.

Dream moved his hands from behind his head again, seeming to move them to the beat as well. "Sugar crash but by, what's her name?" Techno said out loud, making Dream grin.

"I don't remember her name honestly, but the song's awesome." Dream hummed, seeing his house just across the street. They crossed the road after making sure there were no cars, Dream grabbing his keys out of his pocket.

He unlocked the door and let Techno in, locking it again after both of them were inside. "I'm home!" Dream yelled, knowing Punz would either be asleep or he'd call back.

As expected, he called back. "Welcome home! I'm just in the lounge." Dream took off his shoes and Techno did the same, following Dream inside. The blonde put his bag down next to the stairs and went to the living room, greeting his brother properly.

"I got your school work if you wanted to keep up." Dream stated, not grabbing it right now. "Thanks, Dee. Now go get changed." Dream scoffed but smiled, going upstairs. "Yo Techno, been a bit since I last saw you."

Techno waved at him, sitting down next to him. "Heard you got scared by a bee." Techno stated, looking at Punz with a small grin. Punz smiled. "Dream told you?" The pinkette nodded, leaning back.

"Punz, give me your number." Techno had a habit of asking people he knew for things by telling them to give it to him, but everyone knew he meant it as a question rather than a demand. "Sure thing, why though?" Punz handed Techno his phone after getting his number up.

"There's something I want to do for the nerd, but I can't tell him or he'll feel bad." Techno huffed, putting Punz's number into his phone. He sent a 'bruh' to save his own number on Punz's phone, putting it as his name before handing the phone back.

They stopped talking about it when Dream came back downstairs. He joined them on the couch, stretching a bit before handing the remote to Techno.

They watched a few episodes of a show that Techno chose- he had the best taste, admittedly- before Dream realized he had to go.

"Sorry guys, I've got a shift in about 30 minutes. I'll be back afterwards." Dream apologized, getting up and quickly grabbing anything he'd need to take with him before starting to head to his workplace.

"So what was that thing you wanted to do for him?" Punz asked when Dream left, looking at Techno. "I planned to-" Techno explained the entire thing.

Techno went home before Dream got back, knowing if he stayed out for longer, Phil would get mad at him. After talking it through with Punz, he had decided on getting a shopping list from the man every now and then.

He'd buy anything on it and bring it to Dream's place while the blonde was at work, Punz would let him in and Techno would leave afterwards so Dream would have to trust Punz saying it was just dropped off at their house by some delivery man.

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