No ship - You're a hybrid, Dream

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No ship!
Not a request (I'm sorry!)
Before this chapter starts, I want to apologize for not posting in a little while! I also wanna warn you all that I may not be posting smut, at least for a while. It doesn't feel right to atm for some reason. I've also gotta say: School has started up again, sooo I might take a while to upload chapters!
- Feathers growing on a person
- Mentions of bones and blood
- Phil has to cut Dream a bit 
- Pretty quick and short
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The sound of the alarm clock rang throughout the room, beeping loudly. Dream groaned just as loud, turning onto his side and slamming his hand down on the clock, turning the alarm off successfully. He kept his eyes closed for at least a few more minutes, only opening them when he felt something tickling his arm.

He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes before checking whatever the hell it was on his arm. Dream looked down to see... a feather? Huh. That's new. He hadn't seen any birds that had feathers which black with tiny spots of green and gray dotted around recently.. Not even Phil or Tommy had feathers like that, Quackity either.

Odd. Dream shook his head and tried just brushing it off, more confusion growing when it didn't just come off. He gripped the lowest part of the feather he could with his thumb and index finger, pulling it off. "Ouch," He winced. It didn't hurt really bad, but it was enough to flinch.

Dream checked for more feathers, just in case, and was relieved to find none. Okay, so it must've just been a small accident or something along those lines! Dream moved to be sitting on the edge of the bed, pushing himself up and stretching his arms above his head.

He made his way out of his room, deciding he'd get breakfast, take a shower and then get changed into his usual clothes. The blonde went down the stairs to the kitchen, gathering ingredients from the fridge and cupboards.

Pancakes sounded pretty nice at the moment, Drista should be coming down for breakfast soon as well, so it worked well. He got started on cooking, the smell floating through the air and luring a tired teenager into the kitchen. "Mn.. breakfast?" Dream smiled at Drista, humming in confirmation and flipping the last pancake.

"Go take a seat, I'll bring 'em to the table," Drista nodded and walked off, rubbing her eyes.

Dream gathered the syrup, cream and butter, in case either of them wanted to add to the pancakes. He turned off the machine he used for the pancakes and walked out of the kitchen, placing the condiments on the table. "Want a milkshake, tea, coffee?" Dream asked, knowing she liked to have any of the three with her breakfast.

"Coffee please.." Drista smiled tiredly, leaning her head on the table. Dream hummed and went back to the kitchen, turning the kettle on and grabbing a mug before turning and taking the pancakes out. "Help yourself, the coffee will be done soon." Dream once again returned to the kitchen, preparing everything for the coffee and pouring the water into the mug.

He spaced out for a moment, thinking about how that feather had gotten on his arm, which made him spill a bit of the boiling water.

Dream flinched when he felt it hit his foot, quickly putting the kettle down and cleaning up the water. He felt something tickle the back of his neck but chose to ignore it for the time being, finishing pouring the water into both mugs and then bringing them to the dining room and placing one in front of Drista.

"Enjoy." Dream grinned, going to his seat and placing his mug down. He grabbed two pancakes and put them on the plate in front of him, pouring a bit of cream and maple syrup onto both of them. Dream picked up his knife and cut into one of the pancakes, putting it in his mouth, chewing and then swallowing the breakfast.

He finished the two pancakes and grabbed another one. He finished eating and quickly chugged his coffee. Dream stood up and picked up his dishes, putting them in the sink. He then went to the bathroom, turning the shower on and undressing.

He stepped into the shower, washing his hair. Dream finished the shower, turned it off and wrapped a towel around his waist. He walked to his room, getting dressed into casual clothes rather than his sleepwear. Dream covered his mouth as he yawned, rubbing his eye with his other hand.

He let one of his hands down by his side while the other rubbed the back of his neck, plucking out another two feathers. "What the fuck? I must've just missed these. I'll see if Phil recognizes them.." Dream thought out loud, putting them in one of the two pockets in his pants.

He slipped his shoes on, grabbed his phone and headed out of the house. Dream decided to visit Philza first, before he inevitably ended up forgetting.

Dream took a deep breath as he stood in front of the avian's door, shuddering a bit from the cold. He knocked on the door, now just waiting for the blonde to answer. "Come in!" Phil yelled from inside. Dream pushed the door open and closed it behind him, greeting Phil.

"Mate, you know you don't have to knock. You're welcome any time," Phil hummed when he looked up at Dream. Dream walked over to him. "Phil.. Do you recognize these?" Dream pulled a handful of feathers out of his pocket, handing them to Phil. He took a close look at them, seemingly thinking for a few moments before shaking his head.

"Nobody on this server has feathers like these." Phil concluded. Dream usually wouldn't have disagreed, seeing as Phil knew far more than he did, but there was no way someone didn't have feathers that looked like the ones in his hand. How else would they get there?

Dream chose not to say anything, just thanking the man and leaving. He groaned in frustration. He didn't understand! Dream ran a hand through his hair, taking slow, steady breaths to calm himself down. He would just figure it out later.

He decided to put it to the side and go hang out with the others instead. He had to pluck out a larger feather beforehand, as well as clean up the little bit of blood that seeped out. When he got home a few hours later, he made dinner and almost immediately after eating, collapsed on his bed and fell asleep. He hadn't realized how exhausted he really was.

Dream woke up with his back hurting like hell. He didn't move at all until he finally rolled onto his side, breathing heavily through his teeth. Fuck, it hurt more than when he fell down a literal mountain- he still didn't know how he survived that. His fingers dug into his palms, undoubtedly leaving marks.

Dream didn't even begin to consider getting up, because fuck that. He pulled his blankets over his head, closing his eyes tight. "Dream?" He heard Drista call- how long had he been laying there for? Dream took a deep breath before forcing himself to sit up, biting down on the blanket to keep from crying out. He put the blanket back down, looking towards the door as Drista opened it.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Dream grinned at Drista and shook his head. The blonde girl smiled and walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed and hugging Dream. "I was thinking about making breakfast today so.. Wait here! Okay?" Dream ruffled her hair, nodding.

"Okay." Drista smiled wider and ran out, probably going down to the kitchen. Dream let out a breath, wincing as he moved ever so slightly. He felt a sudden burst of pain, putting all his strength in not making a sound. He'd have to talk to Bad or Puffy later, seeing as they were the most experienced with anything medical.

Phil was also pretty experienced, but Dream really didn't want to bother him more.

He slowly but surely forced himself out of bed, giving up on the idea of walking at the moment the second he tried to stand up. He'd get up later.. Dream sat against the headboard, bringing his knees up and leaning his head on them. It was really weird to him, first feathers showing up out of nowhere, now this?

Dream felt as though he should be saying something like 'it's all coming together!' or 'I see now..' but he really couldn't understand why. He knew he couldn't possibly be a hybrid, otherwise it would've happened far sooner in life. At the latest, he'd go through the transformation around 16 or even 17. But he was 22, there was no way in hell he could be that late.

Dream groaned in frustration, trying to get all the hybrid stuff out of his head. It was probably just some weird sickness that the others could help with, and the back pain could just be from sleeping weird. He reached for his phone, thinking about texting Bad to see if he was free. No, he could go the next day if he still felt like this.

Dream sat in bed for a while, only attempting to stand once again when Drista called him down. Well, that was quick. Dream yelled back, saying he was coming. He took a deep breath, steadying his hand on his bedside table and attempting to push himself up. Dream barely managed to, needing to let himself fall into the wall right next to the table.

He gulped before pushing himself away from it and forcing himself to walk out. He thought about everything and anything but the pain in his back.

He managed to get to the stairs before he was leaning against the wall again, breathing heavily. Dream took a minute to prepare before going down the steps, barely able to avoid falling. "There you are! Took long enough." Drista chuckled, grabbing the blonde's hand and pulling him to the table. She turned to him, about to speak before she paused.

"..Big bro? Are ya feeling okay?" Dream smiled at Drista, nodding. "I'm alright, sorry for sleeping in." Dream chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. Drista smiled softly, not saying anything as she walked to her seat and sat down. They ate in silence, as normal. Although it felt more tense. About half way through, Drista spoke up.

"Did something happen yesterday? A fight, maybe? You've been stiff this entire time and everytime you move, you wince."

Dream tensed up more than he had before, clenching his hands into fists. It was so obvious to her, and he thought he had done well on hiding it. "..I think I just slept weird, sorry to worry you." Dream sighed, though Drista wasn't happy with that. "Talk to someone about it." Drista huffed out before continuing to eat, making it obvious she was not going to let him argue.

Dream didn't bother trying to say anything, finishing his food and thanking her before taking the dishes to the kitchen. He'd clean them later. He left to his room after that, planning to get changed and go about his day. He had just sat down and started getting his shoes on when he suddenly felt dizzy.

Everything got fuzzy after that. He briefly remembered hitting the floor while the room spun around him, driving him to nearly throw up. Dream also remembered Drista running in and yelling his name, he thinks it was his name anyway.

It was so hard to tell when it sounded like he was underwater. Maybe he was? He didn't feel like he was. He stopped trying to figure anything out, his head hurt too much. He felt tired, he wanted to sleep. So, he did. He had no idea what time it was, when he fell unconscious or when he woke up.

Dream's throat hurt like hell, everything did. He slowly opened his eyes, raising a shaky hand to rub his eyes. "How're you feeling, mate?" Phil asked from next to his bed, offering a gentle smile. Dream hesitated- why was Phil here? What happened? "...M fine." Dream shrugged, unsure of what to say.

"Dream. You were screaming all night, you are not fine." Phil crossed his arms- he wasn't going to make Dream tell him anything, but he wasn't going to ignore when he lied. Dream bit his lip, clenching his fists. "What happened?" Dream asked. Phil thought for a moment before beginning to explain his knowledge on the situation.

"You fell off of your bed at some point after you had breakfast with your sister. A few hours after that, she found you and called me. It's been two days since you were last awake. Can you tell me everything that's been going on with you?" Dream nodded slowly, pieces of the situation coming back to him.

He told Phil about the feathers he had been finding on him, the blood some of them caused, the back pain, the dizziness, the fact he could barely remember what had happened. "Could I take a look at your back?" Dream nodded slightly, wincing as he sat up and turned away from Phil. He bit his lip and clenched his hands into fists, preparing himself.

He took a deep breath and took his shirt off, letting it slip off his arms. Phil gently put a hand on his back, audibly sucking in a breath. "I'll be right back." Phil got up and left the room, coming back a few minutes later with a bag. He sat down behind Dream, searching through the bag before pulling something out.

"Unless I'm mistaken, I believe that.. Dream, you're growing wings." Phil stated, carefully rubbing some kind of cream on Dream's back. He covered the upper half in it, not touching the lower half whatsoever. Dream sat there as still as he could, shaking quite a bit even so.

"Lay on your stomach, as comfortably as you can. I'll have to follow the normal procedure for this." Phil spoke as he stood up, laying a few comfortable towels down on the bed, covering the majority- getting blood out of bed sheets was a pain.

Dream laid down slowly, getting as comfortable as he possibly could. Phil offered him a belt to bite down on, Dream taking it despite being confused. "I know this will seem strange and it will hurt, but I promise you, it will hurt much more later on if we don't do this now." Dream didn't question it, but he knew he probably would start to question everything after Phil began the procedure.

After Dream was situated, Phil kneeled over Dream, one hand on one of Dream's shoulders while the other held the first tool he'd need to use. He felt bad for what he had to do, but at the same time he knew he was helping in the long run. The blonde took a deep breath before raising the knife and slowly, carefully cutting a slit into Dream's back.

It was to let the wing through, as if it didn't have a slit to go through, it would tear its way out and possibly permanently damage both the wing and his back. Avian hybrids had a different bone structure, though due to some complications, Dream's wing bones were barely even there.

It took 22 years for them to grow enough to let the wings begin to properly grow. Typically, wings were meant to grow sometime after turning 14, but the bones were big enough from birth. Dream screamed around the belt, tears beginning to form in his eyes already.

"I'm sorry, I know it hurts.." Phil cut the other one as quickly but carefully as he could before putting the knife down. He grabbed a potion that would prevent bleeding and infection, but wouldn't close the cuts up- they needed both to be open until the wings were grown in.

Dream kept trying to thrash around- he couldn't think about what he was doing, all he knew was it hurt. Phil kept holding him down, not going to risk him hurting himself.

Eventually, Dream stopped moving so much and Phil removed his hand. He sighed in relief as the slight pain relieving and sleep inducing effects of the potion kicked in. With any luck, Dream would be asleep for long enough that his wings would be just about ready to grow out, meaning the cuts could be healed.

It would still be messy and painful, but it was far better than his wings being forced through his back and causing tremendous damage. Phil decided he would stay by Dream's side until he was better. He'd ask Wilbur to watch over him sometimes, Puffy and Bad as well- he couldn't bear the thought of leaving Drista to watch her brother in pain, knowing she couldn't help him with it.

Phil sat down in the chair he had been sitting in when Dream originally woke up, yawning quietly. It was going to be a little while until Dream would be allowed to move around and get up, but Phil was going to stick to the job of caring for him until he was okay to do so for himself again. 

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for all your support!

Have a great day/night! <3<3

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