No ships - Requested - Brother

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No ships!
Requested by: Hawaii_lover005
- Prison
- Angst
- Dream, Sam and Punz are siblings
- Sam's the oldest, Dream's the youngest
- Bad brother Sam >:(
- He tries to be better though, even if it does hurt D in the process
- Abuse
- Implied Torture
- Lemme know if there's anything else!
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Sam took a deep breath while scrolling through the communicator, looking for the message he got from Punz a few days ago. It was only difficult to find because of all the death messages from the prisoner who wouldn't stop throwing himself into the lava. Sam huffed when he finally found it, seeing it was just the blonde saying he wouldn't be available for a week or two due to a job. Sam knew there was a reason he hadn't seen Punz around recently. They had weekly meetups.. Or, they used to.

Apparently, Punz almost always went, but Sam rarely showed up to them due to the prison duties he had. They met up every week because they wanted to check in on each other, I mean.. Brothers can worry about each other, right? It didn't feel right without their third person but Sam would never admit that.

He pretended they weren't missing their last piece, that they were the only two who were related in any way. He ignored the image of a younger blonde curled up on his lap, sobbing. He ignored the image of a bright smile and emerald green eyes.

If he didn't ignore it, he'd think of the prisoner. He couldn't think of the prisoner as anything but that- the prisoner. Just as he couldn't think of himself as anything but the warden when he was in the prisoner's cell, or leading visitors to the prisoner.

Sam put his communicator down, switching to the camera in Dr- the prisoner's cell, wincing at the state he was in before switching to the entrance cams again. He didn't want to look at the prisoner, not right now. Not with the face he had in his head that looked so much like the prisoners- it wasn't his, the little boy who would cuddle with him and Punz after a nightmare, that little boy wasn't a prisoner.

Punz clenched his fists as he looked at the communicator, tears threatening to build in his eyes. He had been told specifically not to visit his little brother, but that didn't mean he couldn't keep an eye on what was happening with him, right? He hated how Sam just let him keep dying to the lava, to the dehydration, starvation, fucking blood loss.

He was in the middle of a job, it was to assassinate some group of guys who killed this other guy's family or some shit like that- Punz couldn't care less about the story.

He knew everything he needed to, and he was currently waiting for one of them to be in the right position for him to act. Punz kept reading through the death messages, freezing when he saw two specific ones.

[Dream was slain by Quackity using {The Warden's Will}] and [Dream was slain by Awesamdude]. Punz swore he was going to beat the shit out of one of them, if not both, when he got Dream out. He hesitantly put away his communicator, watching for one of his targets.

Dream sat curled up next to his chest, shaking like crazy. He didn't want to face the pain that came with moving, even if he knew he deserved it. He could feel the bruises on his back aching, though the broken ankle he had felt much worse.

The bruises were like a dull ache, just enough to make him notice them. His ankle took most of his attention out of all the wounds he had, as every time he'd try to move slightly it'd flare up in pain as if it was being broken all over again.

He wanted his big brothers, he knew it was stupid to think he deserved to see them, but he wanted them to come back. He wanted to just see one of them. Dream didn't have any way of getting either of them to even consider seeing him- the Warden wasn't responding to him throwing things into the lava anymore, nor did he care about his screams, and Punz.. there was no way to contact him. The only person who ever visited him was Quackity- well, the Warden did sometimes, but only to scream at him and hit him..

Dream closed his eyes, tears in his eyes as everything went dark. He dreamt of the night he met his older brothers, the day he was brought in by them and treated like family. Dream had been running from a group of hunters who were trying to catch him- they had been for weeks- and ended up spraining his ankle.

Sam and Punz had found him while out on a walk together and took him to where they were staying- a small motel that was cheap enough for them. They had started travelling together after that, all with their respective jobs keeping them up and running.

He woke up to the memory of soft eyes looking down at him before it disappeared and he was being stared at like he was less than dirt. Dream still couldn't help but smile- his oldest brother came to see him again! He kept smiling even after being kicked in the head, knowing that if his big brother was doing this, it was because he deserved it. So he'd smile, because his brother still cared about.. About.. What? Dream decided he didn't have to know what Sam cared about, just that he still cared.

Sam left a few hits later, not without reminding Dream he deserved this. Dream tried to get Sam to stay, he didn't want to be alone again, but he failed. He failed and Sam left again.

The second he was out of sight, Sam clenched his fists tightly. He sank down to the floor slowly, holding his arms tight. He couldn't stand the way the prisoner used that nickname, the one only his little brother would use. It hurt, but.. The prisoner wasn't his brother anymore. He had to remember that. He had to forget the nickname, ignore the feelings that went with it.

It was just the prisoner trying to manipulate him.. Sam took a deep breath before standing up, his hands shaking slightly. He ignored the small bit of blood on his knuckles as he walked to the security room.

A few days later, Punz gave in to his need to see Dream, to see his little brother. He had finished his job the night before and ran to where the prison had been built. The blonde went up to the entrance, saying he wanted to visit Dream. He heard Sam's breath hitch slightly but he let Punz in anyway. "Punz.. You can't see him." Sam stated, looking down. He couldn't let anyone else visit Dream, not after the incident. Quackity was an exception.

"Why not?" Punz crossed his arms, waiting for an answer. "It's against the rules as of right now. So I can't le-" Punz slammed his hands down on the lectern in front of him. "I don't give a shit about any of your rules, Sam. Let me see my little brother, our little brother." Sam shook his head, refusing to let Punz see Dream, no matter how insistent Punz was.

"So you let Quackity in but not me?" Sam tensed, nobody was meant to know about Quackity's daily visits. That was the one rule Sam at least tried to set, other than trying not to kill him.

"Let me in." Punz repeated, grabbing his sword in an obvious threat. He didn't care if Sam was his brother as well, he had to see Dream and Sam was keeping him from it. "..Fine. Sign these." Sam handed him a book that basically stated that Sam and the prison wouldn't be held responsible for anything that happens to him while visiting the prisoner. Punz signed it and everything- Dream wouldn't do anything to him, he knew that from the bottom of his heart. Even after what happened with Tommy.

He knew Dream was more vulnerable to things such as, say... possession- there was one instance he still had nightmares of. He remembered his little brother screaming at the top of his lungs while rocking himself back and forth in a corner.

There was some kind of creature in front of him, dead. Punz knew that the blonde couldn't have killed it, not on purpose- he sometimes got scared of walking outside in case he stepped on a bug! He kept crying about how 'he' made him do it. That wasn't the only example, of course, but it was the most memorable.

He decided that he'd chalk the incident up to that, or something along those lines. It didn't matter to him that much anyways, he just needed to see his brother. His baby brother who had been locked up for almost a year now, without Punz even attempting to see him.

What if Dream hated him now? Hated him for not visiting? Fuck- as long as Punz saw him, he didn't care if he was hated. He nodded to himself, walking after Sam to the cell. He was let across, walking with the platform and keeping his eyes on the floor until he stepped onto obsidian.

Punz looked up into the cell, his eyes widening when he saw Dream just laying there, crying while blood streamed from far too many places to count. The second he could, the older blonde ran over, already taking off his jacket and tearing it- he wanted to try to stop as much of the bleeding as he could. Dream's chest was rising slowly, so he was still alive, good.

Punz didn't want to have to watch Dream respawn with new scars. Punz thought for a second before remembering the health pot he snuck in just in case something happened.

He quickly grabbed it, pouring some of it over where the injuries were before setting the bottle down. Dream hissed quietly, not used to the sting of potions. Sir and Sam never liked using potions unless they had to, opting to use literally anything else. Dream opened his eyes just enough to see a blur of colours. "Dee? Can you hear me?" Punz spoke softly, holding one of Dream's hands. He ignored his want to cry at the amount of scars on just his hand.

The dirty blonde opened his eyes a bit more, everything a bit clearer now. "P..Punz? Big brother?" Dream stammered, reaching to touch him. Punz brought him into a hug, holding his head against his- Punz's- shoulder. Dream held him as tight as he could, which wasn't tight considering his lack of strength. He started crying, silent tears at first. Then he started sobbing, telling his big brother everything. Punz clenched his fists, swearing silently that he'd keep Dream safe from now on.

"Let us out." Punz demanded, knowing Sam could hear him. "Don't you mean.. Let you out?" Punz repeated himself, he wasn't leaving without Dream, and he was leaving this prison. Sam contemplated, he really shouldn't. He really really shouldn't.

But.. They were his brothers. He'd made them suffer enough.... What had he done? Sam stared at his hands, the realisation that he hurt his brother washing over him. He let them both across, tears threatening to fall as he led them out through a less obvious exit.

"Sa-Sammy.." Dream stammered, not wanting to leave his brother's side. He didn't want to lose either of them. "Go. Go away.." Sam whispered- he needed them both to leave before he changed his mind, broke down crying or tried to either get them to stay or go with them.

"Sammy- don't make me leave, please.." Dream whimpered, reaching out for the creeper hybrid. Punz let it happen, though he wasn't planning to let Dream stay with Sam. "I said go away! You're.. You're not my brother!" Sam hated himself for saying it, but he couldn't let Dream stay with him. Not when he'd only hurt the man more.

Dream didn't say anything, just shrinking back into himself. Punz picked him up gently, feeling a spike of anger at how light he was. He made himself calm down though, holding Dream close as he carried his little brother away. There wasn't a need to rush, nobody really went to this side of the prison. Sam wouldn't tell anyone what really happened, if he was smart.

Punz couldn't give a shit either way. Maybe, after Dream recovered a considerable amount, he'd see if Dream wanted to go back and see Sam.

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Hiya! I hope you enjoyed this! I've had it saved for a little while but honestly didn't feel like publishing it until I finished other stories.

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