Dream Harem - Requested - 10 - 1

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Dream Harem go brrr 
- Sapnap, George, Techno, Corpse, Illumina, Karl, Quackity, Fundy, Sam and Punz  (Wilbur is mentioned)
Requested by: Wick_Chapter
- Smut
- I mean, it's literally nothing but fast paced smut
- I'm not joking
- Uhh.. 
- A fucking ten-some
- Or eleven?
- Poor D man, takes so much dick 
- If you are what you eat, is he a dick now?? 
- He literally feels sick bc of how much there is x.x
-"You just wanna see me taking more than one at a time." - Dream said, before getting totally wrecked by 10 ppl
- Onto the storyyy
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Dream groaned as he got up and stretched, opening his eyes to see a bunch of different people sitting around. Eh? "Finally! The wars on boys!" One of them yelled, throwing their hands up. "What..?" Dream was so confused, he just woke up! "Yesterday, we asked if you liked any of us and you said you did, so we're having a war over who gets to try to be with you." One of the others explained, making Dream's face go slightly red.

It was embarrassing but.. He knew he was going to have fun with it, especially after he expressed the boundaries he had for it- there was practically nothing other than 'don't kill me, each other, or any other living thing' , 'don't infect me with anything' and 'don't let any of the people outside of the small war see anything.. Inappropriate happening'.

He didn't care beyond that. Well.. there was also the thing about stopping if he said but that was general knowledge. Dream made it clear he didn't care what they did other than those few things, he'd let the others decide any of the rules they wanted without him. He walked out of his room, snapping his fingers to change his clothes in an instant before leaving the house. He chose to walk along paths he hadn't checked out before, finding the most hidden, unpopulated route to go about his day on.

Sometime around one or so hours later, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. "Dream.." Sapnap breathed out, one hand going down to the blonde's inner thigh. Dream hummed and leaned back into him, knowing what the ravenette wanted and being fully on board. "Mm, you're clean?" Dream questioned just to make sure. "Of course, wouldn't go against your rules." Sapnap hummed, moving his other hand up Dream's shirt.

"Only been an hour and you're already tryna fuck me?" Dream chuckled, a red blush spreading over his cheeks when Sapnap twisted one of his nipples gently.Dream let out a small moan- he always was rather sensitive. Sapnap bit down on his neck, just hard enough to draw a small bit of blood. He shuddered when his shirt was suddenly pulled off, the cold air making him shake slightly.

He was led to one of the houses and pinned against it, the hand on his thigh moving to snake inside Dream's pants. Dream bit his lip, steadying his hands against the wall. He sucked in a breath as his pants and boxers were pulled down in one go. Sapnap quickly got to work on stretching the blonde, watching as Dream's back arched slightly.

"Feel good?" Sapnap asked, though he knew the answer based on how Dream was reacting. "Oh prime- yes!" He cried as the three fingers were spread one last time before being pulled out. Dream leaned his head on his arms. "Tired already?" Dream shook his head, just preparing himself for whatever would come next.

Sapnap pulled down his own pants and boxers before steadying his hands on the blonde's hips. Dream threw his head back and clenched his fists as Sapnap started to slowly push his dick in. "So tight..." Sapnap groaned, his grip tightening. Dream panted as the ravenette bottomed out, it'd been too long since he had done anything even close to this due to being busy.

He leaned his head back down, taking deep breaths to allow himself to relax. "You alright there..?" Sapnap breathed out, a deep red flush covering his face. "Mmn.. just gimme a second.." Dream whispered, nodding a few moments later. "Move.." Sapnap slowly pulled back a bit before pushing right back in.

He kept the movements short, shallow and slow until Dream had clearly adjusted to the movement as well. Sapnap gradually increased every aspect of the thrusts- the speed, how deep they went, etc. It eventually grew to the point that Dream's entire body was pushed further into the wall with each thrust.

Dream barely had a chance to breathe between his moans and cries of pleasure, along with the occasional small hiss of pain when he hit the wall a bit too hard. Dream's legs shook as he felt himself growing closer to his climax. Dream covered his mouth as he came over himself, effectively muffling what was practically a scream.

Sapnap's fingers dug into Dream's skin as he bottomed out for the last time, moaning as he came. They both just panted, Sapnap wrapping an arm around Dream to make sure he didn't collapse. "Haven't slept with someone in a while?" Sapnap asked between breaths, Dream humming and shaking his head.

"Right, uhh.." Sapnap looked around for a few moments before noticing the community bath house they built a while ago- they made it specifically to make a joke but it turned out to be useful. The ravenette picked Dream up gently after pulling out and putting his pants back on.

Sapnap had Dream's pants hanging off his shoulders for now, seeing as most of the blonde was hidden from view anyway. "Aww, Sappy's gonna take care of me?~" Dream purred, chuckling a bit."I mean, 'm not about to leave you without any aftercare, I'm not that kinda guy." Sapnap shrugged, ignoring the confused look that flashed on Dream's face for a moment.

Dream didn't say anything after that, only making a sound when he was being put down. "Want help cleaning up?" Dream thought for a moment, deciding he did want help- even if it was only an excuse to be near the human embodiment of warmth he called Sapnap. Dream smiled when the man stripped back down and got in the shower with him.

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