No ship - Dead or Alive??

474 19 7

No ships~
- Implied/Referenced Death
- Blood
- Implied Torture
- Slavery
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Tubbo kept an eye out for any mobs as the group walked through the forest, following some compass they found a few days ago. Technoblade was leading them, seeing as he was the one who initially found the compass.

A group went with him because Ranboo forgot that they were supposed to keep it a secret and ended up telling Tubbo and Tommy, who in turn told a few others. Techno only let them come with because he managed to get promised a few favors.

If he had favors from people, then he could just chill out for a while without needing to worry too much about them getting in his way.

"Are we there yet?" Tommy complained, just wanting to be able to stop walking. "You could've stayed home if you wanted to." Ranboo pointed out, shrinking back a bit when he got a look from the blonde.

"Ranboo's right, Toms." Wilbur hummed, putting an arm on Tommy's shoulder. "Can you nerds shut up?" Techno huffed, talking to both the group behind him and the voices in his head. They all got a bit quieter, thankfully.

Techno noticed a large building that looked incredibly worn down in the distance, moving one hand to his sword just in case. It looked similar to a woodland mansion but it wasn't quite the same. "Looks like this is the place." Techno hummed, going inside.

He put the compass away and climbed up the stairs, deciding to check the second floor first. It was the top floor, so he thought that would be a good place to start.

He went from the end rooms, grabbing any loot he could find. He also grabbed some of the books, seeing they were diaries from long ago. Techno couldn't pass up an opportunity to learn more about the history of this server.

He got to the last room on that floor, checking every room even if others had already been in there. "Techno! There's a basement, mate!" Phil called, making the pinkette go down there quickly.

Techno decided he'd check the first floor afterwards. Basements were always either empty and boring or filled with something interesting. Turns out, this time it was the latter. There was a body that was now mostly skeleton hanging from a pair of handcuffs.

There was an almost sickening amount of blood on the walls and floor, even for Techno. He hesitated before he walked up to the corpse, mumbling his condolences and something about how he hoped they were resting now.

He carefully reached towards the skeleton, taking a look at the collar around its neck. Techno had to look away when he saw the name, pulling his hands away and clenching his fists.

"What is it?" Phil asked, Techno just shook his head and held a hand up, silently asking him to not say anything. The pinkette looked for something, anything that would tell him that this person wasn't who he thought it was. Who the collar said it was.

Techno found a piece of paper, reading through it. "Phil. This is fake, right?" He asked, looking up at the older man. "I don't- here, let me take a look.." Phil read over the paper, furrowing his brows.

"Maybe they aren't accurate..?" Techno went through the books he had grabbed, seeing if any of them maybe belonged to the corpse. He only had to go to the first few pages to find out who owned the book. Techno was hopeful that there wasn't one belonging to the corpse, until he found it.

"Shut up, chat! I doubt he's actually dead!" Techno yelled, chat getting overwhelmingly determined to convince him that the one who invited him to the server wasn't alive. "..Let's look around a bit more, then get out of here." Phil stated, walking around the basement a bit.

He managed to find a small bag filled with some things, opening it to first see a family picture. He picked up the bag and put it in his inventory, deciding it could be important.

After a bit more searching, they both left to the first floor and gathered up the group. "Did you two find anything?" Sam asked, leading to Techno sighing and nodding. They may as well tell everyone else about it.

"There was a body.." Techno started. "And?" He had to take a deep breath. "It belonged to Dream, but it's already a skeleton." He explained, rubbing the back of his neck. "How- what? But he's alive and at the main SMP?"

"It was his body. There was a collar, a piece of paper and a diary that all pointed towards it." Techno didn't know what else he could say. He had no idea when or how Dream apparently died, or how he was still on the server.

"Maybe he's a ghost." Wilbur joked, though it was a very real possibility.. After a bit, they all returned to the server. Techno went to Dream immediately, wanting any answers he could get. "Dream." The blonde turned to look at him.

"Mmm?" Techno gave him the diary. "..Where did you find this?" Dream asked, his fingertips digging into the cover. "In an old mansion. Now, want to tell me about the skeleton I found?" Techno crossed his arms, forcing himself to stay composed while talking to Dream.

"You shouldn't have gone in there." Dream mumbled, starting to walk off. He decided he needed to leave the conversation before all he'd learned went straight down the gutter and he was put back into his old mentality.

He had spent so much time trying to get better, he didn't want it to all just be thrown away with one conversation. "Dream, please, just- tell me one thing." Dream paused, looking back. "Are you alive?" Of course, one thing Dream wasn't sure about. He didn't remember if he died or not, it had been so long..

It took a while of thinking back, but he eventually discovered that, shit, he did die. "I don't think so." Dream walked off after giving the book back, content to just leave it at that. "Wait-" Dream kept walking, he did what he was asked already and now he was done.

Techno went home as well, sighing in defeat. He sat down on the couch, humming when Steve moved to lay right against his legs. Techno leaned down to rub his head before opening the diary. If he was given it back, Dream must not care if he reads it.

Maybe he should read it to the others? Or at least Phil, so he didn't have to be alone in this. Techno sent Philza a message, telling him he was going to read the diary and suggesting that he showed up.

Not too much longer later, Phil was now sitting across from Techno. "Okay.. Dream's diary." Techno started, reading out the cover- he was nervous to find out the contents of the actual book.

"XXXX, August 18. My name is Dream 'Clay' Westikan, I'm seven years old and.. I think I'm a... slave now." Techno clenched his fist, pausing on the reading. What the fuck? "At least, that's what the lady told me. She gave me this book as well. She said to write down whatever happened and how I felt."

Techno took a deep breath, glancing up at Phil for a second. "She told me that my parents sold me, but I knew they didn't. They loved me." He continued reading, getting to the end of the page and flipping to the next one.

"XXXX, August 19. It's me again. My parents haven't shown up yet but that's okay. They're probably busy with work. The lady showed me around the big house, it has two floors." The pinkette kept reading, quickly realizing the connection between that house they found and Dream.

"Mate.. Are you sure you want to keep going?" Phil asked, seeing how the other was starting to get upset. "I'm sure." Techno stated, though he wasn't entirely sure. He wanted to know more about Dream's situation and life before he supposedly died.

Maybe then, his reasons behind acting the way he did would be clearer. Plus, who would give up the opportunity to learn more about their fr- rival and server admin?

Techno took a breath and continued to read. "There was a basement too. She didn't show me it, but the others told me. They told me all about what they did down there. It doesn't sound fun. I want to go home, I told them, but they said I was home. I didn't understand.."

Techno put the book down, having caught a glimpse of the next page already. He walked off without a word, going outside to go hunt down some mobs to calm down. Techno eventually sat down against a tree, running a hand through his hair.

"Did you read it?" 

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I know it ended in a really weird spot but I don't think I'd be able to continue this if I don't post it now-

Have a good day/night! 

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