Skepdream? - Requested - Feel better?

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Skepdream? (Skeppy x Dream)
Requested by: Toxinkill
- Uhh, doubts of love
- Not great
- - - - - - - - - - - -

Skeppy hummed as he climbed up the roof, looking for a certain blonde man. He had been keeping an eye on the guy for a while now, purely for entertainment. Skeppy smiled when he saw Dream walking along the prime path towards him. He got down from the roof, grinning as he waved to Dream. Dream waved back, giving him a smile in return. They started walking together, no destination in mind. "Skeppy.." Dream started suddenly, Skeppy turning his head to look at Dream. "Yeah?"

"..Do you ever wonder if anyone would care if you died? Or went missing?" Dream asked, looking up at the sky. Skeppy wrapped an arm around Dream's shoulders. He pulled the blonde over to a clear, grassy area. He sat them both down, keeping his arm in place. "Honestly? I don't. Because I know people would. I know there's always going to be one person who cares." Skeppy hummed, smiling a bit. Dream leaned against him slightly, crossing his legs. He looked like he wanted to ask another question but he was hesitating.

"..Skeppy?.." Dream muttered, looking at the man in question. The brunette looked back at him, keeping his soft smile. "Would you care if I died?.." Skeppy was slightly taken aback by the question, although he had to admit, he was expecting it at some point. "I would." He stated, laying on his back. Dream laid on his side, facing Skeppy. "Why?" Dream questioned, seeming too genuine. "...Honestly?" Dream nodded, wanting his real opinion. "Because I love you. Because, as cliche as it is, you are the light in the night for me, and I'm not ready to lose that." Skeppy admitted, waiting for Dream to say something about it.

The blonde said nothing, shuffling slightly closer to Skeppy and laying on his back. He hesitated before reaching for Skeppy's hand, not grabbing it, just resting his hand next to it. Skeppy blushed a bit when he noticed, subtly moving his hand slightly closer. Eventually, they were holding hands. "Can I tell you a secret?" Dream spoke up again, speaking in a whisper. Skeppy smiled and nodded. "Of course." He hummed, looking towards Dream. "..I think I love you too.." Skeppy looked away quickly, unable to help the blush on his cheeks.

They laid there for a while together, finding comfort in each other's presence. They got up at some point, though. "Spend the day with me?" Skeppy offered Dream his hand after standing up, smiling widely when Dream took it. They walked hand in hand, Dream keeping a hand over his mouth to cover up his blush while Skeppy just looked the other way, his face red. Skeppy's blush only deepened as they passed by people, even if nobody said anything. They ran into Bad at some point and Dream panicked- he forgot the two were married.

"Bad I-" Dream started, only getting cut off when Bad smiled happily and hugged them both. "My best friend found love! Oh I'm so happy- celebratory muffins!" Bad grabbed two muffins from a small container he always kept on him, handing one to both of them. Dream was extremely confused. Best friend? They were married though? Skeppy chuckled a bit at Dream's reaction. "We got married as a joke and then realized there were benefits to it." Skeppy explained, Dream getting embarrassed as shit.

"Thanks Bad." Skeppy grinned, bidding Bad farewell when the demon hybrid started walking off. They continued their walk, slowly but surely getting confident enough to stop looking away from each other. They went through the rest of the day together, stopping at stores along the way around the server to see if anything was interesting. They said their goodbyes to each other, both having massive smiles. Skeppy, as soon as he was alone, started ranting to himself about how amazing the walk was with him, listing everything he liked about Dream.

Meanwhile, Dream was curled up in a random cave he'd call his home for the night. He couldn't help but wonder if Skeppy was lying, or joking. Dream couldn't believe that Skeppy liked him like that. It had to be one of those pranks Skeppy liked pulling. But.. still, it didn't feel right. He didn't believe Skeppy could ever even begin to like him, and yet.. He wished for it to be true. Dream fell asleep thinking about all the ways he could ask Skeppy if it was a joke and all the ways Skeppy would say it was.

The next day, Dream went up to Skeppy- he needed to find out if it was all a joke. "Dream? Hey hey, what's wrong?" Skeppy caught onto the fact Dream wasn't doing great immediately, taking note of how he scratched at his wrist when he was upset or panicking. "If it's a joke please tell me, Skeppy- Please." Dream pleaded, breathing shakily. Skeppy quickly brought him inside, sitting him down. "Dream, look at me, okay? I promise you, I wasn't joking when I said I love you. This isn't some prank, I wouldn't do that to you."

Dream nodded slowly, though he began to hyperventilate. The brunette grabbed his hand and talked him through breathing, eventually calming him down enough for Dream to be able to breathe. "I'm sorry.." Dream whispered, Skeppy immediately bringing him into a hug. "It's okay, I swear. Now c'mon, I haven't eaten yet and I'm sure you haven't either." Skeppy led Dream to the kitchen, cooking up a quick breakfast after making a few mistakes here and there.

"Feel better?" Dream nodded a bit, leaning on the shorter guy. 

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