No ship - Requested - Double death, one goodbye

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No ship! <3<3
Requested by: Mikotka00
- Death
- He died twice somehow
- Ghost
- Mentions and small scene of torture
- Quackity is not good :(
- I'm tryna make up warnings
- Yeah i give up, if I missed anything, please tell me!
- - - - - - - - - - -

Quackity stared down at the floor, realizing what he just did. He broke the one rule Sam had given him when they spoke about Quackity's... visits with Dream. He fucked up, really bad. There wasn't anything he could do to fix it. Quackity grabbed his communicator, seeing the message had gone out.

Fuck fuck fuck- Quackity was panicking, until people just responded with 'L', 'F' and 'o7'. Tubbo spammed 'Dream is gone, crab rave' a couple times. Good. Quackity sent his own message of 'L' before putting the communicator away. He heard Sam yelling from the other side of the lava wall. "Calm down, Sam!! Nobody gives a shit, as you can see!" Quackity yelled, rolling his eyes.

He still felt.. oddly bad. Quackity made his way back to the other side using the redstone platform Sam had made. "You better hope what they're saying is true, Quackity. That an admin can't actually die," Sam huffed, crossing his arms. "Probably is. Admins are fucking special or some shit," Quackity made his way out of the prison, trying to ignore the slight bit of guilt that ran through him.

He went straight home, cleaning himself up. Everyone else gathered up to calm some people's worries- they didn't get an answer from Quackity so they just went ahead. They decided to have it at spawn, so at least it would be somewhere they all knew and none had an advantage in, just in case they fought or something.

They weren't expecting something to show up, though. Some kid appeared at spawn, they were extremely pale- even the kid's hair was short, white and curly. They had a ton of cuts all over them- as well as what looked like bruises and burn marks. Their blood was black- literally- and they had an endless amount of tears streaming down their cheeks from dull green eyes.

There was only one person who died recently.. and that person had green eyes.. "...Dream?!" The kid didn't respond with anything, disappearing quickly. "...What the fuck?" Sapnap ran a hand through his hair, staring at the spot the ghost Dream was. "How did he even die?" George muttered, before grabbing his communicator and scrolling up.

[Dream bled to death]

That's all it said. Canon deaths had to be caused by people though, and this was a canon death. Dream had spawned back at spawn, and he was a ghost, so there was no doubt. After getting all three canon deaths taken from you, you either passed on peacefully without regrets or unfinished business, or you were a ghost and your normal self was sent to some kind of afterlife, limbo.

"...I don't- I don't want to try to figure out who the fuck killed him, right now..." One of the others spoke, obviously upset about everything. It was hard to tell who spoke when everyone started murmuring agreements. "Well what the fuck are we meant to do?! We've always looked for the killer and-it shouldn't be any different here!" Another person yelled- Tubbo, maybe.

"...I think there's really only three options.." Sapnap muttered as he reached a hand to wipe small tears from his eyes. Everyone looked to him. "Well.. we all want to do something different.. So.. One, we look for him a-and try to talk. Two, we try to investigate on our own, and three... we just leave it.." Sapnap hated the last option, but he knew some wouldn't want to be involved. Sapnap chose the first option, as did the majority.

A couple chose to go by themselves and Tommy and Niki didn't want to be involved. The group that found Dream ended up being Puffy, George and Phil. They went onto the docks by L'manhole, having been assigned to check the area out. Phil stopped them both when he saw the dirty blonde, walking forwards a bit and then stopping.

He was planning to wait until Dream turned around so they wouldn't scare the guy off. The ghost turned, eyes wide upon seeing the three. "We just want to talk, Dream.." The ghost tensed up at the name, shaking it's head and whispering something while trying to find a way out. "If you want to leave, you can, but.. we want to talk to you," The ghost just started staring.

Phil took one step forward, keeping an eye on how the ghost of Dream flinched a bit. "I'll move forward every now and then, just a bit. I promise I won't hurt you," Phil put his hands up slowly to prove his point. The ghost relaxed a tiny bit but still remained pretty tense. "Are you... really Dream?" Phil questioned- he had to see if the ghost would respond in anyway.

Dream looked down for a split second before nodding, looking back up and forcing out a strained 'sorry'. "None of us are upset with you, there's nothing you need to be sorry over," Phil smiled softly- though Dream took it as one of the sinister smiles he could see in his head and backed up a bit. He disappeared when one of the others, George, took a couple steps forward.

"Shit, well, I think we at least made... some progress, he didn't run instantly," Phil sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'll tell the others," Puffy hummed, pulling out her communicator. "I'm gonna go home, Techno forgot to feed Steve," Phil started making his way to his and Techno's houses, not really bothering with any proper goodbyes to the two.

The blonde finally reached his house, stretching before going inside- he wasn't expecting to hear shuffling and dripping from in the attic. Phil wondered if it was Tommy, was he crying? Or maybe Revivebur was having a breakdown again- no no, both of them usually made more noise and were saying something when they cried.

Other than the sound of whatever was dripping to the floor, they were quiet. Phil grabbed a pillow and a blanket- just in case- and started climbing the ladder to the attic. He nearly fell when he saw the ghost from earlier, Dream. The blonde couldn't help the tiny smile he had as he got to the top of the ladders.

"Hey mate.." He hummed quietly, he had noticed how Dream didn't do well with loud noises. Dream quickly looked up at him, eyes wide and more of those never ending tears hitting the ground. There was also what looked like it should be blood, but it was black.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I thought you'd like something comfortable," Phil put the pillow and blanket down, pushing them a bit closer to Dream before climbing back down. Meanwhile, the ghost slowly moved to the two objects- he recognized Phil somewhat, but didn't know from where. He slowly picked up the pillow, inspecting it closely.

wouldn't let him have things like this, why was this man? Maybe.. maybe this was a test by sir. Maybe that man was sir.. He couldn't remember what sir looked like.. Dream pushed the pillow away and looked at the blanket... maybe he could use this for a little while..

He grabbed the blanket and pulled it over to what he was calling his corner, curling up with the blanket wrapped around him. Phil came back to check on the ghost that looked like a kid an hour later, smiling when he saw Dream had the blanket wrapped around his small body and the pillow now in his arms.

He went back down to get some food- he didn't remember if ghosts had to eat or not, but he decided he'd give the kid some food just in case. He kept potatoes out of it, he remembered Techno telling him about how they only served raw potatoes when the pinkette was teleported out. He hadn't stopped complaining about that for what felt like hours.

After he put it all on a plate -a plastic plate, he didn't want the ghost possibly getting hurt- he went back to the attic and left it in the middle of the room. He wrote a little note as well, to let Dream know he was allowed to eat it and if he wanted more, he could ask through the note. Phil continued to check on him every hour, until he went to bed. The ghost woke up, feeling warm.

It wasn't unbearable hot, or extremely cold, it was.. nice.. Dream slowly wiggled out of the blankets, looking around the relatively small area he was in. He noticed some food in the middle of the room, it was still warm.

Dream made sure nobody was watching him before crawling to it- he wasn't a fan of walking anymore.. he could remember sir's hands pushing a knife into his leg, dragging it down. He remembered his hands stitching the wounds closed only to tear them open again.. Dream shook his head, he didn't have to think about sir being mad right now.

Dream looked down at the food, making sure he wasn't being poisoned, drugged or anything else before looking to see if there was anything else that told him what he had to do to earn the food. Surely he wasn't just given it.. Ah! There, a note. Dream picked it up, reading through it- he was confused.

'Hey mate,

I left some food here for you if you want it. I don't know if ghosts eat.

I thought you might want something, if you don't you can leave it there or come down and throw it out.

If you want some more food, you can ask! :)

(If you don't wanna talk, you can write on the empty space here:'

Dream tried to see if there was something else, telling him he had to do something for it.. he found nothing. He hesitated before starting to eat- it was still warm, surprisingly. He finished less than half of it before going back to his corner- he felt sick even from eating so little of the food. He curled up again, wrapping the blanket around himself.

He had it under his arms, he didn't like the idea of not being able to move quickly. Dream watched where the blonde man came up from earlier, seeing if he'd come back. A little while later, the man went back up and Dream watched him. "Hey buddy, liked the food?" Dream didn't respond, just watching.

"I'll get you some more in a bit, you don't have to eat it if you don't want to," Phil hummed, grabbing the half-empty plate. The ghost watched as the man left- he found himself liking the man. The blonde didn't force him into things, he's giving Dream food even if he won't eat it, he hasn't hurt Dream, he hasn't kicked him out, and his hands didn't look like sir's.

His voice was really nice as well. Dream liked him, he didn't fully trust him but he liked him nonetheless. Eventually, two weeks had passed and Dream decided to move down to the main part of the house. The white haired ghost didn't doubt Phil's kindness anymore, at least- not as much. He wanted to be around Phil more, it.. felt better than being alone.

"Hey Dream?" The ghost looked over to Phil, tilting his head. "Can you talk to someone for me? Of course, you don't have to actually speak or do it at all," Dream thought for a moment before nodding, floating over to the blonde. "Techno, you can come in," Phil called out, a pink haired man slowly walking into the room.

 Dream floated to the other side of the room- the hands of this man were scarred, just like sir's. He didn't like that, but the pink hair was definitely different. Sir didn't have hair that long, or of that color. His hands were bigger than sir's as well- still, he didn't like this man as much as Phil.. "Hey- uh- Dream," The man -Techno?- stammered, obviously nervous.

Dream thought for a moment before letting his feet touch the ground, looking up at the pinkette. He was definitely shorter as a kid. "Uhm, dunno if you remember me but.. I'm Techno Blade, we used to work together and we were f-.." Techno stopped. The ghost looked to Phil, who held the pink man's hand. If Phil trusted this man, Dream would take a risk and trust him too.

The ghost hesitated for a moment before walking over and grabbing the pinkette's other hand, managing a tiny smile. Phil had been helping him with a lot recently. Techno squeezed his hand slightly, smiling down at the child ghost- it was confusing, considering they were the same height usually, and the previously 21-22 year old now looked around the age of 10, it was hard to remember it was Dream.

A couple more weeks passed, it had been around.. 2 months since Dream had died. He was actually happy around Techno and Phil now, he still had moments where he got terrified of them for certain features- Techno's scarred hand and eye, Phil's wings and his height- but that wasn't very often.

"Hey kid, do you remember George?" Phil asked out of seemingly nowhere one day, looking at the ghost who thought and shook his head. "Sorry," Dream apologized- they learnt that it was the only thing he ever said. "He's the other guy who was with me when we first spoke, remember that?" Dream hummed, looking up and nodding.

"He wanted to see if you'd talk to him and a few others," Dream looked back at Phil quickly. "I'll be there, Techno as well, so they won't hurt you. You don't have to go, you've done so well just with me and Techno," Phil knew Dream didn't like the idea, his eyes said it all- even if they barely expressed anything.

The blonde gave the ghost a while to think about it before speaking up again. "So what d'you wanna do mate? If you want to go, nod, otherwise shake your head," Dream nodded, though he seemed slightly unsure. "So you wanna go?" Dream nodded again.

"I'm proud of you, Dream. I'll tell them- you can still change your mind at any point if you want," Dream smiled slightly and nodded once more before going back up to the attic and laying down in his corner. Phil or Techno would get him when the people got there, or when they were leaving. He wasn't.. excited to meet them, not at all- he was afraid.

It didn't feel like when he met Techno. Dream hummed to himself as he felt himself fall asleep- technically, he didn't need sleep, food, water, medicine, or anything like that, he just couldn't be in the snow or rain, drinking was different. But it still felt nice to. He also hummed when he was woken up, opening his eyes and looking up at Phil.

"C'mon mate, time to wake up," Dream slowly sat up, looking at the blonde and blinking a few times to clear his blurry vision. "There you go, come down when you're ready- the others are coming right now," Phil smiled a bit, reaching forwards and ruffling Dream's slightly-transparent white hair.

He got up and went down the ladder, putting away any valuables in some hidden chests- it's not that he doesn't trust most people on the smp, it's more so he's been stolen from before and he's not risking it again, not today. Dream floated down from the hole by the ladder, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

 "Still sleepy?" Dream nodded, muttering out an apology and leaning his head on Phil's shoulder. The blonde felt a shiver go up his spine but he ignored it in favor for ruffling the currently shorter's hair. Phil heard a small ding from his communicator and pulled it out. "They said they're almost here," Phil kept a hand lightly resting on Dream's head.

If the ghost phased through the blonde's arm after a knock on the door, nobody needed to know. And if Dream nearly disappeared as well, that was something only he (and Phil) needed to know. "You alright there, mate?" Phil chuckled, holding the ghost's hand when he regained a touchable form.

Something about ghosts was that they could switch between untouchable and unable to touch to being able to interact with things pretty easily, though it did take a lot of energy to do it for more than a minute. Dream nodded slightly, very clearly still startled. Phil ruffled his hair again before walking to the front door, looking back at the white haired male.

Dream nodded, silently saying Phil could open the door. Phil hummed in response, opening the door and greeting the group. Surprisingly, Tommy joined them- he said he wanted to stay out of it before, but people change their minds. George, Sapnap, Bad, Sam, Wilbur and Tommy. That was the group that came.

Techno, of course, entered the house shortly after the group, standing with Dream who hid slightly behind him. The pinkette. "Where is- Oh, there! Dream, it's been a while!" Bad smiled- Dream already liked him, at least a tiny bit. He associated the man's eyes with kindness, he didn't know why.

He looked over the group, he only found a liking to Bad- immediately, at least. The others all had something about them that.. it just didn't sit right with the ghost. The shortest brunette seemed familiar, but all he felt when looking at the man was sadness and heartbreak. Dream couldn't remember why, and that was worse than anything.

The ravenette made a set of words spin around in his mind- he still didn't know why, and the voices saying the words were so disoriented and hard to understand. The only thing he could understand in the sentence was 'kill'. The other brunette- he couldn't remember him at all, he couldn't even associate a feeling or word with him.

He didn't like the way the guy was looking at him though.. The blonde kid, he felt an odd amount of guilt and fear when looking at him. Dream held onto Techno a bit tighter- he could see some sort of shock in the younger boy's eyes. And then there was the green haired man... Warden. Dream knew the hands and the eyes- he could remember them.

He could remember another set of hands holding him down while sir cut him for the first time. He could remember the nights where those hands were the only hands on him, it wasn't sir but it was someone sir worked with.. Dream held onto Techno even tighter, fighting his urge to run- he didn't want Phil or Techno to be disappointed because of him running, he had to stay there.. with the warden..

The ghost couldn't remember much, but he remembered enough. He remembered the way those eyes looked down at him as hands threatened to break his arms for not calling him the warden. "Dream- We aren't gonna hurt you," Sam tried, though his voice just made Dream hide and repeat apologies. Phil walked over to the ghost, gently hugging him.

"He can't and won't hurt you, you're safe, I swear it," The blonde whispered, rubbing the younger's back gently. "Do you want to go up to your corner?" Dream nodded, still holding onto Techno- he didn't want to stop being close to either of them. Techno reached back to grab one of his hands. "C'mon teletubby," He chuckled lightly, leading Dream to the ladder.

"Gotta cut the visit short. Phil, ask those questions now?" Phil nodded, grabbing a small notepad from his inventory. Dream went up the ladder first, Techno following him. "Want me to stay with you?" Dream nodded, mumbling that one word he never stopped. They both moved to Dream's corner, the ghost wrapping the blanket around them both.

Phil came up around... ten minutes later. "Hey mate, George, Bad and Tommy wanted to see if you could talk to them. They wouldn't let me ask questions first," Phil hummed, taking a breath before continuing.

"I told them no but they were persistent, they know it's probably not going to happen and still wanted me to ask. So, it's up to you," The blonde sat down by the ladder, letting Dream take as much time as he needed for an answer. Dream thought for a bit before humming and nodding. Phil smiled, running a hand through his hair.

"Come down when you're ready, I'll let them know," He went down the ladder again. "Dream said he was okay to talk, but if you little shits do anything, I swear to prime I'll-" Phil shook his head, taking a deep breath. "Take a seat, will you?" He forced a smile- he didn't like the idea of Dream being around so many people at one time, while being probably extremely vulnerable.

The three guests sat down on one of the couches. Phil also sat down, keeping an eye on the small group while also keeping an eye on the ladder. He watched as Dream started floating down, quickly moving to be sitting next to Phil. The ghost kept his eyes on the floor, trying to avoid the rush of guilt and- and whatever else he felt from earlier.

"Big D, Dream, uh.. I want to say that I'm-" Tommy winced as he tried to get the words out. "I'm s-...sor-...ssss.." Tommy felt stupid for struggling with it.. He took a deep breath, clenching his fists. He really wanted to say he was sorry, he really truly did- it was difficult, though. For him, at least.

"I'm ssss...sorry! I'm sorry, I made mistakes and-and we both fucked up but.." Tommy looked at Phil and Dream, feeling a bit better when he saw Dream was actually looking at him, and Phil had this look in his eyes.

"But I want us to.. not hate each others guts? So.. can we start over? It'll be a really fuckin tough road but- but I think we can do it, what d'you say?" Tommy slowly reached his hand out- he wasn't expecting the ghost to take it or anything, he just thought it would be something appropriate to do. Dream hesitated, looking to Phil who just nodded.

The ghost reached out to grab it, closing his eyes- he expected to be hit or something. Nothing happened. Dream opened his eyes a bit, seeing Tommy's smile. He looked to the other two, the brunette and the nice guy, to see if they were upset or anything- he found no traces of them being mad. The ghost found himself smiling a bit- he made the right choice?

He didn't fuck up this time? "So.. you want to.. start over as well?" Dream nodded- he didn't know what they did to each other, he just knew that they were both happier with this outcome.

"Dream, um.. I- I wanted to do the same. We used to be.. be friends, but we both had our reasons for things and I'm sorry that.. I never tried to understand," George looked down, clenching his fists. "I don't expect you to forgive me, I just-... I just want you to let me try to prove how sorry I am," The ghost looked to Phil again before hesitantly standing up and walking over to the group.

Dream didn't really care about their names- not too much at least, as long as he could identify them somehow. Dream hesitated again, freezing up for a second. He slowly walked closer to the brunette man and hugged him, letting go quickly and backing up. He stumbled further back when he saw tears in the guy's eyes- fuck, did he do that?

Dream knew it was going to smoothly, he shouldn't of risked it! He hurt the man- but he was smiling?.. "Dream, thank you.. thank you so much," The brunette wiped away the tears. "Sorry, it's- I thought you'd be more upset.." He sniffled. Dream looked to Phil again, grabbing his small notepad and writing two things. He gave the notepad to Phil, waiting for answers.

"He's George Notfound, the guy in the middle is Bad Boy Halo, and the blonde kid is Tommy," Phil hummed, looking over the notepad again to get the last question. "He's crying, but he's happy. Sometimes when someone is really happy about something, they start crying. And that's not a bad thing," Phil finished. The ghost smiled a bit, nodding.

"Hey Dream, it's been a while hasn't it! I'm so sorry for what happened to you, we're trying to figure it all out.." The nice guy- Bad- spoke, even his voice was nice and calming. "We'll find whoever did this to you," Bad smiled, determined. "That brings me to what I wanted to do earlier," Phil started, pulling out his own notepad.

Dream, Phil and Techno all had their own notepads they kept on them. Dream had his for talking, Phil for writing down ideas or questions he had, and Techno for a diary type thing to keep the voices from taking over. "Mind if we start? Dream, you can do whatever you'd like to," Phil ruffled the younger's white hair. Dream sat down on the couch, making his plans obvious.

The others nodded, seemingly happy to get started on this part. "First of all, have any of you figured out who was in or near the prison that day?" George spoke up after that question.

"Sam and Quackity were the only two who haven't been proven to of been outside. They claimed they were in Niki's bakery but she said she didn't see them at all," The brunette explained, Bad speaking next. "Sapnap did say he Quackity walk into the prison with Sam," Phil wrote something down. "And we know Sapnap wasn't in the prison?" They all nodded.

"Karl and I were with him for most of the day. He said he saw something so he went off for.. five minutes and then came back, it was too quick to get into the prison," George explained. "Tommy, you were with Tubbo, Ranboo and Wilbur?" Tommy nodded.

"Yeah! Ranboo and Tubbo wanted to introduce Wilbur to Micheal, but they were afraid Wil would hurt him so they asked me to come," The blonde kid hummed. "Ranboo, Tubbo and Wilbur said the same thing. Bad, you were with Puffy, Niki, Hbomb and Fundy?" Bad nodded, smiling.

"We know Punz was with Skeppy and Eret. Jack was with Ant, Foolish and Connor. And I was with Techno and Michael. Quackity and Sam are the only two who were online but not with anyone else, right?" Everyone agreed again. Dream felt lost, but he kept listening.

"Sam said something about Quackity visiting every now and then, though Techno and I have kept an eye on the prison. Quackity had visited him every single day," Dream didn't know who the hell this Quackity guy was, but he knew sir visited him a lot and reminded him of why he was in the cell. Was it a cell? He couldn't remember anymore. "

...Dream, hey bud, do you remember anything about the time before you died? You don't have to tell us anything if you don't want to," Dream thought before grabbing his notepad and trying to think back to the time he was in prison- he didn't know it was a prison until they said something. What did he remember...

Dream looked around the shithole of a prison cell once again, for the fifth time in the last two minutes. Nothing had changed, there were no signs of anybody coming, so w- Nevermind. Dream could hear
warden and sir talking from the other side of the lava. He closed his eyes -maybe?- because what he saw next was sir right in front of him.

The dirty blonde tried to back up, though he was already against the wall. Dream rose his arms to cover his head- maybe
sir would let him go without knocking him out or giving him a concussion or something.. "Don't do that, Dream. You know I don't like that," Sir spat, kicking Dream in the stomach. Dream whimpered and lowered his arms, looking away.

"Apologize, and maybe I won't stay here for an extra two hours," Dream tensed at the idea. "S-sir, I'm sorry-" Dream was kicked again, in the head this time. Time cut out again.
 Dream woke up to feeling faint, not even needing to look at anything to know he was bleeding. He could feel it. The dirty blonde turned onto his side, coughing a bit as he tried to push himself up.

Sir was standing over him, unhappy. "Get the fuck up! Useless pet," He yelled, kicking Dream over, and over again. Dream couldn't tell when he couldn't feel it anymore, it sort of faded out. He could still feel the eyes- Sir's eyes- on him. That was worse than any pain he had experienced. "S---! Where are those healing potions?!" Sir yelled, looking to the lava.

He looked upset- oh god did Dream do something?
Sir turned back to him, kicking him a few more times. The dirty blonde sobbed quietly, closing his eyes and curling up. Things started cutting out again. Warden was in the cell with sir and he wasn't happy either. And then everything went black and Dream opened his eyes.

Dream looked down at his notepad, hesitating before giving it to Phil. The blonde smiled and thanked the younger, reading through it. "Who's 'sir'?" Phil questioned, stopping everything else when he saw Dream shaking. "Hey hey, you're safe here," Phil muttered, gently holding the ghost's hand. Dream looked at him, and then the other group, and then back to him.

Phil continued reading when the ghost curled up against his side. "So this 'sir' guy, from the looks of it, killed Dream. Was it Sam or Quackity..." Phil asked himself, trying to figure it out. Sure, Sam was the warden of the prison, but there was the possibility that he was also this 'sir' person and Quackity took on the role of warden when Sam was busy?

"..We'll figure this out next time," George decided, looking at the other four. "I need to go sort out some shit-" George started, Bad cutting him off. "Language!" He huffed- he only let them swear earlier because they were emotional. George hummed for a moment.

"Tubbo's being really clingy and telling me to go to him, so- cya later Phil, Big D!" Tommy smiled, standing and waving before running off. The other two left as well. "I'm proud of you, Dream, I really am.." Phil looked at the ghost, who quickly hugged him. "Hey mate?" The kid like ghost looked up at him.

"Want some of those cinnamon buns?" Dream nodded eagerly- he didn't know who made them, or well.. he did. He didn't remember her name though. She did an amazing job though! Phil chuckled softly, leading Dream into the kitchen. Dream quickly sat up on one of the counters, crossing his legs.

Phil grabbed a box out of one of the cupboards, putting it down on the counter and opening it. The ghost smiled even more when Phil gave him one of the buns. The blonde would have to ask Niki and Puffy for some more at some point- maybe ask if they can teach him and Dream. Phil heard a ding from his communicator, pulling it out and reading what had been said.

George had whispered to him asking for him to meet up with them again next Monday. "Hey bud, I'm gonna be meeting up with a couple people on Monday, you can come if you want," He thought he'd see if Dream wanted to come, to let him get used to other areas in the smp other than his and Techno's houses.

The ghost nodded quickly, his mouth stuffed full with the cinamon bun. "Alright, I'll wake you up on Monday and see if you still wanna go, we can get Techno to come as well?" Dream nodded again, swallowing the bun in his mouth. He started choking on a small bit of cinnamon. Phil got him a glass of water- it was kind of weird sometimes.

The inside of his body wasn't harmed by water, but the second he spilled too much on his chin or anything, it stung. "You've had a big day, you should go rest," Dream hummed in agreement. Monday came around, Dream was still happy to go and Techno went purely for Dream's sake.

He wasn't a fan of a lot of people on the server, there were a few who he would put his own life on the line for, but the majority he didn't care for. Dream was one of the few he'd give up his life for, if it was something he had to do. The pinkette kept Dream close as they walked, determined to make sure he didn't get hurt. The ghost didn't mind, it was cold anyway.

By the time they got to the main smp, Dream was on Techno's back- he had been scared to touch the floor in the nether and he didn't trust floating either. "We're here," Phil hummed, looking over to the other two. Dream got off of Techno, looking around a bit. "Don't go too far, alright?" The ghost nodded, smiling.

He was nervous to be somewhere he hasn't been before, around people he didn't know, but he was excited. After meeting other people, he found it not to be as scary anymore. Phil said he still had to be careful, some people might not be a fan of him, but he hadn't met anybody like that yet. He ended up running into Tommy and two others he didn't know the names of.

"Big D!" Dream flinched at the volume but waved anyway, floating a bit above the ground. "Dream? That's you?" The brunette kid asked, looking confused. Dream shrugged- everyone kept calling him Dream, he didn't remember his name so he accepted it. The ghost looked at Tommy, trying to get the blonde to understand the question he wanted to ask.

Eventually Dream huffed and floated off, going back to Phil. "Dream, wait! We- we uh, heard Tommy and you made up and.. if he could forgive you, we want to try as well! Please let us start over.." The brunette called out, making Dream freeze up. The ghost turned to face them. "I'm Tubbo, remember?.. president, nukes, married to Ranboo?" Dream could recognize the last part.

He had never met Ranboo, but Phil and Techno spoke about him from time to time. Dream shook his head, he didn't remember Tubbo. Not even slightly. "..You remember Ranboo though?" Tubbo tried again, Dream shook his head again. He only remembered Tommy before they met when Dream was a ghost, and even then it was very slight memories.

"Oh.. Still.. We want to try again, can we?.." Dream nodded, smiling a bit. Phil worried for no reason, everyone was being so nice. He made his way back to Phil, the trio following him. "Welcome back, Dream," Phil smiled. "Who you got behind you?" The blonde expected Dream to move, instead the ghost did something he hadn't done since they saw him for the first time.

"Fff... frie- friends!" Dream smiled widely, though it faltered a bit when he saw everyone's expressions. Did Dream do something wrong?.. The ghost quickly shrunk back, waiting to be yelled at or hit or something. Instead he was pulled into a hug. "Holy shit, Dream.. that's- that's so incredible," Techno was the first to say or do anything.

Dream looked at the pinkette, smiling a bit again. Phil joined the hug, whispering things like 'I'm so proud' and 'You've done so well'. Dream smiled more, wrapping his own arms around both of them. "Friends," Dream repeated, happy with himself. He managed to say another word! And it made them all happy! The ghost looked towards the others he hadn't noticed.

Bad, George, that ravenette, the lady who made the cinnamon buns, the other lady who helped deliver them, and someone else he hadn't seen yet. They were also blonde. "From left to right, their names are Bad, George, Sapnap, Niki, Puffy and Punz," Phil hummed, pointing at each of them as he said their name. Dream waved, looking at Niki and Puffy for a moment.

Niki made him think of home. He didn't know where his home was, what it looked like, or anything like that. But her presence reminded him of home. Maybe home was with Phil and Techno? Maybe he hasn't found home yet. And Puffy, he couldn't say much other than he had another parental figure right away.

Seeing them for a second when they delivered something and actually being able to look at them were two very different experiences. He could remember Sapnap from the last meeting. And Punz, was it? He... Dream didn't know what he felt when looking at the blonde, it was all mixed up.

"Did you six bring the two suspects today? We will have to talk to them.." Phil questioned, leaning forward slightly. "I got Sam, Sapnap was on bring Quackity," George hummed, leaning back. "He'll be here soon," Sapnap put his arms behind his head. Dream floated off again, looking around him as he did.

The ghost froze when he saw someone standing on the path. They had those eyes, the hands.. Dream felt his breathing quicken -he didn't even need to breathe. The person walked closer, a smile on their face. It wasn't like Phil's, or Niki's, or Techno's, or Tommy's or anybody else's. It was a smile sir would give him..

The ghost pulled at his hair- he heard someone scream. He didn't know who it was, but his throat hurt.. oh. Was he screaming?.. His head felt foggy.. He felt someone's hand on his shoulder and he quickly looked back, the screaming had stopped. "Are you okay? Quackity, what the fuck did you do?" Quackity didn't say anything, just shrugging.

Dream's head hurt.. Why was there so much talking?.. He could see everything fading to black. "Dream? Hey hey, stay with me mate," Phil tried, holding onto the ghost to keep him from falling. Phil took him back to the cabin, telling George about the situation before running back- he trusted the brunette would tell everyone and deal with Quackity.

The blonde set Dream down in his- Phil's - bed. Dream was asleep for far too long to be good.. it had been just over two weeks when the ghost woke up again. It was a convenient time, in some senses. Everyone had been called over an hour before he woke up due to him glowing green. He wasn't awake for long, just long enough to say his most used word.

The ghost smiled and looked at everyone, seeming oddly calm. "..Sorry.." He muttered as he slowly began to fade. It wasn't the kind of fading he'd do when he was going invisible, it looked like he was slowly being swept away through the air like dust. When he was completely gone, a green shulker box appeared where he had just been.

Phil was the first to open it. It had everything him and the others had ever asked for.. It also had a note, Phil picked it up and read it.

'Heya, well, I guess I should be saying goodbye instead

If you and the others are reading this, you probably already know I'm dead now. Well, probably dead.
I thought since, well, we'll never see each other again, I'd try to give you whatever I could!

I wrote this before Sam finished the prison, how's it looking?
I hadn't ever meant for anybody to be put in there, he seemed.. off, without a build or a task to do. You know?

If I was put in there, that's okay! I forgive you all! I messed up, I know that. I wanted you all to be a happy family but.. all I seemed to do was drive people apart.

I'm sorry..

If I'm somehow alive, ignore all of this!

I love you guys, all of you. And I'll miss you, I want you all to take what you want from this box.

If Puffy isn't hearing or reading this, can you tell mama I love her too? I miss her
Ah! I'm running out of space, I'll be off now! I hope you all live good lives! Bye bye'

- - - - - - - - - - -

The end :)

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