Dundynotfound - Requested - Put the phone down

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Dundynotfound (Dream x Fundy x George)
Requested by: Junie_J_Stories
- A bit of panic
- They're all good though
- Pretty short
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Dream ran a hand through his hair as he scrolled through his phone, trying to figure out what everyone was talking about. Apparently he had done something that he couldn't remember for the life of him, and he didn't even know if it was good or bad! None of his friends were answering his messages and he really couldn't find anything. He was looking through all his accounts for something that he did, even going to everyone else's that he knew. He couldn't fucking find anything. Dream heard the door open but didn't bother looking up at who it was.

"Babe, put your phone down.." Fundy spoke softly, sitting down on the bed next to Dream. He could see how much the blonde was stressing about whatever was making him go through his phone this time. Dream ignored him, too focused on finding out what was wrong. Fundy sighed and grabbed his phone, turning it off and putting it on the bedside table. "What's wrong?" Dream looked at the fox hybrid, not doing anything for a few minutes before leaning on him.

"Alright then, we can talk when you're ready." Fundy hummed, holding Dream as though he'd break at the slightest amount of pressure. George walked into the room, gathering from the scene that it was a quiet moment and just sitting down with them. Dream held onto both of them, getting comfortable. George wrapped an arm around both Fundy and Dream, letting his two husbands know he's there for them. A while later, Dream spoke up. "...I did something and I don't know what." He muttered.

George thought for a moment, trying to think of what it could've been. "Oh, you mean that video you wore the suit on? Everyone's still going crazy over that." He shrugged, Dream huffing- that was it? Fundy chuckled softly before pressing a kiss to Dream's forehead. "Whatever.. M going to sleep." Dream puffed, moving so he was laying down on the both of them. "G'night." George smiled, leaning his head on Fundy's shoulder. Dream hummed quietly, closing his eyes. Fundy lifted George's head up a bit, giving him a proper kiss on the lips. He leaned against the head of the bed.

When Dream woke up, he was being squished between two shorter guys- and fuck if he didn't want to stay there for the rest of eternity. It was warm, he was with his two favorite people in the world, and that was all he needed. Plus he was in bed which was a bonus. "Mm, go back to sleep, dumbass.." George muttered, opening his eye just enough to see Dream. The blonde smiled softly, shifting slightly before closing his eyes. George hummed in approval, closing his eye and almost immediately falling asleep.

The next time he woke up, he was curled up in Fundy's embrace. George had gotten up and the fox hybrid had practically wrapped himself around Dream. His head was tucked under Dream's chin and he was subconsciously sniffing at his neck, something he did often. "G'morning baby.." Dream whispered, opening his eyes slowly. He briefly felt Fundy's tail start wagging a little bit, making him smile widely. He looked towards the door when he heard it open. "Which tin was the sugar in?" George asked, giving a quick thanks before walking out when he got the answer.

"You smell nice." Fundy hummed quietly. Dream didn't say anything, gently rubbing behind one of Fundy's ears. His husband really liked head pats, especially around his ears. Dream smiled when George walked back into the room, two mugs in hand. "Coffee and tea." He gave one of the drinks to Dream and the other to Fundy after they both sat up, giving both of them a quick kiss before walking out to get his own mug. "Isn't he just the sweetest?" Dream smiled, leaning his head on Fundy's shoulder.

Fundy agreed, sipping a small bit of his coffee. 

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