No ship - Requested - Well I'm fucked

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No ship (Can be read as dreamnotnap though)
Requested by: Luna_Eclipse_Shadow (Only the start)
- Kidnapping
- Mobs be horny
- No but actually
- R * pe 
- Be safe when reading
- Dream just wants to go home 
- I took this in a bad direction 
- F in the chat ig
- Um, enjoy?
- Cursed as shit
- Ok so the zombie stutters a lot but it's literally a walking corpse
- He's kinda eaten a little bit 
- In reality it all could've been avoided but Gogy and Sap forgot how
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Dream chuckled softly as he pressed the confirm button for travelling to a new world. George and Sapnap had joined earlier and had made progress on building a house. "Dream! Finally!" Sapnap groaned, pulling Dream inside of the house. Sapnap handed Dream some tools and a few blocks to build with.

"Can you go get more stone?" Dream hummed and nodded, walking out of the door and walking to a cave he saw just before he was pulled into the house. George walked into the house and smiled at their progress. "Where's Dream??" George turned to Sapnap, he saw the connection message but hadn't seen the man yet.

"Getting more stone. You worried about him?~" Sapnap purred jokingly. George huffed. "I found some glitch with the code and need his help," The brunette stated, starting to walk out. He froze for a second when he heard a scream, both of them rushing out. They saw Dream trying uselessly to stab an enderman which was carrying him.

It was odd, to say the least, but they didn't have time to process it- they had to kill the enderman, or at least hurt it and get Dream back. They both chased after the mob, eventually managing to kill it. The three all stood there silently for a moment. "...You scream like a girl," Sapnap chuckled, nudging Dream's shoulder.

"That's what we're gonna focus on??" Dream went to continue but stopped himself when he saw another mob coming over. He hid behind George and kept his sword out, that enderman had been enough of a terrifying experience, he didn't need anything else. "Is Dweam scared of a little spwider? Aww~" George joked, although he also kept his sword out just in case.

Sapnap killed the spider. "Is this the glitch you were talking about?" The ravenette asked, keeping an eye out for any other mobs. "Maybe," George shrugged, bringing Dream back to the house. He completely forgot about the cave behind them, leading to another spider getting Dream- there was a small group of zombies as well.

Seriously, what the fuck was this? They both chased after Dream, being about as quick as the mobs, if not a bit faster. Eventually, they ran out of breath and had to stop, only able to watch as the mobs kept running. "Sapnap, do you have the potions?" They had found speed potions in a ruined portal and they would certainly come in handy now.

"Fuck, no- I left them in the chest," George swore loudly, turning back and rushing to the house with Sapnap behind him. They had to be quick, there was no way of knowing where they were going or what they were going to do with Dream, they may kill him, just keep him hostage, or do any number of other things.

 Meanwhile, Dream was still trying to hit something with the sword he had but he had been restrained by another spider's string. What the fuck was going on? "Fucking- let me go! Why isn't George disabling you?!" Dream yelled- George could turn the world's safety setting on. Most people didn't do that unless it was urgent because it couldn't be undone and it limited a lot of things people could do.

Dream tensed up further when he was suddenly thrown to the floor, one of the zombies kneeling down and taking a bite of his shoulder. He yelled and thrashed around and tried to do something, but it was useless. The group of smaller spiders that had built up crawled onto him and also began taking small bites of his flesh.

The weight held him still, but it couldn't stop him from shouting in pain. Dream had lost his sword a bit ago. Dream blacked out by the time he was being picked up again, he couldn't help but wonder in the last moments of consciousness he had, what the fuck were George and Sapnap doing?

When he came to, the first thing he noticed was that some of the mobs around him looked, oddly... he didn't know how to explain it, it looked as though they had a civilisation. Dream could immediately tell that not a single creature around him was a hybrid, if one was he would be able to sense it. One perk of being a hybrid himself.

It made it more interesting, but also terrifying. "Fi..inally aw-awake?" A zombie kneeled down in front of the cage Dream was just now realizing he was in. The zombie could speak? "Sorrr-ry for what J-efferson did to your sssoulder," The mob apologized- it(he?they?she?) spoke surpisingly well, even if it(?) was stuttering quite a bit.

"...Do you un-understannnd engliss?" The zombie questioned. Dream tensed for a moment before slowly nodding. The zombie seemed to smile a bit, though it was hard to tell given the rotting skin which was practically falling off his face. "Speak?" Dream hesitated, should he really talk to something(someone?) that probably wanted him dead?

Well, he'd die anyway. "...Hi," Dream muttered, not taking his eyes off of the zombie. "How rrrude of me.. I d-didn't even ssay my name! I'm Zzzedda," The zombie introduced itself. "..Dream," Dream couldn't stop himself from blurting out his name, it was a habit, he supposes.

"I'm g-going to take you sssssomewheree.. come w-with me," The zombie let Dream out of the cage, although didn't remove any of the restraints. Right, he was still being held captive. Dream slowly pushed himself up, wincing in pain. He decided it'd be better to cooperate for now, he didn't exactly feel like being quite literally eaten alive again.

0/10 experience, he would not recommend it. Dream tried to stay as far away from all the other mobs as he could, there were so many of them. "Thhis is whaat I c-call the Pleaasssuure Prrison," Zedda, the zombie, told him when they both stopped. They were in front of a building, one with way too many windows and bars showing.

The rooms were too dark to see inside, leaving it up to Dream's imagination of what may go on in there. "Ffffollow me," Zedda started walking again, this time into the building. Dream followed them (he still didn't know what to call Zedda), silently taking note of the other zombies gathering around them, they all had at least one piece of armour or a weapon.

"Marrsha will ssssee you soon," Zedda stated, pushing Dream into one of the rooms and closing the door. Dream honestly didn't expect Zedda to do that, maybe get him to go in but not push him. But, he supposes, they aren't friends nor were they anywhere close to it. Dream got himself up again, looking around the room. It was surprisingly clean and unsurprisingly empty.

The only three things in the room that made it different that a box was the massive window, the handcuffs hanging from the cieling and the cloth in the corner. Dream immediately started looking for an escape. The window was way too tough, the walls were solid, there were no holes or cracks or anything, and he couldn't even tell where the door was anymore.

Dream kept looking until he heard a creak, quickly looking behind him and seeing a skeleton. It- he assumed it was a she, based on the structure but he didn't want to assume regardless- waved it's hand, Zedda appearing behind it. "Thhis is Maarsha, she'll be the onee taking care of you," Zedda stated, turning to leave.

"Wait- Why am I here? Can you at least tell me that?" Dream wanted an answer, some kind of reason. "Beecause we wanted you, thhhat's why," Zedda left. Dream looked at the skeleton, not taking his eyes off of her. Well, until another mob walked into the room. A piglin? Why the fuck was there a mob from the nether here?

Dream would've made an attempt to fight if it weren't for the fact the creature was fully armoured. Fuck it, he had to try right? He managed to put up a bit of a fight, even with his restraints. More mobs rushed in and quickly knocked him out, he had absolutely no chance against that many.

When he woke up again, he was in another, bigger room and there were multiple different mobs around him. He tried to subtly look around, hoping he could avoid alerting them while figuring out where the fuck he was. "Ssso you're awake again," One of the mobs hissed, it wasn't Zedda this time. "Don't ressssisst," The same mob hissed, a creeper walking up to him.

"Get away from me- What do you want wih me?!" Dream looked at all the mobs, almost looking at an Enderman's eyes."You're pretty and ssstubborn, we like thhat," The creeper hissed, surprisingly not exploding in front of him. "...What are you going to do?" Dream asked, filled with an overpowering feeling of fear.

The piglin from earlier walked over, pressing the blunt side of it's sword into the back of Dream's leg. Dream only just realized his arms were being held up by handcuffs and chains, his legs buckling because of the sword. "You'll ssssee," The creeper hissed again, walking away for the moment and leaving the piglin to push the blade of the sword slightly into Dream's side, making sure it hurt but didn't cause serious damage.

Dream's breath hitched and he closed his eyes tightly, tilting his head to the side. That turned out to be a bad idea, if the teeth digging into his neck meant anything. He instinctively tried to move away, though he couldn't do anything with how he was held up. 

Sapnap leaned over, his hands on his knees as he panted. "Let's get some rest.. It's getting too dark.." George mumbled, building a quick shack that they could sleep in. "George.. will he be okay?.." Sapnap questioned as he laid down in one of the beds they took with them. "...Let's hope," George turned on his side and let sleep take him, Sapnap following suit.

The second they woke up, they ate and then got back to their journey. They hadn't tamed any horses yet, leaving them to only run on foot. 'What if's filled Sapnap's mind the entire time they ran. What if they didn't find him? What if Dream was already dead? What if there was nothing left of him? What if-

"I can hear you thinking from here, just- have hope," George interrupted his thoughts, obviously extremely worried as well. Sapnap didn't say anything, just nodding slightly as they kept running. They had no idea how far they had to go- they only had the compass.

 Dream shivered as his shirt was cut off of him by one of the skeleton's arrows. One of the mobs had injected him with something, rendering his limbs practically useless. He could barely even move his head on his own. Dream kept spitting out harsh words as his clothes were cut off of him, creatures surrounding him again.

The first mob to touch him was the skeleton, shoving two fingers up his ass. Dream cried out in pain, it was quickly muffled with a slime in his mouth, forcing him to keep his mouth open around it. Dream felt the tears slowly building up as he gagged around the slime.

Dream felt the skeleton's fingers pull out, a relief washing over him for a brief second before something else was forcing itself in. He screamed in pain and surprise, feeling himself being stretched further than he felt he should've been able to. Dream tried to get away, though he couldn't even move his legs at all.

"Ssso good, gonna fill you," The creeper hissed from behind him- oh, oh. Dream knew what was happening now, and he wished he didn't. He wished he could just assume he didn't have a mob's cock in him and it was something, anything else. The chains holding him up loosened a bit, letting his knees properly touch the floor.

Dream felt something shoot down his throat and almost immediately started choking on it, coughing it up the second the slime got out of his mouth. His head was pushed into the floor, exactly where he coughed the stuff up. "Clean it up," The piglin huffed, one foot on Dream's head.

Dream tried to say something along the lines of 'fuck you' but failed miserably as he only managed to cry out in pain again as the creeper thrusted harshly. "Clean it up," The piglin repeated, lifting his head with it's boot and then shoving his head back down.

 Dream closed his eyes tightly and clenched his teeth, trying to avoid getting whatever the fuck that liquid was in his mouth. His head was pulled up, the piglin scooping some of the liquid up with it's fingers and forcing them into Dream's mouth. Dream wanted to spit it out but his mouth was forced shut almost immediately after the piglin pulled it's fingers out.

Dream ended up reluctantly swallowing it, gagging at the taste. "Now that wasn't so hard," Dream spat at the piglin, only to cry out again, the tears finally attempting to escape his eyes. He could feel something running down his legs, he couldn't move to see what it was though.. he doesn't think he'd want to anyway.

Dream dug his fingers into the chains as he was thrusted into again, and again, and again. He wanted it to stop. It hurt. It was humiliating. It was wrong. He didn't like it. He felt something else push in and fuck into him alongside the other.. object. Dream yelled and cursed in pain as the two things expanded inside of him, something filling him.

He could feel extremely small bursts inside him when the creeper behind him pulled out. Everything hurt so much, and yet it looked like the mobs weren't done with him. Dream could already feel another creature behind him, he quickly found out it was an enderman.

Dream kept crying out as he was fucked into, the pace quickly getting faster and harder when he heard a screeching sound from the enderman. It looked into something's eyes, that was for sure. Dream practically screamed as he was ruthlessly fucked into. He took note of something though, he could feel it all so much more than earlier, before he had to swallow that thing from the slime.

Dream didn't have a chance to try to focus on that or ask anything about it when he was suddenly being fucked into from both ends, the piglin from before fucking his mouth.Dream couldn't do anything but cry and scream, and even then, he was starting to lose his voice. It didn't take long for both mobs to release into him, the enderman pulling out quickly after but the piglin staying put until Dream swallowed.

"It's a shame that such a pretty face hadn't been put to use until now," The piglin hummed. This kept going, he wasn't sure how many mobs it had been anymore. He just knew that the last one was a zombie, all the other mobs had left the room- excluding a skeleton who was there for security.

Dream didn't even sob as he was fucked into for the last time, filled with another mob's semen. The zombie bit at his skin as it fucked him, tearing off a small bit when it climaxed. All Dream could do was whimper and whine quietly. The zombie's.. part, hardened and expanded after it filled him. The zombie left after that, but the part was left in. 

"George! Come on!" Sapnap whisper shouted as they continued walking. It was turning day but there were still mobs all around. They saw something... weird, near one of the larger trees. There was a zombie against something, someone. It wasn't attacking whatever or whoever it was, which was the weird thing.

Once it was done doing whatever the fuck it was doing, it moved away and into the shadows. George and Sapnap quickly ran over, finally seeing who it was. "Dream? Holy shit, what the fuck happened?!" Sapnap yelled, quickly reaching to touch Dream. The dirty blonde whimpered softly, whispering some collection of words consisting of 'no more', 'don't want', and something unintelligable.

"Dream?.." George gently grabbed one of Dream's hand. "Too full.. don't want.." Dream repeated, his eyes were glazed over and it was pretty obvious he wasn't all there. George looked down to check if he was injured anywhere else other than his neck and shoulder. He only then realized Dream was completely nude, without his mask and his stomach had a massive bulge.

George properly looked over the other, noticing the dried tears and drool on his face, along with the small bits of blood and.. something George didn't want to think of. His neck was covered in bites and a few bits of ripped skin. His shoulder had a chunk missing, it was a wonder he wasn't still bleeding. There was another lot of that liquid George didn't want to believe was on his friend on his stomach, it had almost completely dried.

And then there was Dream's lower half.. George would be lying if he said he hadn't gagged at the sight. The insides of his legs had.. that.. leaking down him along side a bit of blood and it was painfully clear there was a lot dried up around there as well. There were bruises on his thighs and hips, and around his wrists and ankles.

"Sap, I can't be the one to- I'm not experienced enough, please, please get Phil on the server," George was panicking, that much was clear. Sapnap didn't want to look at Dream anymore if it was obviously this bad, he didn't want to have the chance to notice it all. He quickly invited Phil onto the server and made him get on.

The bird hybrid found them really quickly, Techno was with him as well. The two hybrids rushed over, though Techno had to back away for a moment. Phil quickly got to work on cleaning Dream up, making sure to make sure he explained each part. He knew it was usually more comforting to know exactly what someone was doing.

They took the now sleeping Dream away from that server, collectively deciding they couldn't let him stay there. Phil got Dream into a comfortable bed after making sure that all of the major injuries had been dealt with.

 Hours later, Dream slowly opened his eyes. "Dream?" Phil spoke softly, not wanting to scare the younger. "..Phil?" Dream winced at his own voice. "That's right," Phil smiled, sitting on a chair next to the bed. "How're you feeling?" 

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I'm so sorry T-T 
I come back after a little while only to give you this
I hope you enjoyed this regardless, I'll be back with hopefully less cursed stuff sometime later
Bye bye! Have a good day/night!

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