No ship - Worst, or best? timing

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No ship
Not a request, just another thing my brain told me to write
- Stalker
- Angst
- R@p3
- The police and ambulance get there a bit late
- They were just tryna chill
- I think that's all??
- - - - - - - - - 

He hummed to himself as he slipped on one of his t-shirts, sitting back in his gaming chair and just breathing. Dream sat up a bit when he got a message from someone he had met online about a month ago, asking how he was doing. Dream smiled and texted them back before taking a look at the time. The shops were going to close in an hour and he needed to go buy something to eat for the night- he really didn't feel like cooking, but takeaway didn't sound right.

He quickly got up, pulling his shoes on and starting to walk out of his room. He chalked the weird sound he heard up to the wind, he didn't want to acknowledge that the wind couldn't make that sound. Dream left the house, running over to the shops and looking for something that he felt like eating.

He ended up grabbing a packet of 2 minute noodles, going to the self checkout and paying for them. The blonde made his way back home, silently cursing himself for not getting in his car to get to the shops. He didn't know why he didn't take the car, or even a bike.

Dream groaned as he finally got home, closing and locking the front door behind him. He walked to the kitchen, making the noodles before returning to his room with them. Dream hummed as he sat down, deciding to ignore the fact that the clothes he swears he had on his bed were missing. He was a forgetful person, so he probably just moved them... yeah. He'd stick with that, because there was no evidence of anything else.

Dream ate his noodles, putting the bowl to the side and turning on his computer. He scrolled through discord, checking to see if there was anything he had to do. He saw a dm from Sapnap asking him to be on his stream that was happening in a few days. Dream agreed to it, not having anything planned anyway. Dream talked to the ravenette about the stream for a little while, finding out it was going to be a mixture of games and just chatting. They said their goodbyes before Dream logged off, yawning.

He closed his computer again, getting up and laying on his bed. He fell asleep surprisingly quickly, having another dreamless night. The next morning, Dream groaned as he forced his eyes open, blaming the small noise he heard on his tiredness. He got up, starting his day. The next few days continued like that, he'd talk to his friends in discord, visit his family, ignore the noises he kept hearing because he was thinking he was just paranoid, eat dinner, and sleep.

The day of Sapnap's stream went a bit differently. He got up and got ready as normal, but he grabbed a bottle of water and brought it to his room. Dream stretched a bit before sitting down, logging into discord and going to Sapnap's profile. He got a dm a minute or two later telling him the stream was all set up.

Dream went into the server Sapnap had connected to a vc in, joining it and saying his hello's. He greeted Sapnap and the chat, smiling a bit.He could've sworn he heard someone say hi back, but Sapnap claimed he didn't say or hear anything. Dream shook it off, it was just him still being paranoid! Had to be. Dream joined the first game Sapnap decided to play, Sneegsnag and George joining them.

They played a few rounds of Risk when the chat demanded they play. Sneeg won half of them, Sapnap winning one and Dream winning the other 2. Then they went to play a bit of Minecraft- specifically some parkour challenges and some rounds of pvp. They played a few other games as well, a bit of Chess, Pokemon, a few indie games that were suggested by Chat- it was a blast!

They had been playing for about two hours now, and Sapnap was trying to figure out another game to play. After a few minutes of thinking, they ended up playing Among us. Another group joined their voice chat, playing the game with them. After one or two accidental game code leaks, they finally got into the first round.

Dream got killed in the first five minutes, Sapnap having been one of the two imposters. Niki was the other imposter. The second round consisted of Dream following Wilbur around, doing whatever tasks he had on the way. Wilbur turned out to be the imposter- Dream figured that out when Wilbur accidentally killed Tommy in front of him. Dream stayed quiet, thinking it'd be funnier not to say anything.

By the time someone found his body, Dream was wheezing- he had no idea why he found it so funny, he just did. The imposters lost that round, Corpse had been the two to reveal Wilbur and the other imposter didn't manage to kill the rest before the tasks were completed. Dream told the others he was going to go for a quick toilet break before the next round.

He took off his headphones and muted his mic, just a habit of his at this point, before walking off to the bathroom. He washed his hands, drying them quickly before walking back to his room. He could have expected any number of things- a racoon or something in his room? Patches clawing at his legs for no apparent reason? But an arm suddenly being around his waist while a hand kept him quiet was not something he expected.

Dream tried to hit the person holding him, flailing his arms and trying to use his legs to kick them. He wasn't successful. Dream was thrown onto his bed, almost immediately backing up on it and looking around. How the hell could he get away? How could he get out of this? His phone was next to his computer, but that would take too long. His room was soundproofed and his window was entirely shut so his neighbours wouldn't hear him, his mic was muted..

The only way out was either breaking the window, fighting the person or running out the door. Dream knew the window was too tough to break, though. And he didn't like his chances in a fight. Sure, he was tall and decently muscular but.. This person towered over him and was definitely more fit. Dream tried to make a run for it, going as fast as he could. He almost got to the door but ended up being stopped and pinned to his desk, right next to his computer.

His phone was just out of reach and he didn't have time to call anyone. Dream clenched his teeth and tried to reach for the microphone- it was his only bet. His wrists were immediately held down.Dream froze when he felt a tongue against his neck, his eyes widening. It was so- so disgusting and wet and- Dream tried more desperately to get away. "Fuck off! Get out of my house!! Leave me alone!!" Dream cried, a hand being put over his mouth in response.

He shook as a pair of lips met his neck, starting to kiss and suck. Dream yelled louder, wanting this man to just fucking stop. Make it stop.. Dream couldn't help the sob that escaped his lips, someone please help him. "My love.." The person whispered in between kisses. "I've waited so long, watched for so long.. So, so long.." ...It wasn't paranoia then, or him forgetting. It was this guy. He had been being watched and he had acted like it was nothing.

"And I'd do it again... if it meant I could touch you like this.." Dream shook his head slowly, believing he knew what he meant. "I can't wait.." The man breathed while grinding against Dream's clothed ass. He felt tears coming to his eyes as he kept trying to get away. He didn't want this. Dream could hear his friends asking each other where he was.

Dream wanted to tell them he needed help, he needed someone to call the police, someone to get this guy off and away from him. "If you tell them that you're fine and something came up, dear, I'll be gentle.. Otherwise.. I'll have fun making you bleed~" The guy purred, slowly reaching to unmute the microphone. Dream realised this was his only chance, and as fucking terrified as he was, he needed to tell his friends to send help.

It was that or enduring what the guy had planned for however long it would be for. He could be killed as soon as the guy was done with him! Dream clenched his fists when the person pressed the unmute button for the microphone, gesturing for Dream to talk. "Sap- Sap, call the police right now. I need help I ca-" Dream closed his eyes tightly and cried out when his hair was grabbed and his head was slammed into the desk. He hoped Sapnap understood.

"Dreamy~ I told you to say you were fine." The person huffed, muting the microphone again. Dream didn't say anything other than the occasional, quiet mumbles of 'stop'. He just kept shaking his head- he couldn't do anything now anyway. Dream tried to push the person away when he felt a hand sneak up his shirt, the other still holding Dream's wrists down.

"Leave me alone- please.." Dream didn't want this to happen. He clenched his teeth when his shirt was literally torn off of him, a mouth immediately going to his side. "You're so pretty.. How I wish we had more time.." The person hummed between bites and kisses, the hand that tore his shirt moving to pull his pants and boxers down.

"I suppose I could leave with you, but that wouldn't be any fun.. I'll keep you alive and visit again! That'll be nice.." The person smiled widely. Dream felt a few tears roll down his cheeks when he heard another pair of pants fall to the ground. This was really going to happen.. He felt helpless, he couldn't do anything but scream, yell and cry.

His attempts of escaping were futile, useless. His pleas did nothing. There was nothing he could do. "Maybe I should take a video? It would be nice for future me.." The person thought, grabbing their phone and supposedly starting a video. They put the phone in front of his face and Dream looked away, he didn't want to see it happening.

The person pushed inside him without any warning, anything to make it easier, or anything else. Dream cried out in pain, feeling as though he was being torn apart. "It could've been enjoyable for you if you just listened.." The man sighed after bottoming out, holding Dream's hip tightly. "What do you- hng~ think your fans would say if they saw you like this, hm? If this was your face reveal?" Dream didn't say anything, just crying and yelling in pain still.

Dream clenched his fists and his teeth when he felt the other start moving, trying to limit his pained sounds as much as he could- he didn't want the guy to know how much it hurt. Dream couldn't help the screams that escaped him when the guy started a ruthless pace. Dream swore that he felt something rolling down his legs but he didn't want to think about it.

He dug his fingers into his palms, the tears flowing freely as he was quite literally pounded into. Dream couldn't take this, he just couldn't. It hurt so much. He was getting dizzy, things were getting fuzzy and he felt like he was underwater. He didn't know why but it hurt too much to think. If he tried to, he could hear sirens outside.

Dream didn't try to hear them though, why would he? Dream distantly felt himself slip down to the floor. He could briefly hear crying. Who was crying? There was nobody else around but himself. ..Oh. A hand on his shoulder made him snap back into reality. He flinched away from it and tried to crawl away, only to give up when the pain overwhelmed him.

"Can you hear me? My name is Jania Hugh, I'm with the Police department." She introduced herself, keeping her voice soft and gentle. Dream didn't say anything, just curling up on himself. "Your friend, Sapnap, called us. I'm going to lift you up." Dream kept quiet still, a blanket wrapping around him. He sobbed quietly when he was picked up, though he didn't struggle.

What was the point? If anybody in the room wanted to hurt him, he couldn't do anything anyway. That was made obvious by the other guy, and the way he was lifted up. Dream just stared forward with tears in his eyes as he was laid down on a bed and taken to an ambulance. "Dream? Can you tell me what the person looked like?" Another officer started asking him.

He didn't respond, things were getting fuzzy again. But it felt different. "Leave him alone for prime sakes. Can't you tell he isn't in any condition to talk right now?" One of the doctors huffed before turning to Dream. "We're going to check your vitals, so we'll need to touch you just a bit." Dream nodded slowly, everything was starting to spin. He felt like he was going to throw up.

"Do you feel di-" Dream didn't manage to catch the rest of that as his eyes rolled back and everything went black. He woke up who knows how long later and almost immediately sat up, breathing heavily. Dream regretted it when a spike of pain shot up his back and the bruises on his wrists made themselves known.

Before being told to call the police, Sapnap's POV

Sapnap hummed as he circled one of the boxes in the waiting room, talking to the others. "We should just play another game while we wait." One of them suggested, probably planning something quick. "He won't take that long, surely. Where is he though?" George questioned. Sapnap shrugged.

"He said he was in the bathroom but I dunno. It's kinda worrying at this point." He went to speak again but stopped when he heard the familiar sound of someone unmuting. "D-" He started. "Sap- Sap, call the police right now. I need help I ca-" He muted again after what sounded like a bang. Sapnap froze up for a moment. What?

He ended the stream, grabbing his phone and dialling in the number. "Hi, yes, hello. Um- Send someone to [Insert Address here] please. Dream, my friend, sounds like he's in trouble." He said as quickly as he could, the sooner they started going, the sooner Dream would maybe be okay.

"He's 22, dirty blonde, 6'3? He lives in a tall, mostly grey house. It uh- It has a knocker on the door and only has one house next to it." Sapnap tried to explain when asked questions about both Dream's appearance and what his house looks like.

"No- No, he lives alone. His only company is his cat, Patches." He kept answering the questions, which slowly seemed to grow less and less related to what was happening with Dream. "He's being admitted to Hawkins Hospital now, I've been told he sounds stable." Sapnap thanked the person who answered the call before hanging up, going to his car.

Sapnap started his drive to the hospital, calling George and everyone else to tell him all that he knew. He got to the hospital after nearly a full day, needing to stop halfway to rest. Sapnap immediately got out of the car when he could, running inside and going to the front desk.

"Dream Clayton? Can I visit him??" He asked- if he couldn't, he could wait however long he had to. "Room 392, second floor. Name?" He gave them his name before going to the room."Dream!" 

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