No ship - Let the game begin!

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No ships - Karlnap (Niki and Dream interacting isn't a ship! In this chapter, her and Puffy are married and adopted Dream)
- this is the chapter i warned you about
- Angst
- Torture
- Dream is protective of Snapmap
- Blood
- Broken bones
- Kidnapping
- Inspired by an anime :)
- Trans Dream is referenced however not a focus point ig?
- Mentions of cutting off fingers, whipping, cutting off/tearing off fingernails
- Lemme know any other tws to add!
- Dream literally loses his shirt about half way into it as well as his mask but we don't hear about it anymore x.x
- Momichu
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Dream ran a hand through his hair as he sat down, tired from all the walking and running he had been doing. Sapnap had gone missing last night and wouldn't answer anyone's messages or calls, which was definitely out of character for him. Dream had spent the last hour walking around trying to find anything about where he went.

His phone started ringing in his pocket and he immediately picked it up, answering the call without checking who the caller was. "Hello?" Dream hummed, holding the phone to his ear. "Hello, Daydream. Still searching for your friend, Sapnap?" Dream stiffened, who the fuck was this? How did they know Sapnap was missing?

"I know exactly where he is, he's right here with me!" They exclaimed, laughing maniacally. Dream clenched his fists, taking a deep breath. He didn't say anything, waiting to see what the fuck they wanted. "Aw, don't believe me? Here." He heard a bit of shuffling over the phone before he could suddenly hear Sapnap telling him to stay away.

Dream didn't care if it was a trap, he had to help Sapnap. "Come to the location I just sent you, alone. Or I will kill him." Dream hung up and texted Phil that he was going to the location he was sent, telling him to wait about 20-ish minutes before showing up, just to be safe.

Dream ran to the place he was told to go, shaking slightly. He put his phone back in his pocket as he pushed open the large doors of the warehouse, looking around cautiously. "Finally showed up! Now, we can begin our game! Unless, of course.. You want me to kill him right now?" Dream shook his head slowly, trying to keep from acting out.

There were too many unknowns to fight at the moment. The man grinned widely, clapping. "I'll explain how you play and then we'll start." He waved for people to come out of the shadows, a large group surrounding them now.

"I like to call this game, The weak win. Each round Sapnap here, will decide who we hurt with whatever we propose. Now, you can choose to take it on your own, but if we hurt you it'll be tripled." He explained, walking around as he did. "Understand?" Dream nodded, not daring to speak up yet- he couldn't risk upsetting all of them.

The 'game' was clearly made with Sapnap and Dream in mind, with Sapnap's considerably low tolerance to pain and Dream's overwhelming need to protect him. "Great! We can start then!" He turned around to call over a large, clearly strong person.

"First will be a punch from this guy. I'll give you five seconds to decide who gets it." He sat down on one of the nearby boxes. Dream looked at Sapnap who was clearly too stunned to do anything. That was okay, Dream could take whatever he had to- he healed far quicker than Sapnap anyway. "3... 2... 1-" Dream interrupted the guy, saying he'd take it.

The guy laughed. "Really? Wow, you'd take three punches from him just to protect precious little Sapnap?" Dream nodded, he'd do whatever it takes. "So be it." Dream wasn't expecting it to happen immediately, but he kept his composure nonetheless.

He clenched his teeth as he pushed himself off of the floor from where he had been sent from just one punch. He took the next two with no resistance, keeping his breathing deep and slow so he could try to recover as quickly as possible. "Hmm, why don't we go with something not so.. Physical and violent.

For Sapnap over there, all he'll have to do is let us get rid of his shirt, for you~ Well, I'll let them decide." Dream really wasn't expecting that, he looked over at Sapnap, seeing him tense up and clutch his sides. Oh right, he got some nasty scars from an incident with a withering skeleton a while ago and absolutely despised people seeing them.

But.. no, Dream would do this. Dream would keep doing whatever it took, even if it meant outing himself and letting others see what he never wanted anybody to see ever again. Why would they even go for the clothes? They could just hurt them with knives or something, why this? The man smiled wider at him, as if reading his mind.

"I realized that, well, most of us like women and a little birdie told me some of us would appreciate seeing someone such as yourself, so manly and yet.. So feminine." Dream really wanted to stab him then and there, but no- he couldn't.

He wouldn't risk Sapnap like that. "I'll-" Dream started, only to be immediately cut off by the guy. "Great! Oh, one rule about this though, leave the underwear on- and only three pieces, remember." Dream at least appreciated that, he didn't have to worry about that part. Dream still had his mask on as well, along with both a shirt and a hoodie.

He doubted they'd let him keep the mask, if not only because someone was already searching for the strap that kept it on. Dream mentally cursed when they found it, looking away as best he could with a hand holding his face still.

He briefly felt the cold air hitting his back before a hand reached for the last bit of clothing on his upper half. "What did I say? It's no fun if you go against my rules." The guy huffed, the one behind him groaning but accepting it and moving on.

"Dude! He's actually really pretty- Why didn't we just kidnap him instead? We coulda kept him!" The one holding his chin exclaimed, making Dream turn his head in different ways. "Come on, get away from him- we still have a lot more to go." The guy started, grabbing a knife from one of the others.

"Next is a cut across the back, now who's gonna take this? We won't damage the shirt and you can keep it on, blah blah blah." He explained, shaking his head before repeating his first sentence. Dream went to volunteer again but Sapnap beat him to it, wanting to at least do something to help Dream.

Dream tried to think of some way to interfere, looking around for anything to use. He was held by the arms to keep him still, one person keeping his eyes open and looking and Sapnap. Dream clenched his teeth as he watched the guy lift the back of Sapnap's shirt up, cutting across his back. He left Sapnap's side, going back to being in front of the both of them.

"Alright! Now, for the next one we'll be using a whip! 2 lashes of it and you'll be done. Choose wisely~" Dream immediately volunteered, seeing how Sapnap was shaking a lot just from that cut. Sapnap couldn't take much injury, mainly due to the kind of hybrid he was. He was a blaze hybrid, which attacked from afar and had a barrier around itself to keep from taking damage.

Dream shook his head, it wasn't time to be thinking about that. He was dragged forwards and held against a shipping container, one of three that filled the majority of the warehouse. He forced himself to relax as much as he could as he heard the guy behind him see how the whip felt by lashing nothing.

It sounded like it would hurt, but of course, he already knew it would. He didn't care, if it was for Sapnap he'd take whatever he had to. Dream closed his eyes tightly and clenched his teeth, crying out quietly as he was hit with the whip. He didn't get time to prepare himself for the next one, yelling in pain.

It repeated about 4 more times and Dream was let go, bringing a hand to feel how bad his back might be. He felt blood and immediately decided he was not going to check or think about it whatsoever. "Straight onto the next one! This is a bit cliche but we'll be breaking fingers now!" The guy announced, clapping.

"We'll be letting you decide what fingers to break! Unless, of course, you give us an equivalent injury you'd take." Dream was glad he said that- Dream could work with a broken wrist or a broken arm, but he couldn't work with broken fingers- he couldn't hold things properly if at all when his fingers were broken.

"My wrist." Dream breathed out, just loud enough for the guy to hear. "Hmm?" Dream repeated himself, a bit louder. "Go on then. I'll accept your wrist as a replacement." Dream breathed a sigh of relief, clenching his teeth before breaking his own wrist as smoothly as he could.

He held it tightly, keeping it as still as possible. "Well, I guess since we didn't break any fingers.. Let's mess with the nails! We'll tear one nail off from whatever finger you choose." Dream looked at Sapnap, trying to work out if he had recovered from the cut or not. Dream shook his head, that didn't matter- he had to stick to his promise, even if he didn't ever say it out loud.

He volunteered again, wincing as one of his hands was grabbed and held still. "Great! Since you've volunteered, we won't be using the pliers for this one. Now, which finger?" Dream raised his index finger slightly, closing his eyes and looking away as he felt the blade of the knife on his skin.

He instinctively tried to pull away when the knife was slowly dragged up his finger to get rid of the nail and any skin that got in the way. "I'd recommend staying still for this next one, if you decide to take it for yourself." Dream was pushed to the ground, the skin and the nail that had just been cut off his finger laying next to him.

"Next, you're gonna get this stabbed through your hand." The guy showed off the knife, chuckling as a look of horror washed over Sapnap's hand. Through? All the way through the hand? What the fuck. Even if Dream hadn't already been planning to take every injury that was thrown at them, he would take this one.

He couldn't let that happen to Sapnap, not when the ravenette wouldn't heal from that easily, even with healing and regen potions. Dream would be healed in maybe a month or so without potions, depending on how bad it was. Dream volunteered himself again, not expecting to be pulled up and given the knife.

"Do it yourself, three times. Any less and I'll be adding 3 more stabs~" Dream shook as he placed his hand on the table in front of him, the same one with the missing nail. He raised the knife up and stabbed his hand, crying out as he did. He had to take a deep breath before pulling it out and repeating it two more times.

"And finally, we'll see how much you're really willing to do." Dream was caught off guard when he was pinned to the table, his head being turned so he could see a small group surrounding Sapnap and holding him still while having a knife to his throat. "Let him go, you assholes! I played your stupid game!" Dream yelled, struggling against those holding him down.

"Stop struggling, unless you.. Want your friend to die?" Dream's eyes widened and he stopped struggling- he couldn't let him get hurt more. The guy laughed at how easy it was to keep him still. "Now, let's make quick work of those fingers, yeah? You better be quiet, any scream will get your friend hurt."

Dream bit down on his tongue and prepared himself for the pain, closing his eyes and everything. He held back his scream for the first one, and was ready to do the same for the second. But that never came, instead, a pair of arms wrapped around him. He opened his eyes and saw that the guy was on the ground with the people holding him down.

Dream looked over at Sapnap and saw Phil helping him up and handing him a healing potion. "Dream.." He heard Niki say softly, holding him close. There weren't many people there, only himself, Sapnap, Phil, Niki and Karl. He was grateful that Niki went with them though.

"Ma..." Dream muttered, tears building in his eyes. "It's okay baby, I've got you now. You're safe, my little boy." Dream turned around and hugged her tightly, not even concerned about the blood anymore. He just had to hug his mother, the one who never hurt him. Niki mostly let go of him, only keeping an arm around him as she called for Phil to get over there.

The blonde rushed over, taking note of Dream's condition. "You really are such a great friend, Dream.." Phil muttered as he realized what must have happened. Dream had clearly protected Sapnap, otherwise he couldn't understand why the fuck Sapnap would have a cut on his back but nothing else.

"Niki, regen and health potions won't do anything but heal the bruises and maybe help his wrist." Phil warned her, passing two potions to Dream which he quickly drank. "I know, but.." Niki trailed off, watching Dream wobble on his feet slightly.

"Let's get him to someone's house, so I can treat him properly." Niki nodded, ignoring the protesting sounds Dream made as she picked him up. Phil stared for a moment before shaking his head, not wanting to question how she could pick up Dream, a well built, tall guy. 

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