No ship - We could've found another way

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No ship!
Once again, not a request!
- Suicide
- Death
- Two enter, one leaves but written
- Cringe x.x
- Short
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dream smiled softly as he wrapped an arm around Sam, going on about all sorts of things he had on his mind. Sam listened happily, giving his opinion every now and then. They had just left a party together, both having had enough of the constant yelling.

Sam brought up something that happened while they were there and they both started laughing, one suddenly stopping. Dream looked at Sam who stopped moving, quickly collapsing. Dream looked around quickly, only to feel a prick in the side of his neck followed by the word 'Goodnight'. The next thing he knew, he was on the ground and everything went black.

Dream gasped as he awoke, looking around him quickly. Sam was on the floor, still unconscious. He didn't have his jacket on anymore, neither did he. Huh. The room was blank, the only thing special about it being the camera in the corner.

Well, and the chain around both his and Sam's necks. They were connected, and there was a note hanging off of both. Dream woke Sam up, shaking him until he finally opened his eyes. "Eh..? What- Dream!" Sam obviously had forgotten the events from earlier for a moment. Dream smiled slightly at him, hoping it would help him remain calmer.

Sam glanced around them frantically, setting his eyes on Dream and not looking anywhere else. Dream grabbed one of his hands, keeping his small smile. "We'll get out of here, Sam." Dream assured him. Dream would help Sam escape, no matter what it meant for himself.

He stood up, letting go of Sam's hand to read the letter. "Two enter.. One leaves? The chain will only be unhooked once one of you has died." Dream read outloud. "All potential weapons or tools to aid your escape have been removed..?" He finished, holding the paper tightly. Neither of them were up to even consider killing each other.

Dream made his decision after their first supposed day of being trapped there. Sam had already gone to sleep so it shouldn't be an issue. He grabbed the chain and wrapped it around his neck as tight as he could before pulling himself up- he only just managed to wrap the chain around the pole kind of thing above them.

Dream tried to be as quiet as he could despite choking, tears coming to his eyes as he kicked his feet. Black spots began to appear in his vision and soon, he couldn't move his feet anymore, he couldn't see anymore either.

Sam woke up to having more space to move. The chain wasn't even connected to him anymore! Whoever was watching them must've gotten sick of waiting. Awesome! Sam thought it was a miracle, turning to celebrate with Dream.

"Dream! C'mon! Let's g-o.." Sam covered his mouth at the sight of his friend's body hanging from just next to him. He undid the chain, shaking Dream repeatedly. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't be! Sam just sat there for what felt like eternity until he picked Dream's body up, sniffling as he carried it out of the place they had been locked in. 

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