CWT - Requested - A stripper and his bartender boyfriend

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CWT/Corpsewastaken (Corpse x Dream)
Requested by: kashzandraclaire
- Daddy kink go brr
- Uh, well it's smut
- Pole dancing also go brr
- Lots of things go brr
- Anyways
- I think that's literally all the warning you need
- I gave up on the pole dancing description, I'll paste the link to the video at the bottom
- Clay is the name he uses at his job

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Dream looked at himself in his phone, fixing his hair as best he could. It was only a bit messy, but Dream still preferred fixing it up a bit. He had a performance in a couple minutes. Dream put his phone away, leaning forwards and onto the bar. "Hey pretty boy," Dream smiled at the name the bartender used for him, and only him.

"Hey beautiful," Dream purred at his friend. Corpse smiled at him, checking to see if anybody new was sitting at the bar waiting for a drink- nobody, good. "What brings you to a place like this?" Corpse questioned- he wasn't being serious, they both worked there and had for at least a year.

That had lead them to becoming friends and then, because of an accidental walk in, friends with benefits. "Mm, I dunno.. I was bored, and heard there were some very active men around here," Dream hummed in response, hoping to get a reaction from Corpse. Dream smiled and pushed himself back up. "I start soon," Was all Dream said before walking off.

Corpse watched as he left, only averting his gaze when someone else sat down. Dream took a deep breath, checking the time before walking into one of the staff only rooms and slipping off his jacket. As much as he would've loved to walk around without it on, he had to keep it a surprise for the audience, as always, and he didn't have much time before his performance.

So he couldn't have people who were particularly interested offering a dance or inviting him back to their place. He would always decline requests for him to sleep with someone, no matter how much they may offer- he wasn't interested in doing it with people he didn't know, especially not just for money.

Dream shook his head to himself, he'd much rather focus on his performance rather than those offers. He waited by the entrance for the stage, he'd wait until someone told him it was his time. Dream had gotten his job a year ago, and he became one of the most popular in the club. He was a stripper, or an exotic dancer- he did pole dancing, he found that the most fun.

Dream had gotten countless job offers to go to a different club, but he had multiple reasons behind rejecting them all. First of all, he enjoyed this club, he knew some of the people and it made conversation easy. He knew the manager personally as well, and that was always nice. His biggest reason that he hadn't told anybody about, was Corpse. Even if he hated the club for some reason, he'd always stay there as long as Corpse was still working there.

Dream shook his head to himself once again, silently cursing at how much he was thinking before a performance- he didn't need to reason with himself as to why he stayed at the club. Dream hummed when he heard his stage name be called, looking in the direction. "Clay!" They called again, his stage name being used instead.

He chose the name Clay as a joke and it ended up actually being the name he was mostly known by. "Mmm?" Dream hummed again, smiling at them. "You go on in a minute, they're just doing a quick check to make sure the pole isn't loose," Dream nodded. "Thank you," They nodded back, quickly turning to leave.

"Ah! Hey! If you're not busy, can you ask the boss to give me a week off?" Dream asked- he would go himself, but with any luck, his performance for the day would allow his plan to continue. Dream worked in a certain part of the club as well, he was -though he didn't like to acknowledge it- the main source of money the club made, the drinks were the only thing that earned more money than him.

Dream waited to be called onto the stage, walking out and waving at everyone watching when he did. He blew a kiss to one of them, chuckling to himself at how the small group in that one area started fighting over who it was to. Dream had already done his usual warm ups- he did it while he was waiting to go on.

He laid down in front of the pole, on his side. Dream moved so his legs were on top of each other and bent behind him, closer to the pole, and so that his left elbow was holding his upper body off of the ground. His right hand was on the floor. The floor was cold but it wasn't unbearable, besides- he'd be longing for that cold feeling when he finished his performance.

Dream waited for the music to start, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before smiling at those watching him. He purposely avoided looking at Corpse- he wanted the man jealous and/or annoyed, and he was going to get it. About four seconds after "Human" by 'Rag'n'Bone Man' started playing, he turned his head and let his top leg straighten out in front of him.

Straight after he did that, he moved it back- keeping it straight- and then brought it up so his foot was near his head for a moment. He then lowered it again, bending it half way down. He straightened it in front of him for a second time before letting it rest on top of his other leg again, still completely straight.

Dream pushed himself so he was sitting up, using his right hand to do so. He moved his left hand to keep him up as he raised his other one above him, grabbing the pole behind him. He completely straightened his left arm while moving his body to be further away from the ground. The sides of his legs weren't touching the floor anymore, his left knee still touched the floor but his right leg was fully extended, only his toes touching the floor.

He bent his upper leg back again, turning with it until he was on his other knee and on the opposite side of the pole. Dream kept his hand on the pole as high as he could reach as he stood up, keeping his right leg bent and leaning back- his left leg was completely extended. He had his other hand on the floor when he was first getting up, dragging it up his leg as he stood.

Dream threw his head back as he lifted his upper body from being bent over. He moved his hand on the pole a bit higher, his left behind him as he went through with his next movement. Dream straightened his right leg fully, quickly stepping forwards and bringing his arm forwards before he stepped with his right leg and spun about a third around the pole.

Dream quickly lifted himself up, reaching as high as he could on the pole with his right hand- he moved his left to be around shoulder height while in the air. He raised his legs as he spun, moving one foot -his left one- to be on the pole with his knee bent and the other leg once again, fully extended.

He let go of the pole with his left hand and brought it away from the pole, running it through his hair for a moment before moving it back and letting his left foot move away from the pole, quickly going to the floor. He spun a bit more before bending his left leg, swinging his right one out behind him and lowering his body with it- his hands sliding down the pole.

He did that for about a second before dragging his right leg back towards him, bending the knee and arching his back- all part of his performance. He could see that they were enjoying it so far. He straightened his bent leg and spun- he grabbed the pole low with his left hand and swung his right leg out. Dream quickly put it back on the floor, his left foot going back and past his right.

He let go of the pole with his left hand, bending his right leg and letting his left fully extend behind him. He reached in front of him with his left hand, smiling as he blew a kiss to one of the audience members. He lifted his right leg, letting it join his left leg before using his hand still on the pole to spin himself so his chest was to the pole.

Dream grabbed the pole with his left hand again, keeping it just a bit below his right as he continued to spin a bit more. He stopped when he was on the other side of the pole once again, his left leg fully out in front of him while his right bent behind him. Dream allowed himself to lower a bit so his knee was on the floor, his highest hand letting go of the pole.

He bent his upper body back before bringing it up and using his left leg to lift himself- along with the hand still on the pole. He went through each motion smoothly and without mistake. Throughout his performance, Dream took a moment every time he could to wink or wave at someone in the audience- he knew how to make that certain someone jealous, and he could see it was working.

Dream continued his performance until the music came to an end, bowing with that smile that never left before walking off the stage. He wiped off the sweat on his forehead with a cloth one of the other performers who were getting ready to leave for the night had handed him. Dream thanked them of course, promising to give it back after he cleaned it- they told him to keep it.

Dream considered getting changed before walking out but ultimately decided against it, knowing that someone would find it harder to restrain due to the clothes. He grabbed his bag of stuff and walked out, going to the bar again. Dream made it a point to flirt with whoever came up to him for a bit, knowing Corpse would be watching.

Dream waited until someone announced that the club was closing for the night before standing up with his bag. Dream looked at Corpse and watched him do the same. "Tell Karl you're staying at a friend's house," Corpse whispered into his ear once they were close enough. Almost instantly, the blonde pulled out his phone and texted Karl.

Karl usually picked him up from the club- he always claimed it wasn't a problem since he didn't live far anyway. Karl usually stopped to say hi to Sapnap or Quackity on the way back to his own house anyway, so he was happy to do it.

Dream would do it himself but he had no way of telling if he was going to drink that night or not, Karl said he enjoyed listening to Dream ramble for the entire trip about either someone who he wouldn't name or something that happened at the club that day. Dream put his phone away after he texted the brunette.

 Corpse took his hand and started walking out of the club, leading Dream to where his car was. Dream got in without speaking, desperately trying to keep his hands to himself during the ride- as much as he didn't mind doing it in the car, he didn't want to have to walk much afterwards, not today at least, and he wasn't keen on sleeping in the car.

Corpse seemed to agree, considering he was obviously struggling to restrain himself as well. The second they were inside Corpse's house, the door was shut and Dream was pinned against it. Dream immediately wrapped his arms around the others neck, kissing him. Corpse kissed him back, one of his hands grasping at whatever possible.

The younger of the two pulled away from the kiss. "Not against the door, please," Dream whispered, smiling when Corpse pulled him into a different room. The kitchen. The bedroom was the furthest from the front door. Dream was lifted onto a counter this time, despite being the taller one. He chuckled a bit.

"You're so impatient, Corpse~ You'd take me anywhere, hm?" Dream looked down at him, fighting off a shiver when he saw his eyes full of hunger and lust. "Dream," Corpse warned, his hands spreading Dream's legs so he could stand in between them. "Is it because of the flirting? Are you jealous?~" Dream purred, feeling how Corpse's hands tightened around his legs.

"Dream," He warned again, louder and more stern this time. Dream just smiled, flinching a bit when Corpse bit his thigh harshly, only just too soft to make him bleed. "What are you, a zombie?" Dream joked- it fit his name. Corpse didn't respond, simply biting down again on his other thigh, hard enough to make it bleed this time- not much though.

"Bedroom," Was all Dream had to say before he was being pulled to the bedroom. Corpse pushed him down onto the bed, making quick work of the younger's clothes. Dream unbuckled Corpse's pants, about to pull them down when Corpse grabbed the belt he had previously had on and tied Dream's hands together.

Corpse had already taken Dream's top off, so it wasn't a problem for him. "Corpseee!" Dream whined, though he was quickly shut up by a kiss followed by a harsh bite on his shoulder. Despite how he acted sometimes, Dream enjoyed the pain, he enjoyed being tied up even just a bit, he enjoyed looking at marks that Corpse had left on him.

Corpse knew all of this- they spoke about this after their first night spent like this. They decided to label their relationship as friends with benefits after discussing- neither wanted to stop doing it, and even if people found out, they didn't care too much. Corpse forced Dream out of his thoughts by two fingers roughly being pushed into him.

Dream hissed at the sting, though he actively pushed his hips down to get more. Dream moaned quietly when a third was added, a scissoring motion quickly set in place. Over time, Corpse slowly got rougher with the prep- he knew that if Dream found it too painful, he'd speak up.

"Just put your dick in already!" Dream cried, the fingers weren't enough- they definitely sent pleasure through him, but knowing what else he could have in him made him long for it. "Who's impatient now?" Corpse whispered into his ear, though he wasted no time in pouring lube on his dick. Dream hadn't even noticed when his pants came off, but that wasn't an issue to him.

Dream cried out as Corpse started pushing in. He was always careful with the first action. "So big, Corpse~" Dream never failed to mention how Corpse was larger than average. Corpse groaned at how Dream tightened up around him, resisting the urge to fuck into him hard. He wanted to make sure Dream wasn't having one of those days- the days where he needed to be reassured he was cared for but only telling him when they're in bed together.

He highly doubted it was, considering Dream seemed to of been purposefully trying to make him jealous. He wasn't going to take any chances. Dream waited for Corpse to keep moving, growing impatient. "I wonder if any of them would be up to getting in bed with me.." Dream hummed, knowing how Corpse would react.

The older grabbed Dream's hips tightly as he got straight to work on setting his brutal pace for thrusts. Dream's fingers dug into the sheets beneath him, moaning, groaning and crying out as he was fucked. "What's- ngh~ my name?" Corpse panted out, not slowing down in the slightest. Dream arched his back, not giving him a response.

Corpse wasn't happy about it, slapping Dream's thigh as he kept thrusting. Dream yelped at the sudden sting on his thigh- the one that wasn't a bite. "I asked you.. ha... what's my name?" Corpse repeated, feeling sweat already building on his forehead. It was hot, with both their body heat being shared but also how warm the day had been.

"Corpse~!" Dream cried out, it was hard to tell if he had even heard the question. Corpse slapped him again, harder. He saw the red handprint already. "Wron-ng~!" Corpse cut himself off with a moan, shit Dream felt good. "Mmn!" Dream didn't try to answer the question again, getting distracted by the pleasure, pain and the feeling of being so full.

Corpse grabbed Dream's chin, forcing the blonde to look in his eyes. "I asked you a question," Corpse managed to keep his voice unbroken, slapping Dream's thigh once again with the hand that was on his hip. Dream felt oddly exposed when Corpse made him look him in the eyes while Dream was moaning at being filled by Corpse's dick.

"Say it," Corpse growled, knowing Dream knew what to say. Dream was just being stubborn, he saw the act fall when he hit that one spot. Dream's back arched again, his eyes closing tightly as he cried out what Corpse wanted to hear. "Oh god~! Daddy, please!" Dream didn't even notice the name.

Corpse wrapped one of his hands around Dream's neck, holding it tight enough that he feels it, but it doesn't block his airflow much. He sped up somehow, the entire bed rocking with them. "Corpse! Daddy!! Please! I'm gonna-!" Dream cried out as he came, Corpse not faltering whatsoever. The taller squirmed under him, begging Corpse to fill him with his cum.

He wanted to be filled, he wanted to feel the remains of the night even after Corpse pulled out. Corpse groaned lowly as Dream tightened around him again, causing him to release inside the man. He panted as he did, pulling out when he was done. Dream was expecting Corpse to untie him so they could clean up, instead he was flipped onto his front and the brutal pace returned.

Dream gasped and went to 'complain' about how mean Corpse was, though Corpse slapped his ass and forced him away from his thoughts again. Dream practically sobbed as Corpse hit his ass again, still fucking into him. "Daddy!~" Dream cried, a pair of teeth connected to his neck. Corpse pulled away slightly, though kept his face near where he bit.

He wanted to watch it bleed while Dream got fucked mercilessly. "Dream," Corpse breathed out, pressing a soft kiss on a part of Dream's neck before biting there, he knew how much Dream loved to look at the marks. Corpse loved leaving them. Dream cried out a warning as he felt himself growing close again, Corpse didn't slow down, he didn't speed up or fuck into him harder or deeper, he kept it the same- that's how Dream knew this was going to go on for longer.

Corpse kept littering bites across Dream's skin, licking over any ones he had bit too hard or made bleed. Corpse felt himself twitch inside of Dream as he kept fucking into him. Dream's fingers dug into the sheets again as he came on himself and, again, the sheets. "Daddy! Oh god~!" He sobbed. Corpse kept moving as fast as he could, only stopping when he was cumming inside of Dream.

"Corpse~ At this rate you're gonna manage to give me your babies," Dream joked, looking back at Corpse. The older didn't say anything, moving so he was lower on the bed. Dream didn't understand what he was doing until he felt that oh so amazing sting of being bitten, just, on his ass this time. He whined.

"You're so mean to me," Corpse still didn't respond with anything, making Dream determined to get a reaction- he knew the perfect way to do it. "Daddy~" Corpse almost immediately forced Dream's legs further apart, licking at his hole. "Corpse! That's gro- oh~" They'd done this before, multiple times, but Dream refused to not complain about it.

Unless he was feeling really into it that day, of course. Corpse pulled away from his ass for a moment. "You love it," And then he continued his attack, holding Dream's hips- he let go of his legs. The dirty blonde instinctively tried to close his legs, leading to him keeping Corpse stuck there- not that the man minded.

Dream sobbed and whimpered, oversensitive from his second orgasm. Corpse didn't care, Dream wasn't using the safe word, nor their tap system. "Corpse! Daddy! Please, show me some mercy!" Dream pleaded, his breath hitching when Corpse's tongue pushed deeper. The older eventually let go when Dream was sobbing, due to a third release.

"Corpse- Please, I can't take anymore-" Corpse pulled away from his lower body, pressing kisses up Dream's back. "You can and you will," Corpse stated, slowly pushing inside again. If Dream didn't use one of his safety methods, then Corpse wouldn't stop. Dream had told him not to listen to Dream when he begged for him to stop- unless he says he forgot the safe word, which hasn't happened.

"Corpse! No nonono- Too much!" Dream sobbed, not making any move to push him away. "Be a good boy and maybe, maybe next time, I won't have to be so rough," He growled out in response, referring to all the flirting earlier. "Still think you wanna sleep with them? Hm? Do you think they could fuck you as good as me?" Corpse was getting more verbal, meaning they were probably going to be done soon.

Dream sobbed and whimpered as he shook his head. "Well?" Corpse pulled on his hair while slapping his ass again, watching the skin jiggle. "No! Daddy- They couldn't!" The younger cried, his entire body shaking. Corpse settled for that, quickly growing into an inhumanely fast pace. "Daddy! It hurts! Please!" He cried, tears on his cheeks.

"Too much!" He kept repeating, though he never use their safe word. If they went for another round, he'd probably have to. Dream practically screamed when he climaxed but nothing came out, Corpse finishing inside him with a groan. "Can I move?" Corpse asked, knowing that sometimes after a night like this, Dream needed to recover a bit before he could pull out.

Dream slowly nodded, shaking a lot still. Corpse slowly and carefully pulled out, helping Dream onto his side. "You're so meannn.. my ass hurts," Dream complained, wincing at the idea of standing. "We need a bath," Corpse hummed, carefully picking Dream up from the bed and carrying him to the bathroom.

"Will you forgive me?" Corpse asked while filling up the bath. "Mmm, dunno yet~ Maybe a kiss would help," He hummed, pretending to think. He smiled when he got a quick kiss. "Yes, yes I will forgive you," Corpse smiled and gently lowered Dream into the bath, getting in with him. "Dream.." Corpse started, looking to the side.

"Mn?" Corpse blushed as he tried to figure out how to word his wants. "...Will you uh, be more than my friend...? My-my boyfriend, I mean," Corpse stammered- Dream found the change in attitude adorable. "Fucking finally man! I was waiting for you to ask me that!" Dream exclaimed, wincing at the slight burn in his throat. "Is that a yes..?" Dream rolled his eyes.

"Idiot. Of course it is,"

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I'm really sorry this took a little while, and that it's not great
I think I'm nearly done with the requests so I'll probably start writing more uh, angsty or sickeningly fluffy stories 
What do you guys think of crossovers? (A fandom meeting another fandom, A character being a character from a different fandom, etc etc)

I hope you enjoyed! Bye bye! I love you all! Have a great day/night! <3<3

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