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A streak of sunlight was hitting my face. Damn it, why wasn't the curtain fully closed. I was to lazy, the sun would eventually move and the sunlight would be off my face. I groaned and closed my eyes harder, trying to block more of the light.

I heard some movements near the bed but again I was to lazy to open my eyes. Suddenly the curtains swooshed and sunlight disappeared.

The bed dipped a little right by my side and a hand stroke my hair gently.

"Hmmm" I moaned. It felt nice.

"I have to go." I heard his soft voice say.

I hummed again and he continued to stroke my hair, I was still sleepy so I wasn't totally registering what he was saying.

"I wrote my number in a paper, it's under your phone. Give me a call when you wake up, ok?"

I hummed in response and he chuckled.

"I'm taking that as a yes." he leaned in and kissed my cheek. I drifted back to sleep so I didn't see him leave.

I woke an hour later, my head felt a bit cloudy from the lack of sleep. I sat-up in bed and reached for my phone to check the hours. The plans I had for the morning went bust, I didn't have enough time for them now.

I decided it was best walk around Seoul and focus on finding a good restaurant to eat. Maybe I could rent a bike, I saw some people using it yesterday and seemed fun. I needed to get up and get a coffee first of all. Coffee is life people!

I noticed a little piece of paper on my lap, the writing was neat and beautiful, it was a phone number. Then it hit me, it was JK's. Flashbacks of last night ran wildly through my mind. His lips, his voice, his body on mine... Damn I was starting to get horny just thinking about it.

I look at the piece of paper, pondering whether I should call him or not. Did he want me to call? He did right? Otherwise why leave the number? But what did it meant calling him? I barely knew him. Was he expecting for us to have sex again? What did last night meant to him? What did it meant to me?

I shook my head to get the thoughts out of my head, I didn't want to go there and think about how I felt about last night. I was just overthinking everything. I didn't came to Korea to second guess stuff, I came to relax and distance myself from drama. So with a grunt I pushed those thoughts aside, stood up and went to take a shower.

The weather in Seoul was mild, so I wore a tie die crop sweater, matching sorts and my black converse. I found this little restaurant, apparently it was one of those hidden gems in the city and I was sitting by a window waiting for my food. Outside people walked by, going about their busy lives. I could see myself living here. This atmosphere was so in tune with me. I had managed to rent a bike and riding through the streets felt so familiar to me, it seemed like I just fit in. But all the while my mind kept getting back to him.

I wondered what he was doing. What he was wearing. Who was he with. I unblocked my phone and my finger hoovered hesitantly over the call button, his number showing up on screen. My thoughts were interrupted by the girl bringing my food. I blocked my phone and decided to focus on the food, I'm a better thinker with food on my stomach.

After lunch, I went on to explore the city. I tried to keep my mind occupied with the sights, the little stores and gardens. However the thought of him never leaving my mind.

"A grande coffee frapuccino, two extra shots of coffee, oat milk and whipped cream please." I asked the barista.

The day gotten a hotter, I needed a drink to cool down and a good dose of coffee too. I sat under a tree on this small park near the coffeeshop, again I unblocked my phone. I took a big sip of coffee and pressed call.

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