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I scroll through my phone, there is so much content about BTS that I just don't know where to start. Everything from official content to fan made, you have it all. I decide to start with some videos about who they are and how they started, because some background would definitely be helpful.

Jungkook isn't keen on me doing this but in order for me to digest all that happened I need to have some context. One thing that I came across consistently is how hardworking they are and how they surpassed many obstacles to be where they are now.

I listen to some of their music, very eclectic I would say, although I don't understand the lyrics the melodies are catchy. Taehyung's voice did the trick for me, specially his solo songs, what a dream! Of course, I wouldn't admit this to Jungkook.

As I read more articles and watch more videos, I feel myself going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. Their fans are definitely dedicated, there are videos with the translated lyrics of their songs, with the explanation of music videos, about their personalities, about their achievements. some are funny other are more serious.

I watch one where the restrictions of the KPop industry are mentioned, it peaks my curiosity and I decide to search about it. I'm instantly surprised by the level of restrain and how strict the labels seem to be.

Did Jungkook really go through all this stuff I'm reading before becoming this superstar? Some things seem a bit excessive but I don't know how much of it is truthful.

I click on an article about the dating life of KPop stars. Apparently it is non-existent, the article even claims some labels prohibit the artists from dating. The sole propose is to objectify and sexualise the artists as much as possible, in order to keep the fans engaged. Well that is a bit too much in my opinion. Aren't we talking about real people? They should be able to live their personal lives as wished.

The article also references a male KPop star that had recently revealed that he had a girlfriend and the amount of backlash he received from the fans blew my mind. His career suffered from it. I couldn't help but wonder if this also applied to Jungkook. Of course I know artists had an image to protect, that is also the case in western countries but it doesn't reach this level.

I look out the window. The day is gloomy, but bellow the streets are buzzing with people. I really like days like this, more than the bright ones. I take a sip of my latte, thinking that what I've seen so far about the KPop industry makes me feel extremely protective of Jungkook. I feel sad with the thought of him not been able to make his own decisions and just be himself. I wish I could just take that all away.

"I asked you not to see those." He leans in from behind me.

I turn around to check the best view on earth. Jungkook out of the shower, with his hair wet and towel hanging low on his hips. He's definitely going to be the death of me.

"Hello! You there?" He waves is hand on front of my face.

"Sorry, you just look like a total snack." I say licking my lips unconsciously.

"Why are googling this stuff? It's full of lies." He looks upset now. "If you want to know anything just ask me."

I stand up, putting my arms around his shoulders and rubbing my nose on his.

"I'm sorry. Don't be upset." I peck his lips. "I won't look at it again. I promise."

He nods and hugs me tightly.

"Can I at least Google images of you?" My voice his muffled by his strong shoulder.

"Why? You have me right here." He pulls back and stares at me.

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