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"Don't look so worried." Jungkook chuckles.

I watch nervously as the elevator floor numbers climb up. In a few moments I will be meeting the boys.

"What if they don't like me?" I say biting my lower lip.

"I already told you, they will love you. All that matters to them is that I'm happy." he gives me a reassuring smile. My number one, shows his cute little dimples, making me think about how I just want to eat him up.

"But there's the chance we don't get along. Maybe it's too early for me to meet them..." I feel hesitant about meeting them.

"You're leaving in two weeks. Any later and you're on the other side of the world." he interrupts me.

The elevator pings ominously, indicating that we reached our floor. The doors open and this handsome guy appears in view. He smiles widely and locks eyes with me, instantly I recognize the most gorgeous face on the planet: Taehyung.

"Hi guys!" he says cheerfully. Wow even is talking voice is pure honey.

I just stand there overwhelmed by his beauty. Like Jungkook said, he is that good looking even in real life. I don't speak a word, until I feel Jungkook poke my arm.

"Hey! Are you listening? This is Taehyung." Jungkook says slightly annoyed.

"Oh of course. Hi, I'm Zoe. Nice to meet you." I smile at Taehyung.

"Nice to finally meet you." he smiles widely and bows, before saying something Korean to Jungkook and getting in the elevator.

I stare at the closing doors, feeling disappointed that he is leaving.

"Don't worry he'll be back. He just forgot something in his car." Jungkook grabs my hand and pulls me towards a bench where we take off our shoes. He is clearly pissed. "Here you can use these slippers."

I put on the slippers he gives me and stand up. He makes is way towards a corridor that leads us from the foyer and down the apartment. He walks away without looking at me. But before he can get any further, a grab his wrist and pull him so he faces me.

"I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting to see him right away. I was little blindsided by....well by his face." I snake my arms around his neck pulling our bodies closer. "You're still my number one and my favourite."

I peck his lips repeatedly, as well as his cheeks, nose and forehead. I go back to his lips and he finally kisses me back, showing me that he isn't mad anymore.

"Jaykay!" a raspy loud voice interrupts us. I pull apart quickly. Now I'm a little embarrassed by being caught kissing Jungkook.

The boy approaches us and gives Jungkook a hug. With his arm still around Jungkook's shoulder, he looks at me with a bright smile. I on the other hand am so embarrassed, that the first time he saw me, I was kissing Jungkook that I only manage a small smile.

"You must be Zoe." I nod and he continues "I'm Hoseok."

He has little dimples when he smiles, which makes him look even more approachable than he already sounds.

"Nice to meet you." I reply.

"C'mon. Let's go inside." Hoseok waves his hand for us to follow. Jungkook grabs my hand and pulls me down the corridor. We reach this massive open area that compiles the living room, dining room and kitchen all together. Behind this huge kitchen island another guy stires a pot. It smells, really good I have to admit.

"Jin hyung, JK is here." Hoseok happily announces.

Jin looks up and says something in Korean. He seems to be scolding Jungkook but I'm not sure. "Jin hyung this is Zoe. Zoe this is Jin." Jungkook says as we approach the kitchen island.

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