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"Are you sure you can drop me at the hotel?" I give him my bag that he puts in the trunk of his car.

"Of course! We are both going to Seoul, there's no need for you to take the train." he replies closing the trunk. "Besides that way we keep eachother company."

We get in the car, it's not going to be a long drive but I feel nervous eitherway. First of all, chit-chat definitely isn't in my DNA and secondly being in such a tight space with him is making me anxious. Maybe it is the undefined status of our relationship that makes me feel that way. I don't know how to act, because I don't know what we are. If JK is feeling the same way, he isn't showing it.

"Ready?" he asks starting the car.

"Yup." I smile, trying to shut down my inner thoughts and act like a normal human being.

As the car starts moving, I see the hotel getting smaller and smaller in the review mirror. Overall I found the place extremely peaceful and really enjoyed the hikes. Maybe I should come back before leaving Korea. I make a mental note to think about it later on.

The road zigzags through the woods, trees fill the sides of the road making everything so green and luscious. It's beautiful. Who would have thought this place existed just a few a hours outside of Seoul? God I love Korea.

We don't talk for a while. The elephant in the room is definitely making things awkward. We had a good time hiking that was a fact. We were so distracted that we didn't feel the need to talk about last night's confessions during the hike. Now, however we are stuck in a car together for about an 1h and it is starting to be difficult to ignore the situation.

I'm unsure of how to start this conversation. I'm not the most tactful person, so I tend to be a little bit harsh while discussing sensitive topics. I really don't want to mess this up. Thankfully he is the one, who breakes the silence.

"So last night was a little intense." He says sounding unsure.

"To say the least." I reply not knowing what more to say.

"You never answered my question." He continues "Why did you asked me to come here?"

If we were going to do this, we might as well be straight forward.

"Is that the real question you want answered?" I ask.

"No." He smiles to himself before continuing "Why did you stop calling and texting me? Did I do something wrong?"

I turn my body slightly to face him. He is looking forward, his hands are gripping the steering wheel tightly, the veins in his hands protruding. His profile is beautiful, his jaw carved by the gods.

I wonder how this insanely hot man, noticed plain old me. Why he said those words last night? I just couldn't believe he could feel something for me. I'm not special, I'm just a normal person. There is nothing about me that stands out, other than my bad temper. And that my friends is not considered an attractive trait.

I take a deep breath and decide to be as honest as I can for the time being.

"I was feeling apprehensive about how things were going between us. About me starting to become too invested in this." I gesture between us. "So I decided to cut things off before it was too late. It was self-preservation, not something you did."

"Don't you feel it was already too late?" He asks after a while.

"In hindsight, yes." I admit.

"We like eachother, that's obvious. And you're going away eventually that's also obvious. Maybe we should cut it off, but I don't want to." He pauses and seems to be pondering carefully what to say next. When he finally speaks his voice sounds less confident than before. "I meant what I said last night. Did you?"

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