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For some reason the city seems quieter tonight. The light rain gently taps the window, the water droplets running down the glass making the streetlights dance. I hug my knees, resting my head on top and sigh deeply. I'm leaving tomorrow morning, my trip to Korea is coming to an end. I wish I had more days left, however my life is across the world waiting for me.

The faint sound of the hair dryer, comes to a halt. Jungkook gracefully comes out of the bathroom with his hair now dried. His puffy hair, bounces as his walks towards me.

So cute.

"Hey." he speaks softly joining me in the window nook. He sits across from me, keeping some distance.

"Hey." I whisper looking into his beautiful brown eyes that are now full of sadness. Silence falls between us, both us not sure what to say.

"This sucks!" he sighs frustrated, running his hands through his soft locks.

The sadness that covers his face, makes my heart shatter. He is hurting and it is because of me. He doesn't deserve this, he is such a kind and gentle person.

I have had this idea floating around my mind for the last couple of days and as much as it pains me, it is the best for him.

"Tomorrow I want to go to the airport alone. It is better if we say our goodbyes here at the hotel." I announce.

"You don't need to worry about me, I already made arrangements to be there without anyone noticing so..." he explains.

"That's not it." I interrupt. "It's better for the both of us if we just say goodbye here."

"But we agreed to spend as much time as possible together up until your flight." he mumbles confused.

I look away to the streets, I can't go through with it if I'm staring into those eyes. In all fairness, what I'm going to say is entirely true.

"I just don't think I can't get on that plane with you there." I voice still looking away. "I need to get on that plane, Jungkook."

"Come here." he sighs and pulls me into his lap. He is so warm, I quickly snuggle against the crook of his neck. I pull him as close as possible and he does the same.

"I hate this." I whisper.

"Me too. I'm sorry it has to be this way." he confesses.

I don't know how long we sit there, just holding each other. I just don't want to let him go. I got to attached to him, I knew I eventually had to go back, but I just got sucked in.

I never felt this way about a guy, I kept telling myself that it was the fact that we had an expiration date that made me feel like this. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I just know that right now I felt like shit.

"I wish you lived here." he sniffles.

I sit back and look at his gorgeous face, his eyes are twinkling from the tears that are starting to form. It breaks my heart seeing him like this.

"You have so much going on for the next months, you will busy preparing for the comeback." I smile trying to sound positive. "So don't worry after a few weeks you won't even remember I exist."

"Don't say that!" He snaps furrowing his brow. "How can you say that?"

"Jungkook, I was just joking. I'm sorry." I reply apologetically, taken aback by his sudden burst of anger.

He looks down and grabs my left hand, his long fingers tracing the tattoo that is a twin to his. When he speaks it is barely audible.

"Remember what I told you the day we did this?" he asks.

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