1.Helpful hand

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the Triplets are 16 and you are 18

Pepa. you think of her as the most beautiful girl in town. her auburn hair and green eyes are just enchanting. you always watch her from a far and get nervous when she's near. your mami runs a vegetable stand in town and you usually help her. today is no different.

you are so use to the oldest madrigal triplet coming to shop for the week. she's the most mature and well Pepa and Bruno usually end up arguing which vegetables are better and shopping never gets done.

Your mom leaves you running the stand so she can sit down. she at the moment is pregnant so you take the responsibility of the stand.

"hi (y/n). Juli is busy so i'm buying today. i got Bruno to go do something. " you hear an angelic voice say

you drop the book you was reading and mentally slap yourself. you lost your page.

"oh uh yeah.. what uh can i.. the regular?" you ask nervous

you don't know that Pepa thinks you being nervous is actually really cute.  she chuckles and nods. you make sure you get the best vegetables and put it in the bag Pepa is holding.

"thank you"

she hands you the money and when your hands touch it's like electricity, well literally because Pepa got nervous and shocked your hand.

"oww" you hold your hand

"shit i'm so sorry" Pepa said

your mom comes over.

"mami i tried to hit a bee and it stung me.  Pepa is taking me to Julieta to heal. i'll be right back. "

you hurry out so she doesn't see your hand and Pepa holds your arm and pulls you to her sister.

"uh Juli.. i accidentally shocked (y/n)" she tells Julieta

Julieta gives you an arepa and you eat it. your hand instantly feels better

"gracias Julieta. "

"you're welcome." she smiles at you.

"well uh I better go help my mami... Pepa you look really nice with your hair braided" you blush and rush off

Pepa blushes and the day gets warmer.

"you like him?"

"shhh Juli" Pepa said looking to make sure you wasn't around.

Julieta laughs and goes back to helping people.

You are helping your mom and she smiles at you.

"you know i noticed the way you look at her" your mom said

"i don't know what you are talking about " you lie blushing

"are we really going to play this game mijo? well then I guess I just have to watch and see what happens between you two." she kisses your cheek

you help customers for the rest of the day and your mom leaves early since she's tired so it's your job to close up. after a few minutes you are about to head home. everyone is mostly gone but you hear people chase someone into an alley way.

"please don't!" you hear.

you run into action to see what's going on. you see the youngest Madrigal triplet on the ground and some guys kicking him.

"that's for telling my girlfriend her fish would die!"

You pull the two guys away from him. one guy goes and hits you in the eye. you don't back down and you kick him hard. Bruno watches you shocked someone other than his sisters are sticking up for him.

"fuck off you idiots!" you shout

you end up beating them both up and they run off before you can really hurt them. you walk over to the small teen and help him up.

"you okay Bruno?" you ask

"i uh think so just a little bruised.. thank you" he said.

"hey no problem. nobody should be bullied. let me walk you home to make sure you get there okay. " you smile at the younger boy

you walk with him back to casita. Alma is in the front waiting since Bruno hasn't come home yet.

"Brunito.. what happen to you ?" she rushes over seeing a bruise on her son's face.

"some guys tried to jump me. thankfully (y/n) was around. he got the guys off me. he saved me" Bruno tells alma as she's looking him over

she turns to you

"(y/n) dios you are bleeding and bruised. come in come in. thank you for helping my son. " she said.

you try to object saying you are fine but she drags you inside anyway.

"Julieta!" she shouts

Julieta and Pepa rush out the kitchen together. they first see Bruno and Pepa gets a cloud over her head and thunder goes off. nobody hurts her baby brother.

"what happen?" Julieta ask

"guys tried to hurt him but I stepped in. " you said

they notice you and Pepa thunders seeing your bruises and the cut that's now on your eye. it's now pouring outside. Julieta takes you and Bruno to the kitchen and give you both an arepa. you thank Julieta before eating it. you don't notice the green eyed girl watching you from the door way.

"don't worry those two look worse than us. " you flash a smile

"two visits in one day. my siblings will be the death of you " Julieta whispers in your ear

"i wouldn't mind." you whisper back

Julieta couldn't help but laugh. jealousy hits Pepa seeing that but she won't make a fuss with you there.

"well i better go before my parents worry. thank you again. have a good night."

you rush off so your mom doesn't worry and send your dad to go find you.

Pepa turns to her sister when she's sure you're gone.

"what was that!?" she shouts

"Pepa" Alma walks over hearing her shout

"what Pepa?"

"don't act dumb. you was flirting with him! you know i like him" she thunders.

Lightning hits near Julietas feet

"Pepa! you can't hurt your sister. " Alma said stern

Pepa  screams and then stomps off. she knows she maybe over reacting but she can't help it.

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now