27.Dolores's gift

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Today is the big day. Dolores will get her gift. you are helping make sure the decorations look nice. you feel a strong wind.

"oh my baby's day has to be perfect, oh god what if something goes wrong" you hear Pepa say to herself.

"mi vida clear skies clear skies" you said and walk to her.

you grab her hands and make her look at you. she relaxes and looks in your eyes. the wind stops and she smiles small

"you always know how to keep me calm" she said

"always" you said and kiss her cheek.

"nothing will go wrong.. right?" Pepa ask needing the reassurance

you nod.

"our beautiful angel will get her gift and everything will be fine. It will be amazing like her. " you said smiling.

Pepa takes a deep breath and nods. silently hoping it won't be a burden like hers.

"Go get Dolores ready and i will make sure everything is perfect. " you said smiling.

she nods and you kiss her gently before you let her walk off. you smile watching her. you smile as you pass the door that'll soon be claimed by your baby girl. worry hits you when you think of all the struggles Pepa goes through with her own gift.

"clear skies" you mumble to yourself.

you make sure all the decorations are ready and smile at Isabela as she helps with flowers.

"good job. you did amazing" you said smiling at your niece.

"thank you tio (y/n)" she said smiling.

you kiss the top of her head and go check on Pepa and Dolores.

"but mami I don't want that bow " you hear a whine

you walk in and see Pepa trying to convince Dolores to put on a white bow today instead of her usual red one.

"Pepi let her have the red one today. it's her day after all" you said

you put the red bow in Dolores hair

"there.. my beautiful girl" you said and kiss her cheek

Dolores smiles up at you. In your eyes Dolores deserves the world and anything she wants. Pepa can't help but smile at you two. you are everything she wished she had in a father. 

"Mami do i look pretty?" Dolores ask looking at Pepa

"you look absolutely beautiful princesa" she said and kisses all over Dolores cheek

she giggles. you and pepa get her to her spot behind the curtain.

"oh my baby" Pepa tears up.

you swat the rain cloud away

"mi vida you are going to wet her up" you said and peck her lips

"i'm sorry. clear skies" she said

"clear skies mami this is going to be great" Dolores said smiling up at Pepa

Pepa wipes her eyes and smiles down at her and nod.

"we'll be at your door. we love you" you tell Dolores

"i love you papi. i love you mami" Dolores said smiling

you and Pepa wait by the door holding hands. After Alma's speech about the miracle the curtain moves revealing Dolores. Dolores looks around at everyone in town. she takes a deep breath.

you watch your little girl make her way up to the door. you feel Pepa grip your hand tighter. you kiss the side of her head to keep her calm.

"Do you promise to use your gift to strengthen our home and help your community?" Alma ask her youngest grand daughter

Dolores nods as she holds the candle. Alma smiles at her and moves to the side. You watch Dolores grab the door knob. her door lights up and on her door is an image of an older dolores with her hands near her ears. some people cheer seeing the door light up.

Dolores puts her hands on her ears and starts to cry. you and Pepa run to her side.

"i hear everything. it's too loud. it hurts " Dolores sobs.

"i'll take her outside " you tell Pepa.

you pick Dolores up and rush her outside. she cries covering her ears and you walk into the woods till you get to the outskirts of town. Dolores slowly uncovers her ears.

"it's quieter here. " she said.

you sit on the ground and put your ruana around her so she doesn't get cold.

"papi got you " you whisper.

she snuggled into your chest

"it was a lot at once huh?" you ask softy

she nods. you point out the different constellations to her and she smiles.

"you're my hero papi" she said

"oh yeah?" you ask

she nods.

"you protect me and love me.. that's what heroes do. like in your stories. " she said

you smile and nod.

"ready to head back? i bet mami is worried" you said

she nods and you carry her back home. on the way back she fell asleep and you sigh in relief. at least she can rest a bit. once you get back to casita Pepa is waiting outside

"is she okay?" she ask

you nod.

"she got really scared since she heard everything at once. " you explain

"this is all my fault. we shouldn't have had her touch the door. she's cursed like me " Pepa said and a cloud gets big over her head.

"hey it's not your fault. there has to be good in this. how about we get her to bed and talk more " you said

"she's sleeping with us tonight. my baby. " Pepa said

you two head to the room and you let pepa change Dolores into her pajamas while she sleeps.

"you are an amazing mother Pepa.. Dolores is lucky to have you. " you said

"oh mi sol what kind of mother can't protect her own child" she sighs.

she puts a bonnet on Dolores hair carefully not to wake her.

"hey you are a great mom. it's not your fault what happened. she will get use to her gift. she's an amazing little girl. she's so smart and you will see how good her gift will be. " you said

you kiss Pepa softly and she seems to calm down.

"how do you do it?" she ask

"so what?" you ask

"always know the right things to say. " she said

"i don't know.. i guess i just do. " you smile.

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