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(this is like a week after the last part. also this comment from last post that's going to be featured is from @BlackStone1401 )

 also this comment from last post that's going to be featured is from @BlackStone1401 )

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You are currently trying to sneak up on Dolores and Pepa. you know Dolores can hear you coming so you are trying to scare Pepa. it's something you like to do sometimes. Pepa would sometimes smack your arm but it's worth it.

you are right behind Pepa and ready to pounce. Dolores eyes widen and she pulls Pepa away and stands in your way with her arms spread to block you.

"Papi no you'll hurt the baby" she said scared

Both you and Pepa are confused. what baby?

"what baby?" Pepa ask looking at Dolores

"the one here" she said and points to Pepa's stomach

"i hear another heart beat in you" she adds

you see Pepa tear up. you smile at her.

"Mami are you sad?" Dolores ask

"no mi amor mami is really happy. " Pepa said and kisses Dolores head.

"I get to be a big sister " Dolores said smile

"si but we have to keep this as a secret for now okay? mami and papi want to make sure the baby gets stronger before we tell anyone." you said squatting down to her level

"but why?" Dolores ask

"well Lola sometimes babies don't get to leave their mami's tummy and they go to heaven because they aren't ready to be on earth. so heaven becomes their home. " Pepa tried to explain

"not this baby. the baby is going to come and live in casita with us. I'll listen everyday to their little heart" Dolores said

Pepa cries on how sweet Dolores is and Dolores hugs her not caring abo her getting wet.

"i love you Lola so much" Pepa says to the young girl

"i love you more" Dolores said smiling and she wipes Pepa's tears

Pepa smiles and a rainbow forms over her head. Dolores kisses Pepa's cheek happy to see her mom smiling.

"let's get you changed my wet Princesa" you said and pick up Dolores.

she smiles at you and you take her to her room. you help her pick out an outfit and you help her change. you grab her hair stuff so you can fix it.

"papi can i ask mami to fix my hair?" she ask

"you don't want Papi to do it?" you ask

"not today. This way mami and i can spend time together. " she said

you nod and you both go to your room. Pepa already changed. she smiles as Dolores asks for her help. you watch the two as Pepa sings softly as she does Dolores's hair. you love your girls so much.

you kiss both their cheeks before going downstairs. you see Agustin playing piano with Luisa on his lap and she's giggling watching him play. you walk over.

"hey Gus. hello Luisa. " you say smiling at them

Luisa sees you and puts her hands up to you. Agustin hands her to you. you smile and carry her.

"how's my beautiful niece?" you ask

"good Tio. can i help you with anything?" she ask

"well I need a super smart girl name Luisa to read a new book i wrote about a donkey tamer" you said smiling at her

"that's me" she said happily

you take her and get the book. she takes it and runs off. this makes you chuckle. she's so smart. you love your family so much.  you go and get the door when you hear it. there is Kelly and her now wife Lily.

"(y/n) hey. we came to share some news " Kelly said smiling

"come in come in" you said

they come in smiling big. Pepa comes down with Dolores. Dolores smiles big seeing the two women.

"tia Kelly! Tia Lily!" Dolores smiles and runs over.

"i heard you two coming.. congratulations. " she whispers to Kelly

"thank you mi sobrina" Kelly said

"it Juli here?" Lily ask

"kitchen" you said

you all go in the kitchen and see Julieta and Agustin.Kelly and Lily tell them hello.

"so what's the news?" you ask

"we are.. adopting " they said smiling big

you all congratulation them. Kelly and Lily are like sisters to you and you are happy they are starting a family.

"so do you know what age ?" Pepa asks

"a little boy he's 6 just a bit older than Isa and Loli. " Lily said

"his name is Bubo. so he's going to be Bubo Marquez" Kelly said smiling

"we are so happy for you two" you said

you all hear shouting and you see Dolores cover her hears.

"abuela is mad at Tio Bruno. she doesn't want him with some woman" Dolores said

"i'll take her on a walk" Pepa said to you before leading Dolores outside for a walk

you hope bruno is okay. you have to make sure you check on him later tonight.

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now