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you and Agustin just finished up fixing the nursery. you set up your baby's crib while Agustin set up his. just like Dolores and Isabela you two are having your kids share the nursery again.

"so did you two come up with a name yet ?" you ask after you put a stuff animal in your baby's crib.

"I think we'll have one when we see the baby" he said smiling at the crib he built and only hurt himself once.

"can't believe our babies are sharing a room again" you said smiling

"yeah. guess we will always be team girl" Agustin said

you nod in agreement. Julieta asked Bruno to check if they was having a girl again so you know you all will be team girl. you can't wait to meet your new baby. Pepa can give birth any day now.

"Papi! mami needs help. " Dolores said running in the room

you can see the scared look on her face. you know it's something important.

"what's wrong Lola? where's mami?" you ask concern

"she's in the front of casita. she said to get you because her water broke" Dolores tells you.

you hear thunder and rush outside. you see Pepa holding her stomach and a cloud over her head as she's in obvious pain. you rush over to your wife and know she's trying hard not to mess up the weather but clouds are beginning to fill the sky.

"help me inside" Pepa said and you can hear the pain in her voice.

you hold her and help her upstairs with casita's help.

"ugh someone get this little girl out of me " Pepa said

Julieta walks in the room as you get Pepa to lay down.

"where my tia?" you ask

"she's helping another lady in town so i'm going to deliver my niece " Julieta said

"you okay doing that pregnant?" you ask looking at her bump

"(y/n) delivering a baby won't be hard to do pregnant." Julieta said

you nod just worried. you do your best at keeping Pepa calm.

"just making sure you'd be okay also" you said

Julieta gives you a small smile before turning her attention to her sister.

"okay Pepa i'm going to need you to do a nice big push when you feel a contraction okay?" Julieta said

she nods and pushes when she feels a contraction.

"you are doing so good" Julieta said

"yeah you are doing good mi vida" You agree

"you shut up. all your kids end up with your big head " Pepa said in pain

you stay quiet knowing she's just in pain and doesn't mean anything she says. Pepa at this point has been pushing for a good 2 hours. you look to see if you can see the baby and smile as you see the top of the baby's head.

"she's got a lot of hair " you said

after a few more minutes of pushing you see Pepa is getting really tired.

"if you can give one good push i can pull her out by the shoulders." Julieta said

Pepa nods and grips your hand extra hard you think you heard it crack.  you bite your lip so you don't scream for the pain of your now broken hand. she pushes and you two hear a cry. Julieta is looking down at the baby with wide eyes.

"what's wrong?" you ask

Pepa's head shoots up to look at her sister.

"is she okay?" Pepa ask and a cloud goes over her head.

"umm... she .. has a penis" Julieta said

she hands the baby over to Pepa who's equally shocked.

"so Camila is actually Camilo" you said shocked

you look at Pepa who's smiling down at the baby boy.

"he's beautiful " she says happily.

"yeah he is" you said

"looks like mami has to fix the blanket that says camila " Julieta said

you nod in agreement. guess you are going to have to buy a lot of new clothes since you two got a bunch of dresses.

you hear Pepa gasp as she sees your hand.

"oh mi sol i'm so sorry" she said

you look down at your now swollen hand that you can't move without pain.

"it's okay mi girasol i'm okay. " you said

"i'll get an arepa " Julieta said

she kisses her sister on the head and walks out.

"are you mad at me?" Pepa asked

"no never. it's okay for real. you did so good giving birth. " you tell her.

"but" she starts

"it's okay Julieta will give me an arepa and it's all fine. we have a beautiful baby boy and that's all that matters. " you said

you hear a soft knock on the door and in walks Dolores.

"that's the baby?" she ask curious

"si. come meet your baby brother Camilo" Pepa said

"i thought he was suppose to be a girl " she said

"well we thought so too but it's a boy" you said trying to understand her reaction.

Dolores stares at him for a little bit. Pepa looks nervous thinking Dolores will be upset. Dolores smiles big at you both.

"i love him" she said

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now