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You and Pepa have been head over heels when it comes to Dolores. Every smile, every giggle makes your heart melt. she is your pride and joy and you both want to enjoy as much time with her as you can. sure you two want another baby but are scared to try. you are both fine with giving Dolores everything. Dolores and Isabela are both 1 and you love to watch them interact.

"and the magic princesses ruled all of encanto" Bruno said as he is acting out a story he made up to tell the girls before bedtime.

the girls giggle watching him in awe. They love their Tio Bruno so much. you feel arms around your waist and you smile at Pepa. she kisses your cheek and you hold her body close to you

"think i can steal you for a second?" Pepa whispers in your ear.

you nod and follow her to the front of the house. you smile small as you see Fireflies going around.

"everything okay?" you ask

"yes i just wanted a second with you alone. " she said smiling at you.

you smile big and hug her.

"i love you " you said

"i love you more mi amor" she said.

you hug her and she holds on to you.

"you know i wanted to ask you something" she said

"anything mi vida" you said

"maybe we can enjoy Dolores a bit before we think of more kids" she said

you nod agreeing with her.

"that sounds perfect. that way she gets all the attention she needs. " you said

"yeah and i don't know if we will be able to have another baby.." Pepa looks down and you notice the cloud and push it

"hey we have a beautiful little girl. if we aren't able to have another we can always adopt... okay?" you said

"you promise?" she ask

you nod your head

"Good because i want at least 2 more " she said smiling at you.

"it would be nice to have a boy " you smile

she nods

"then our little family would be complete. a girl and a boy. " Pepa smiles fantasizing.

you kiss her cheek and you both go inside.

"papiii" Dolores squeals heading to you

you chuckle and pick her up

"Lola my perfect girl" you said and kiss her cheek

Pepa can't help but smile at you two. it's clear Dolores is the biggest papi's girl but she also loves to go to Pepa when she's sleepy or need extra soothing.

Dolores plays with your ear as she lays her head on your shoulder. its always been a thing that she did that seems to keep her calm.

"i love you" you tell your daughter.

she giggles then kisses your nose. she notices Pepa and her eyes light up.

"mami mami " she reaches out

you hand her to Pepa who smiles big. a rainbow appears and it makes Dolores more excited. Dolores admires the rainbow for a bit before yawning. Pepa smiles as Dolores lays her head on her.

"someone is ready for bed. " Pepa said.

Pepa tells you she'll put Dolores to be tonight. you nod and head up to your room. you decide to light some candles and make it all romantic while you wait for your beautiful wife. you smile and get out some oil since you decide to give her a massage.

after a few minutes you hear the door open.  you look and smile at Pepa's reaction. she's shocked and has a smile on her face

"what's all this?" she asks

"well you have done so much my beautiful wife that i want to spoil you" you smirk

she walks over

"you always spoil me though "

"so you don't want a massage?" you ask raising an eyebrow

"I never said that. please massage me " she said

you smile and help her undress and you warm the oil in your hands.  when she lays down you start to work your magic.

"oh god your hands are amazing. " Pepa sighs happily.

"it knows every inch of your body" you said smirking.

you love to massage Pepa and help get her stress out even though you help her with her stress in other ways... adult fun time.

"shit right there amor" Pepa said as you massage a knot that's on her back

"I need to massage you more often. you shouldn't ever have a knot" you frown.

you work the knot out her back and just gently massage her. after a few minutes you hear some light snores. you look and smile seeing Pepa asleep. you cover her up and make sure the candles are off. you climb in next to her and pull her close. she instantly cuddles into your chest and you can't help but smile.

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now