33. Dolores's problem

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You are in your office space trying to come up with a new book. you groan frustrated and put your head on the table.  you can't come up with any ideas. you don't know what to even write. sure you are making money off your other books but you aren't writing for the money you are writing to entertain and inspire. you hear the door open and you look and see Dolores. Just by the look on her face you can tell something is wrong.

"hey what's going on?" you ask quietly

Dolores walks over and tears just start rolling down her face. you pull her on your lap and she hides her face in your neck. you feel her tears and rub her back.

"hey let's go on a walk" you say and she just wraps her arms around your neck.

you take that as a yes and carry her as she hides her face in your neck. you grab your emergency bag for days she's over whelmed that you take when you two go as far from town as possible.

you grab some food from the kitchen while still holding Dolores. after that you walk quietly in the  woods. soon Dolores gets off you and holds on to your arm as you two walk.

"I love Lola " you tell her

she gently squeezes your arm. you take that as a "i love you too". you two quietly walk to the outskirts of town. you set up the blanket and Dolores sits down.

"thank you papi" she says quietly.

"anything for you " you tell her

you sit with her and give her some water. she drinks it and looks at her hands.

"I thought these girls was my friends and they did it as a prank and made fun of me." she explains

"that's not very nice. you are very awesome" you try to cheer her up.

"they think i'm some sort of freak. I hate my gift. i wish i never touched that stupid door knob" Dolores said and pulls her knees to her chest and she hugs her legs.

that breaks your heart into pieces.  you didn't know this so called "gift" will hurt your daughter. 

"oh Lola... your gift is amazing. you can do so many great things " you tell her

"oh yeah? like what?" she ask not believing you.

"well you can hear if someone is in trouble. you helped us locate that boy that got lost in the woods. " you said

"i guess i did" she said still not convinced.

"okay how about this example. you helped ease so many women by letting them know you hear their babies heart beat. especially when mami was pregnant with Camilo, you was able to let her know everyday that you heard his heart beat. Mami was so scared to lose your brother and you put her at ease. " you explain.

"she said I made the pregnancy easier on her " Dolores said smiling remembering the rainbow every time she told Pepa she heard a strong heartbeat.

"and you know when I'm having a bad day and you give me extra tight hugs" you said and pull her close.

"it makes your heart beat steady. i like the sound. " she said and puts a hand where your heart is.

"you are very amazing Lola. if those girls can't see it then it's their lost. you have your family and we will always be there for you." you smile

Dolores hugs you tight and you smile.

"thank you Papi.. for always being there when i need you" she whispers

"I will always be here for you. You, mami and Milo are the ones i love more than anything. I will protect you three with my last breath" you kiss her head.

you two eat the snacks you grabbed and joke around for a bit.

"I only know 25 letters of the alphabet. I don't know y" you joke

Dolores laughs and just shakes her head at you

"papi you are so corny" she tells you

you gasp dramatically and put a hand over your heart

"Dolores you have wounded me" you said

"papi.." she starts

you put your hand up cutting her off

"nope i am deeply offended. I am not corny, i am very funny" you said

"you have old man humor" she said

"old man... I'll show you an old man" you said

you start to climb a tree near by.

"papi that's not a good idea" Dolores said

"oh please I've climbed tons of trees in my life. Tio Agustin and I use to race up the trees and I always won. " you said

"Papi careful" Dolores said worried

you climb a little more and the branch you grabbed breaks.  you fall and Dolores covers her mouth scared that she can't make any sound. she rushed over and you groan holding your arm. 

"your arm it's broken" Dolores said scared.

"it's okay... let's get home. Tia Julieta can help" you said through the pain

you don't want to show how much pain you are in and scare Dolores. she helps you back to Casita apologizing for calling you old and corny.

"it's okay Lola. Papi is invincible" you said

she rolls her eyes at you.

"i heard the crack" she tells you.

"just help me to your tia without your mami finding out" you said

"well that's going to be kind of hard when she's talking with Tia in the kitchen" Dolores said

you sigh and know Pepa is going to be scared and mad. you head to the kitchen.

"uh Juli can i get an arepa please. " you said

both women stop their conversation and turn to you and Dolores.

"what happened to you?" Pepa ask rushing over

"uh.. nothing?" you say but it sounds more like a question

she turns to Dolores who looks down


"si mami" she said not looking up

"what happened to your papi?" she ask with her arms crossed

"uh.." Dolores said

"tell me or else you are both grounded.. (y/n) you know what kind of grounding you get" Pepa said

you know that means no "adult fun" for a week.

"i fell out a tree" you say

"Papi fell out a tree" Dolores says at the same time looking at Pepa.

"you can go to your room Lola. " Pepa said

she looks at you as if she is mad. Dolores hurries off. Julieta gives you an arepa and Pepa tells you how dumb that was. after she scolds you she gives you kisses.

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