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(12inchMeglaDik  @tenzwills got the comments from the last part)

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(12inchMeglaDik @tenzwills got the comments from the last part)

You and Pepa have now been married for 4 months. Agustin and Julieta just got married about 2 months ago. You and Agustin got Bruno to talk to a girl he likes and they seem to be close to dating.

You wake up with Pepa cuddled up to you and you smile. you push the hair out her hair and just watch her. she buries her face deeper in your chest.

"mi girasol" you said

"hm?" she said against your chest

"oh so you are up" you said chuckling

"5 more minutes" she mumbles

"you can stay sleeping. i just need to use the bathroom" you said and try to get her off

she grips on to you tight.

"no" she said

"i have to pee" you said

she groans and lets you go. the moment you get up she steals your pillow. you put on a robe and go to the bathroom. when you come out you bump into Agustin

"aye sorry Gus" you said

"it's okay. " he smiles

"you look extra happy today" you said

"oh i do? hm maybe you'll find out later" he said before going in the bathroom.

you confused just go back to the room. you get changed for the day and feel someone watching.

"take a picture it will last longer" you said not even looking as you put on a shirt

"i should" pepa said sitting up holding the sheets to cover her chest

you face her and just take in her beauty.

"i still won't get over the fact that i have the sexiest woman as my wife" you said and walk over

Pepa blushes and you kiss her. she kisses back and you smile in the kiss. you pull away and let Pepa get ready for breakfast. you see Pepa looking in the mirror and sigh

"what's wrong mi vida?" you ask

"do you.. do you think we'll ever get pregnant?" she ask

you go behind Pepa and hug her with your hands on her stomach.

"yes i do... i know we've been trying since our wedding and haven't been successful but i know we will have a baby.  we just have to be patient" you said and kiss the side of her head

"would you leave me if we can't have a baby?" she ask and a cloud goes over her head

you turn her to face you and hold her face so she's looking at you.

"hey i will never ever leave you, okay. if we never have a baby and just play tia and tio then i'm fine with that. if we have to adopt i'm also fine with that. I love you so much mi vida. " you said

Pepa cries into your chest and you just rub her back. you both get soaked but you don't care. you hum a song as you rub her back. soon Pepa stops crying and just lays her head on your chest.

"i wrote a childrens book of our love story.. the publisher approved it. i'm going to read it to you later" you said

"after breakfast please" she said

you nod

"anything you want" you said

you both head down for breakfast.

"how are you and cecilia?" you whisper in Bruno's ear

"great" he said smiling

you can't help but be happy for Bruno. you pull out Pepa's chair and she smiles at you. you peck her lips then sit with her.

"it seems everyone is in a good mood" Alma points out.

"im going on a walk later" bruno said happy

"good. you can use some time outside and not cooped up in your room.. any other news?" Alma said

"i got a new book published.. it's a childrens book about me and pepa's love story" you said

"aw that's wonderful!" Alma said smiling

"that means you can read it to our baby " Agustin said

"what?" you said looking at Agustin and Julieta

"i'm pregnant" Julieta said smiling

"oh a new generation! felicidades" Alma said smiling big

you see the look on pepa's face and squeeze her hand.

"i get to be a tia" Pepa said forcing a smile.

she then excuses her self and goes upstairs. you mumble an excuse me and go upstairs. you go in the room and Pepa is laying down hugging the bear you two got with the day she found out about the baby and the day she lost it.

"hey.." you said and sit by her

"I don't feel good today. I just want to sleep" she said

"okay so we'll lay down together" you said and take your shoes off

"no" she said

"no?" you ask confused

"I just want to be alone." she said pulling the blanket over her.

you get up and grab the book you wrote and sit by her.

"once there was a girl with bright eyes and an even brighter smile. her mood affected the weather. it was a gift she was afraid of at times... there was a boy in town who admired her from afar. He was enchanted by her laugh and wanted to get to know her. " you start to read

Pepa peeks from under the covers.

"the boy's knees felt like jelly when she would smile his way. He worked up the courage to ask her on a date. a beautiful dinner with the girl of his dreams. " you said

Pepa couldn't help but smile.

"she was a ball of emotions and he loved it. He vowed to stay by her side through rain, snow, sunshine and whatever weather would come their way. emotions come in all forms and it's okay. when he can make her smile he feels it get warmer, when she's having a rough day with a cloud above her head he vowed to be by her side and when she's mad and thundering he won't go anywhere. her moods will never scare him away" you continue

Pepa comes out from under the covers and lays next to you looking at the artwork.

"The boy knew he had to do something special to show the girl he loved her. she was his sunflower and he was her sunshine. He got on one knee and asked her to make him the happiest man alive by marrying him. she said yes. " he said smiling

"The had a beautiful wedding that was unforgettable. that joyous day the boy knew he couldn't ever be without the girl. they lived happily ever after. The end" you said

Pepa kisses your cheek after you close the book.

"i love you" she said

"i love you too... we won't stop trying for a baby i promise" you said

she holds out her pinky and you smile wrapping yours around hers.

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now