21.it was my wedding day

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it was a beautiful day. no clouds in the sky. everything was going to be perfect. you are all ready and you see Alma coming out with umbrellas

"what's going on?" you ask

"Bruno said to pepa it looks like rain" she said

you see clouds coming in and hear thunder. Pepa must be nervous.

"it's okay it will still be a magical day" you said smiling.

everyone is waiting on Pepa and you hear the music play. you tear up when you see her. in that moment it starts to rain. you hold Pepa's hand.

"it's okay to feel things. i don't care about the rain" you whisper in her ear since you see her nervous face as she cries.

"we are gathered here today for the holy matrimony between these two love birds!" the pastor shouts over the rain

"oh God " Pepa mumbles

"Pepa i love you in rain, snow, earth quake and sunshine. you are my other half and my everything! i promise to love you for the rest of our lives and take care of you! " you shout and a hurricane starts

"I love you (y/n) thank you for being my whole world and bestfriend. You make me happier than anything else! I promise to be the perfect wife and love you with everything i have" pepa shouts back

you two exchange rings.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Husband and Wife!" the pastor shouts

your two kiss and the weather starts to clear up. people cheer. everyone goes and changes since they are soaked and Alma makes sure the party is ready inside Casita.

you help Pepa out her dress so she can change into something else. you change into your back up suit. she smiles at you

"we are married" she said

"yes we are. now i'm a madrigal" you said smiling

"Mr and Mrs Madrigal.... I like it"Pepa said

you peck her lips smiling.

"ready to keep up with my amazing dance moves?" you ask pulling her close

"hmm maybe i'm more excited for your.. other moves" she said

You chuckle and stare into her enchanting eyes.

"i'm so lucky to marry you. I love you so much" you said keeping eye contact

"i love you way more" she said smiling

"no way " you said and kiss her forehead

you two smile at each other. there is a knock on the door. you two move apart and you answer it.

"you two ready?" Julieta ask as she's holding Agustin's hand.

"yes we are. " you said

you told your hand out to Pepa and she smiles.

"let's dance the night away" you said

you two head down and hear everyone cheer congratulations. you smile and people come over and say their separate congrats to you two.

"dance with me" Tomas said looking up at Pepa.

she smiles.

"well excuse me while i dance with my handsome brother" she tells you

she holds hands with Tomas and you smile.

"you have a great wife. " your dad said

you smile at him

"thank you" you said

you watch Pepa dance with your brother and they smile and laugh together. you can't help but be happy. You see Alma standing on the side watching. so you walk over.

"may i have this dance?" you ask smiling holding out your hand

"oh i don't dance" Alma said

"oh come on ma everyone dances. " you flash her a smile

she smiles and takes your hand. you dance with her and out the corner of your eye you see Felix talking to Pepa. you trust her so you focus on dancing with Alma.

over where Pepa and Felix are he ask her to dance. a slow song comes on.

"i-i don't know" Pepa said

"look he's dancing with your mother. i don't think he will mind" Felix points out

Pepa looks and you are slow dancing with Alma and talking to her.

"okay fine " Pepa agrees

she dances with Felix.

"you know i almost objected. " Felix said low in her ear

"Felix.. you know i love (y/n)" she said

he sigh

"i know.. i just.. i wonder what would happen if i asked you out first. You are an amazing woman Pepa" Felix said

"well i guess he just beat you to it" Pepa said

"if you ever get a divorce let me know.. i better get going. your brother is glaring" Felix said looking at Bruno

"goodbye Felix" she said

Bruno walks over when Felix leaves.

"are you okay?" he ask

"yeah.. he just wanted a dance" Pepa said watching Felix

Bruno knew she wasn't okay. Pepa shoos a cloud that was forming

"clear skies clear skies" she mumbles to herself

Bruno hugs her which surprises her. she hugs back enjoying the embrace with her little brother.

"i love you Pepa " Bruno said

"I love you too bearer of bad news" Pepa said in a joking way

Bruno chuckles and kisses her cheek.

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